The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 183: Excessive Force

Chapter 183: Excessive Force

Your Highness Arnold, Your Grace, the Third Imperial Knight Corp is at your service.

Umu, Good work!

Each of the Imperial Knight Corp is assigned as protective detail to each of the dignitaries.

Well, thats good and all but.

Isnt the strength concentrated too much here?

The strongest sword and the strongest shield on the continent are here after all. Even if  it was to compensate for Arnold-samas lacking, this would still be overkill.

Dont say lacking. Was it Fathers order?

Yes, His Majesty said that it should be easier for me to have my first mission after a long while with someone I am familiar with.

It will be tough on me though.

Well, its not my business.

Hearing that cold response, I sigh deeply.

If he wanted to assign her to someone she is familiar with, Leo should work just fine.its useless to think about it now huh. If she was assigned to him, two users of the sacred treasures would be at his side after all.

Since the result would be almost the same, it is probably no coincidence that Father decided to push the problem my way.

Seriously, what a troublesome father he is.

Captain Elna. Right now, you are my escort, correct?

I am Your Grace and Your Highnesss escort, yes.

In other words, you are my escort right!

..that is not wrong.

Orihime puts on a smug face and sits down on the sofa.

Seeing that, Elnas expression turned visibly displeased.

Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this so I put some distance away from Orihime.

Now Captain Elna! My shoulders are stiff!

Is that so.

Not like that! You are now my escort! You should give me a massage!

Seeing Orihimes triumph attitude, I can see Elnas veins popping and her cheeks starting to cramp.

It would be fine if Elna says that massaging her shoulder is outside the scope of her duty but Elna would never do that. Its not that she cant do it, she simply is not willing to.

The reason being, it would make her feel like she lost to Orihime.

Thanks to that, the situation goes in a complicated direction.

Understood. Then allow me to give you a massage, Your Grace.

Elna then slowly walks behind Orihime with a smile that can kill.

On the other hand, Orihime seems to be pleased to hear Elnas reply.

That might be why she didnt notice the fact that Elnas smile only deepened when she got behind her.

Will this amount of power be E-N-O-U-G-H for you?


Elna grabs Orihimes shoulders as though she was going to crush them.

I dont think that can be called a massage anymore.

Orihime went wild as her shoulders are literally being crushed but Elna only increases the strength of her grip.


The pain means that the massage is working right? Dont you know that?

I wont have a shoulder after this! You are only jealous of my chest right!? Yours wouldnt give you shoulder pain after AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!??

It seems that your shoulders are quite stiff, Your Grace! I think it would be better if I increased my strength a bit more!!

Orihimes careless comment hit Elnas nerves. She looks like a demon as she literally tries to crush Orihimes shoulders.

It would be dangerous if this keeps on going so I move in to stop her.



Hearing my voice, Elna releases Orihimes shoulders and snorts as she looks away.

Finally released from Elnas grip, Orihime half cryingly clung to my waist. hurts so muchArnold..

Yes, yes, it was because you were trying to play a prank on Elna you know.

I tiredly stroked Orihimes head to ease her.

Orihime groaning about the pain for a while after the pain subsides, she half cryingly yells at Elna.


I just gave you a shoulder massage though?


Then do you want a do-over?


When Elna started to grip her right hand, Orihime screamed and hid behind me, probably reminded of the pain she just felt.

Arnold! Elna bullied me! went too far. Elna.

What!? Are you intending to be on her side!?

Hahah! Arnold will always be on my side! He is my entertainer after all!

That doesnt matter! Al! Stop spoiling that fox already! She is up to no good you know!

She has always been up to no good though.

Hearing that, Orihime peeked out from behind me and stuck her tongue out to provoke Elna.

Reacting to that cheap provocation, Elna tries to grab Orihime but she escapes while using me as her shield.

Come back here!

Why would I!

You little!

Uwa!? Arnold! This woman was about to hit me you know!?

I was only trying to pat your head!

Dont lie!? That was clearly a fist right!?

Thus the game of tag begins with me as the center.

Elna is trying to catch Orihime while she escapes from her while using me as her shield.

Although they are playing tag by circling around me, one of them is the Hero and the other is the Celestial Princess.

Orihime who is running away creates barriers to obstruct Elna while Elna who is chasing after her continues to break Orihimes barrier one after another.

This game of tag is both simple and advanced at the same time. As I think so, the sound of glass breaking continues to echo around me.

Abandoning his master and escape alone, what kind of butler are you?

It is my principle to not poke my head into a conflict between women, sir.

Thats the first time I hear that you have such a principle. 

This is the first time I mention it after all.

I tried to jab at Sebas who evacuated the scene and observed the situation from a distance but he still managed to give me a perfect reply.

Just like that, Sebas started to sip on his tea while observing the situation like it is none of his business.

This butler. He is being serious about not interfering huh.

I cant expect outside help and even if I tell them to stop, they would start fighting over whose side I will take again.

Then I should just wait quietly until this pointlessly advanced game of tag is over.

When I decided to give up, Finne came into the room.

Excuse me. Al-sama.

Welcome, to the noisy room.

Fufu, it is very lively here.

Smiling at the scene, Finne began to brew the tea with practiced hands.

It seems from Finnes point of view, this situation seems to be lively.

Orihime-sama, do you want some tea?

Umu! I will have some! Finnes tea is always delicious!

Then please sit down and wait okay. What about you, Elna-sama?


Seeing Orihime who she was chasing after obediently sit on the sofa. Elnas outstretched hand wanders without knowing what to do.

Seeing such Elna, Finne smiles.

We have sweets too so why dont we eat it together?

alright. I will join in.

Yes. then please sit down.

With that said and done, Finne managed to have both the strongest sword and the strongest shield of the continent behave themselves.

How skillful. To think that she would be able to make these two beasts behave like adults.

As expected of Finne huh.

Here, Al-sama.

Thanks. You saved me there, really.

No, I also have something to talk with you about after all. It seems that the dignitary from the elf village still hasnt arrived yet.

The dignitary from the Sokal empire, the Dominion, and the two principalities in the south have already arrived.

The Sokal empire sent their prince, for the Dominion, the Lord came over himself. I was a bit nervous when he arrived but since Trau-niisan was friendly with him, the atmosphere didnt become so serious.

From the two principalities are their Kings children. Representing the Principality of Albatro are the twin, Eva, and Julio while the Principality of Rondine sent over a prince.

The only remaining major dignitary left is from the elf village but unfortunately, the elves are secretive so we only know that they have already left their village.

We have sent out agents to look for information about them but currently, we dont know where they are.

Is that so. Well, I guess we can only wait patiently for their arrival huh. Maybe it was because they have long lives, they tend to take their time.

Yes. I dont mind waiting for them but I am worried if they will be able to arrive here safely..

It should be alright. The elves elites should be escorting them. We dont have to worry as long as she is not someone who ditched her escort like a certain someone here.

Saying so, I look at Orihime.

However, she seems to not hear that because she is happily eating Finnes sweets.

She left her escort behind?

She left them at the guild headquarters. The Second Imperial Knight Corp took over from there so it was fine butthat was certainly not normal.

She has no common sense at all.

Oh shut up, both of you. It will ruin the taste of the sweets alright. Well, even if its ruined its still delicious though. In the first place, I did not ditch them okay. I just ordered them to wait for me there.

Thats exactly what ditching means.

I was being considerate for the Empire you know. They are all small noisy old people after all. If I brought them over they would just say I cant do this, I cant do that right. It would delay my arrival for at least several days.

Orihime is spending her time freely here right now but back in Mizuho, she held a symbolic position for them. Her position is some kind of a Miko (Shrine Maiden) to them.

There are many troublesome customs she has to abide by.

She probably felt suffocated by all that.

In the first place, I cant play around if there are people keeping eyes on me right.

So thats your true aim huh.


Saying so, Orihime continues to eat more sweets.

If she keeps eating them at this pace, she will end up finishing them all by herself.

While Orihime was chowing down on the sweets, another guest arrived.

Al-nii! I brought Sieg over!


Oh! Enta! So you played with her huh?


It was Christa and Rita who entered the room.

Christa is hugging the dead tired Sieg in her arms while Rita is carrying Enta.

Apparently, before I noticed, Enta already joined Christas party.

Well, thats good but.

Why is Sieg burnt?

Sieg tried to approach Saint-samas room and got caught in a barrierthat was what Lynfia said.

You can throw him away you know.

D, Damn it.using barriers is cowardly you know.

Sieg who is being hugged by Christa muttered.

Seeing Sieg like that, Finne puts her hand on her cheek as though she is troubled.

What should we do? Should we really leave him outside the castle?

He would cause trouble outside so I think it is better to throw him in jail you know.

Arent you people being too cruel toward me!?

Sieg let out a heartbreaking scream but no one here sympathized with him.

Well, he brought this on himself after all.

We spent our days like that as we wait for the day of the ceremony to arrive.

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