The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 206: Noir

Chapter 206: Noir

Chasing after Leo, I and Elna arrived near a stable.

That stable is housing the griffons that arrived from the Kingdom.

Around the stable, the Griffon Knights were in tears.

However, in contrast with the knights, a black griffon inside the stable is acting out.


The stable is being covered with a barrier so the griffons can not break out. However, that barrier seems like it could be broken at any moment as the black griffon keeps hitting it.

This child just lost his master.he is currently mourning her, Your Highness..

The nearby Griffon Knight told us with a depressed expression.

His expression said that they share that same sadness but Leo immediately denied his words.

Thats not itright? Noir.


Noir raises its front legs and kicks the stable door as if to agree with Leo.

His violent behavior is closer to anger than sadness.

The other griffons seem to be a little upset but this griffon alone seemed to be clearly different.

Leo. Can you find her?

I dont know. But if I follow this child, I should be able to go to where Leticia is. If she is still aliveNoir should be able to find her.

Should be huh..theres no horse that can keep up with a griffon you know?

Griffons are even rarer than Flying Dragons. Among the creatures that humans can ride, they are at the top of the hierarchy.

Their speed in the sky can even surpass the Flying Dragons.

Even if it can find Leticia, its useless unless Leo can keep up with it.


Its alright. I will ride him.


No good..he really went mad

Elna holds her head and says so.

Well, I understand what she is trying to say. The people who can ride a griffon are rare even inside the Kingdom. To be selected as its rider, the griffon must recognize him first.

Hey, Leo. I dont think that griffon would let you ride him, you know?

Apparently, this child doesnt recognize anyone except Leticia you see.

I see

I inadvertently look away.

If I remember correctly, Leticia was riding on a white griffon. From the point where it doesnt let anyone ride it beside Leticia, I can see how hard to use this one is.

Well, it should be fine if he manages to straddle on its back but theres a difference in speed between a griffon with a rider and a griffon without one. Moreover, you never know which direction it will carry you if it is not under your control.

So the problem would be solved if he can straddle on and control it. The problem is that it is easier said than done.

How about you have the other Griffon Knight manage it?

This child would never recognize other knights that can already ride on another griffon. can call me an idiot, or a fool, and I might actually get carried away by the situation here but even if I am dubbed as a selfish, arrogant, or egoistic man,-I want to be the first who arrives before Leticia. I want to be the first to tell her that everything will be that strange?

Pretty much. You are probably the only guy who wants to ride a griffon with that kind of reason. Well, its only once in a while so theres no problem I guess. You doing something stupid that is.

His words didnt sound like Leo who is always serious about everything.

Leo has always prioritized others over himself. For the Empire, for the People, this time one could say that he wants to do it for Leticia but in the process, I can see his selfishness as well.

Some might say that it is not a good thing but I think that it is fine.

Being a little greedy is more like a human. Moreover, this is for the person he loves.

Thi much should be allowed for him.

The problem would be whether it will allow an idiot like you riding on its back though.

I think it will be over with you getting kicked in the face though.

I wonder about that. An idiot can be strong from times to times too you know.

Saying so, Leo smiled and opened the door to the table and headed to the black griffon.


The moment the black griffon sees Leo, it glares at him and raises its front legs to kick Leo. Leo could avoid it if he wanted to but if he does that, he would have to leave the stable.

Hating that idea, Leo took the kick head-on with his sword still sheathed.

I understand your angeryou lost your beloved master..this much is only natural.

Leos body is gradually pushed back.

Weight difference. In the first place, it is a difference in their basic physical strength. Competing in raw power, there is no way that Leo would win.

Still, Leo never steps back.

I couldnt protect herit was all my fault..but if I can still make it thenI will have you lend me your power


Its not a bad deal for you right.We are going to save Leticia together after all.

Leo is being pushed back more and more.

Elna couldnt bear it and put her hand on her sword but I stopped her.

If someone were to help him, that griffon would never accept Leo. This one is between Leo and the black griffon alone.


Its alright. He ismy proud younger brother.

Seeing that it made no progress, the black griffon retreats once.

Then, it took a little distance and charged at Leo again.

It is trying to blow him away together with the stable.

Leo took even that attack head-on. Then he clenched his teeth, endured its struggle, and shouted.


Saying so, Leo headbutt the black griffon with all his strength.

To think that he would use a headbutt. That way of attack is so unlike him.

However, it seems to work.

The black griffon retreats a few steps and glares at Leo.

However, Leo took that glare head-on and glare straight back at it.

It was the gaze of a king who doesnt allow anyone to go against him.

Seeing the resolute light in his eyes, the black griffon slowly lowers its head.

It cant bethat Noirhe is lowering his head.?

He never recognized anyone before..

The Griffon Knights around me are raising their voices in surprise.

Ignoring the knights, Leo takes Noir out from the stable and gets up on its back.


Knights! Get ready! We are heading out to rescue your master!

You have been making no sense since a while ago! Leticia-sama is already!

The Saint is still alive! Noirs behavior is proof!

H, However

Are you going to pursue this faint hope or are you going to lie down here in despair. You have two choices! Decide now! There is no time to hesitate!

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The figure of Leo who straddles the black griffon made them feel something. It is not his ability.

It is the feeling like he will accomplish something. The feeling that if they follow this person nothing could go wrong.

That was the reliability they see in the current Leo.

.Allow me to accompany you.

One Griffon Knight muttered so, and immediately ran to his griffon to begin his preparation.

Seeing that, all the Griffon Knights started to move.

They dont know all the details but they decided to move because Leos words hold that much worth.


Go. She is a saint who has saved countless people. Still, she didnt have anyone to save her. After all, there are only a few who have enough power to do that. Shes alright because she is strong, She will be fine because she is a great person. Those things are just excuses. If anyone can save her then they would do it. So go. Not as the Empires Hero, become the hero just for her. You can do that right?

Of course!

The moment Leo said that.

A lot of footsteps could be heard from behind us.

So they found us huh.

Currently, the castle is on lockdown. The Emperors order is absolute. And getting out of here means that you are going against it.

Even if you are a prince, such a thing is not allowed.

Go. I will take care of this.

..Sorry. I have done nothing but trouble you, Nii-san.

Its alright. An elder brother is there to look out for his younger brother right.

Un, Thanks. Im going.

Saying so, Leo and the Griffon Knights fly up.

Seeing that, the Imperial Knights started shouting.



Elna..can you get scolded together with me later?

Seriouslyyou two are such a troublesome sibling.

Sorry for being such a troublesome childhood friend.

Right, you two always cause troubles and I have to clean it up butI dont hate that recklessness of yours you know.

Then my bad but could you stop her for me.

-leave her to me.

Saying so, Elna immediately disappeared.

She then stood in front of the Imperial Knights who were trying to stop Leo.

Do you know the meaning of standing in my way? Elna.

Of course. Knight Commander Weitling.

Saying so, Elna stared at a beautiful woman with long straight honey-colored hair.

Her name is Alida von Weitling.

Laurents elder sister and the younger sister of Therese-aneue.

Captain of the First Imperial Knight Corp, and the Knight Commander of the Imperial Knight Order.

Let this go, Knight Commander. I will take all the responsibility.

This is not a responsibility that you can shoulder alone, Your Highness Arnold. This action is equal to declaring a rebellion against His Majesty the Emperor.

I guess so. Well, can you let me stall you here for a while? It would be tough to start pursuing them now right?

..have you made up your resolve.

Of course.

The moment I said that, two Imperial Knights appeared at my side.

There are some at Elnas side as well.

Without resisting, we were taken to Father for questioning.

This is rather convenient. The rest is whether Father will believe in my story. Well, it will depend on my words huh.

Now, lets start my battle.

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