The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 211: Securing an Escort

Chapter 211: Securing an Escort

I refuse.

Mia declined my offer.

The place is the usual inn we use as the meeting place.

Well, of course, she would refuse. She was originally tracking Grimoire to the Empire. Right now, she already finished what she set out to do. The rest is up to Leo after all.

Thats why there is neither reason for Mia to stay in the Empire nor to cooperate with me anymore.

So its no good huh?

If Grimoire is not involved then I have no reason to get involved either. Moreover, if I have to act as an escort for someone at the castle then I will have to disguise my identity. I will be in trouble if I get caught.

Even if you are the Chivalrous Thief, you are still a thief huh. Its true that it might be dangerous long as you stay in the Imperial Capital, the danger will come to you anyway, you know?

I am leaving tomorrow.

Mia said so and showed me her small amount of luggage.

However, Mia still doesnt know.

How do you intend to head back to the Dominion?

? I will just ride back on a carriage like usual.

The carriage service will be closed. At the moment, there is a dispute in the north so you have no way to leave the Imperial Capital you know?

Th, then, I will head back on foot!

There is a criminal organization who just abducted the Saint. The border patrol will be considerably stricter than usual. How do you plan to sneak past them?

Th, that isif a prince writes me a letter of safe passage

I have no reason to go that far for you. Its too risky for me to get involved with a thief after all.

I crushed Mias hopeful thinking immediately.

Hearing that, Mia turned visibly panicked.

I, I got done in by my own words

I wont stop you if you choose to remain here in the capital but if you get discovered I will not cover for you.

The world of men is so ruthless

I bitterly smiled at Mia who dejected dropped her shoulders.

After all, Mia has no choice but to cooperate with me. This situation leaves her no other choice.

Alright. I will ask you againwill you be willing to act as an escort at the castle?

.I refuse. The succession war is the Empires internal affair. It should be someone from the Empire to do something about it.

That is correct. But what would you do if I tell you that the Dominion is also involved?

I dont understand what you mean?

I am recruiting your help because in the worst-case scenario there is a possibility of a rebellion. Moreover, it will happen along with invasion from other countries as well.

Would someone really cause a rebellion in conjunction with other countries invasion?

Its true. The abduction of the Saint might be a diversion. Thanks to that, the defense of the Empire has become considerably weakened. Taking control of the Imperial Capital, breaking through the borders. Those things are quite possible now. This is no longer the issue of the Empire alone.

.a civil war and outside invasion. At worst, the Empire will collapse.

Thats how it is. I want your help to prevent that. I am not saying that you should help me for free. I will give you an appropriate reward for the task.

Saying so, I put a coin on the table.

Seeing that, Mia frowned.

I would be troubled if you think that I am someone who would act on money alone. Even like this, I am the Chivalrous Thief you know! Money is..EHHHHHHH!!? ISNT THAT A RAINBOW COIN!!??

Surprised, Mia picked up the rainbow coin I placed on the table.

The rainbow coin, the highest grade of the imperial currency, is a rare coin that is used only by the uppermost class of the Empire. It has considerable creditworthiness on the continental scale so their value doesnt change much in other countries.

Mia has been robbing various villainous nobles of the Dominion as the Chivalrous Thief but it seems that she had never seen a rainbow coin before.

I want you to be an escort for Finne von Kleinert. Unfortunately, there is currently a shortage of manpower. I need someone who can protect her in the event of a rebellion.

The Blau Mowe.I am to be the escort of the most beautiful woman in the Empire?

I can not allow the Emperors favorite to be taken hostage. Of course, if nothing happens, you can just stay by her side until the end of the festival. If they dont make a move during the festival, they will not move for a while. How about it? If you have no choice but to stay inside the capital anyway, it is not a bad thing to earn some money right?

B, B, But..rainbow coin..with only one of this, I can buy anything for the children at the orphanage.

If you accept my request, I shall guarantee your passage back to the Dominion as well. Well, if a rebellion occurs, it wont be so easy but I think that this option would be more reliable than trying to head back on your own right?

If Gordon started a rebellion, he must think that he has a good chance of winning. Considering what happened so far, the Kingdom and the United Kingdom will also be involved. If that happens, the Dominion will start to move as well.

There is no doubt that the borders defenses will tighten.

No matter how skilled Mia is, it would be difficult for someone to break through it alone.

Safe passage back, exceptional rewards, guaranteed identity. That should be a good deal for you, no? I will not force you if you say that as Vermillion, you can not get yourself involved in the succession war of the Empire but I think that if you cooperate with me, it will greatly benefit the people of the Dominion you know?

.I have one condition.

Lets hear it then.

Other nations would invade the Empire if the rebellion is successful. In other words, if the rebellion doesnt go well, the Empire might turn the tide and start a counter-invasion.

If you think on the national scale, then yes, that is the case.

At that time..if the Empire decided to launch an attack on the Dominion, please promise to ensure the safety of the citizens.

Alright. I will protect the people of the Dominion as much as I can. Do you need me to make an oath?

No, I am fine with only a verbal promise. I am sure..that if it is only a verbal promise, you will work harder for it.

Saying so, Mia knelt down and presented me her bow.

Receiving her bow, I put it back on Mias hand.

I am not a formal knight butThis Vermillion will serve you to the best of my ability. I shall dedicate this bow and my power to you, Your Highness.

(TLN: Kanji for Vermillion is [Knight of the Scarlet Moon]]

Yeah, Im glad to have you on board. Although it will only be a short time, I will be relying on you.

Hearing that, Mia stood up.

She then glanced at the rainbow coin on the table.

Its an advance payment. You can use it however you want.

Wh, what an enviable linePrinces really are rich after all.

I only give you the appropriate compensation. You are confident in your bow hand right? Are you saying that the rainbow coins worth is greater than your skill?

.the fee for hiring an SS-rank adventurer is three rainbow coins. I can not say that my skill is on par with them but I am confident in my skill.

Then its alright. This is not a bad investment after all. Now then, lets go.

U, UhhId like to request some time..I grew up in an orphanage so there are a lot of children who are like younger brothers and sisters to meif a rebellion happens, I dont think I can go out shopping with peace of mind! So, Id like some time to buy souvenirs for them!!

Seeing she put so much effort to ask for my permission, I let out a sigh.

Actually, I want her to enter the castle as soon as possible though.

Well, whatever.

Send your luggage to the castle first. If you tell them that you are a servant of Prince Arnold, they should let you in. Also, if you want to buy souvenirs for the children back home, you cant buy them with rainbow coins you know.


Theres no shop that has the changes for that after all. If you are going shopping then use this.

Saying so, I hand over the bag I had on my waist to Mia.

Receiving that, Mia slowly opens the bag.

Inside is a large amount of gold coins.

It, its shining.

You can use as much as you like. If you are buying souvenirs for children then make sure you buy something good for them.

.it seems that you have no attachment to money at all

Money is good as long as you have a need for it. Of course, you can save it up but it would be stupid to spare it when you have to use it. Buying your goodwill with only this much money is a cheap price. That is how much your bow is worth to me.

I am honored.

Saying so, Mia lowered her head to me.

With this, Finnes escort is secured.

Oh, thats right. Your cover at the castle will be that of a maid alright.


I dont want her escort to be easily spotted after all.

I, I understand that but why a maid!? Can I be a female butler instead!

Its impossible for you to be a butler. It would look too unnatural and they would suspect you. If that happens then there is no point dispatching my omnipotent butler out of the capital right.

Th, Thats right! I was curious about that too! If you expected a rebellion then you should have gathered all the people you can move at your side right!?

There is no meaning in that. They are moderately being cautious of the people around me. With Sebas at my side, they would appropriately raise their caution. I have to send him away so that they let their guard down.

Y, You sent all your escorts away just to make your opponent lower their guard?

Not entirely. In the unlikely event that the Imperial Capital is on lockdown, we need someone at Leos side who is capable of a covert operation. If he cant control the gate to the imperial capital then he cant open it after all.

I expected Sebas and Sieg to be more active in that kind of area.

The Imperial Knights and the Narbe Ritter under Elnas command should be able to crush a force several times larger than them with ease in a frontal battle. However, there is no meaning unless they can fight.

Thats why I sent someone easy-to-use to Leos side.

It is as if everything is dancing on your palm isnt it

It would be good if that is the case but unfortunately, a succession war is not like that. Well, if they are people who can only act according to my expectations then there is no need for me to come out in the first place. Leo alone is enough. It is exactly because everything wont go according to plans that we are working together. Leo has been working to protect the Empire and I have been working to protect the things that he cant protect. But this time it is the opposite. This time Leo went out there to protect only one person. Thats why I have to protect the Empire in his place.

We are not working together by doing the same thing.

We are working together so that we can compensate for the others shortcomings.

That is what we have been doing all this time.

That is our strength, something that the other candidates dont have.

So this is the [Black Twin Prince of the Empire]..

I heard Mia mutter so as I left the room.

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