The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 161: The Emperor and the Adventurer

Chapter 161: The Emperor and the Adventurer

The Invitation from the Emperor.

It is easy to turn down but if I use this incident as a reason not to go, the gap between the Empire and Silver will only widen.

The Emperor also has his own reputation to care about, he would never rely on an adventurer who turned down his invitation again. If that is the case, the opportunity for Silver to get involved in the matter this time will be gone.

That is why, as Silver, I accepted his invitation.

Using transfer magic, I teleported to the plaza in the Imperial Sword Castle.

A table and chairs were prepared, and my father is already sitting there waiting for me.

Thanks for coming, Silver.

Since it is a direct invitation from Your Majesty, I can only comply but whether I will stay or not will depend on what you want to talk about.

Hmpm, that sounds like you.

Saying so, Father urged me to sit on the chair opposite him.

He wants me to sit and talk with him equally. No matter how much of an SS-rank adventurer Silver is, this treatment is unusual.


I dont see that many escorts around you though?

I cut that down to the bare minimum. If you wanted to try something, any amount of escort wouldnt be able to stop you after all.

I see, I will take that as proof of trust then.

There are only around a few guards in the plaza.

That is the most nearby escort he has. There is no one around Father other than me. This is also unusual in and of itself.

Thats right. I do trust you. It is a fact that you have been protecting the Empire after all.

Unfortunately, I dont remember ever protecting the Empire. What I have always protected are the people.

In the end, the result is the same. Protecting my people leads to protecting my country. My people are now less likely to voice their worries ever since you appeared. After all, it is beneficial to us having an SS-rank adventurer inside the Empire when it is likely that powerful monsters will appear.

I am operating within the Empire because I dont have to worry about a conflict with other adventurers here. Where there are high-ranking monsters, there are quests for adventurers. I want to avoid causing turf wars so I choose to stay in the Empire.

Saying so, I stared at my fathers face.

Although It was through a mask, my father smiled when he noticed the meaning of my gaze.

So from your point of view, my empires action this time is unpleasant for you right?

Its natural for a country to want to attract more adventurers. I am not going to deny that. But if this place becomes uncomfortable for me, I will leave. That is all.

That would be troubling for the Empire then. No matter how many S-rank adventurers we gather, they wont be able to replace an SS-rank adventurer like you after all. This is not just about your ability but your fame as well. People will surely be worried if you leave.

I dont care about the Empires circumstances. If anyone came into the Empire, I would move out to keep the balance of the continent. There are many places where a service of high-ranking adventurers is needed after all. That would originally be the job of the Guild Headquarters would probably be pointless to expect anything from the current headquarters

Recently, the upper management of the adventurer guild has become dominated by those who have never been on the field before.

There were many retired adventurers among them in the past but when it comes to faction battles, the guild staff will always be superior to the ex-adventurers.

The current Guild Headquarters, which is now dominated by the guild staff, became a troublesome place.

To not provoke the five SS-rank adventurers on the continent, they are trying to make us controllable.

Well, it is not like those guys can be controlled and since the headquarters understand that, they are trying to find a new SS-rank adventurer.

It is pointless. If an SS-rank adventurer can be easily found if you look for one, their situation wouldnt be so difficult in the first place.

So simply put your first priority is the people huh.

That is what adventurers are. Regardless of rank or status, we maintain our neutrality and protect the people, that is our rule.

A simple rule huh. I dont hate it.

Saying so, Father slowly sips his tea.

From the smell, it seems that there is some alcohol mixed in there too. Thats the drink my father loves.

Your Majesty. You are not that free as well right? How about you get down to the main topic already?

Well, relax. I dont often have someone to accompany me like this. It wouldnt be so bad if we can enjoy this a bit more right?

I am not that free.

Hasty men are hated, you know?

Can I leave now?

When I said that, Father shrugged and made a bitter smile.

It is rare for him to stop acting like the Emperor like this. This is probably his natural self.

Well, calm down. I have something important to discuss with you after this.

Then lets make this quick.

I will be direct then. Do you have anyone you are interested in right now?

What on earth are you talking about?

Well, if you currently dont have any significant other right now, I am thinking about giving you my daughter you see.

do you understand what that means?

Of course. It would be counterproductive to marry my daughter to an ancient-magic-user. The Imperial family and ancient magic, that combination is synonymous with fear for those who live in the imperial capital. In the past, my grandfather who was researching ancient magic went mad and terrorized the capital. There are people who still remember what happened then and the story of it even passed down to this generation.

If I marry one of your princesses and a child is born, there is a chance that another ancient-magic-user will be born of the imperial family blood again. I dont think that future is desirable for anyone though?

Of course, as Silver, I have no intention to accept such a marriage.

But talk about being bold.

That plan shouldnt be something that Father would want to go with.

I guess he wanted Silver to stay with the Empire that much huh.

You can not move forward if you are only ridden by fear. This continent was once under threat of the Demon King. While the Hero can defeat the Demon King, can anyone say that another similar threat wont arise again? That was why the emperor of 500 years ago chose to give peerage to the hero and protect his lineage. Both for the sake of protecting the Empire and this continent. At the same time, the imperial family also doesnt neglect to strengthen our own bloodline. By bringing in excellent blood, the Adler house grew stronger. That will not change. I can give you the title of a duke and have my daughter marry you. Then, your child will be taken in by the imperial family. This is for the Empire and all the people who live on this continent.

That is a fine idea but I have no obligation to go along with it. What happens in the future will be dependent on the actions of the people of that era. Ancient magic especially depends on the individual. It is not always something that will be inherited through blood. Doing that will only put unnecessary weight on the child.

Hmm, as I thought it is no good huh.

You probably brought that up knowing that it is no good in the first place right.

Father let out a small sigh and sips on his tea again.

And I wanted to see my daughter get married toothats right. If you want, Finne or Elna is fine too you know?

You are being persistent. Marrying any of those two would be even worse than the princesses. If I make the most beautiful woman in the Empire my wife, I would be making unnecessary enemies, and if I make the Hero my wife, my daily life will collapse. Stop pressing them on me.

HaHaHa!! I guess you would be the only man who refused the right to marry Finne and Elna huh. If you do not find any value in women then why dont we move to a more realistic subject.

Finally..I would love it if you stopped your joke at that.

I was not joking. You are a hero. It would be better if I can give you a title and have you become my relative though. Well, it doesnt like that everything can go my way after all. Now, under what condition would you choose to stay with the Empire? Will my support for your friend, the deputy guild chief be enough?

I swallow down my answer at Fathers proposal.

I was just about to make that same proposal.

The Guild is a neutral organization. However, the influence of the countries can not be ruled out entirely.

The influence of a country becomes important when the guild has to decide on its top position.

At the moment, the only one among the upper management of the guild who has been on the field before is Clyde. If Clyde stands at the top, the headquarters will surely change.

That is good for me. That is why I was planning to use this matter as the reason and ask Father to cooperate with Clyde.

He said it first though.

Whats wrong? Is that not enough?

What would you do if I object to this?

I would only be looking for a compromise.

Does that compromise also include the matters concerning the succession war?

It doesnt. Even if it is a request from you..I am not willing to favor any candidate. They will have to take the seat of the crown prince with their own hands.

I see. Then I am fine with your proposal, Your Majesty. Please back Clyde up for me.

I said so and stood up.

There is no point in staying here anymore.

However, I was stopped by my father.


Is there anything else?

This is a personal question. You dont have to answer if you dont want to. Who was it that taught you to use ancient magic?

I have no obligation to answer that.

I seeon top of its heavily dependent on an individual, you need to read valuable literature to learn ancient magic. It is not easy for commoners born in some villages to learn to use it. Without a good enough status, ancient magic is hard to learn. I do think that you are from a house with high status, am I correct?

I will leave that to your imagination.

I see. Then let my imagination run wild a bit then. Perhaps my grandfather managed to stay alive somehow or he had an apprentice. Maybe one of them is your mentor?

That is not a bad setting for a fairy tale. How about you start writing a book in your retirement?

Hm, I think that my reasoning should be on the spot though.

While making a bitter smile at my father, I leave the place through transfer magic.

I might get found out if I stay with Father any longer after all.

Al be like.

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