The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 143: A Bad Meal

Chapter 143: A Bad Meal

The next place we visit is a popular restaurant in the capital.

When I entered the shop with Finne, there were already a few customers inside.

We have been expecting you, Your Highness Arnold, Finne-sama.

Saying so, we were guided to the seat at the center of the restaurant.

There is nothing unnatural about their behavior so far.

Without putting an inspection as a front, I made a reservation for this place so this should be their natural reaction. After all, from this restaurants perspective, we are customers.

However, I know that this shop is in contact with the nobles in the white seagull alliance.

Now, what kind of hand would they use here.

When I was thinking so, a nice smelling soup was served respectively in front of us.

Finne is having it first and smiled at how delicious it is.

This is delicious!

Is that so.

Saying so, I scoop up mine and put it into my mouth.

Then, both spiciness and bitterness attacked my tongue all at once.

I unintentionally distorted my face and stared at the soup.

I that is how they want to play huh.

Such lukewarm harassment.

Although it is fine for me to make a complaint here, it would probably end up as that I have poor taste huh.

Lets see how this will play out for a bit then.

I already know the result though.



I loudly shouted so.

The unpleasant aftertaste of the meat dish I just had is still lingering in my mouth.

Even though I just ate a meat dish, it tasted so sweet like I was eating a dessert. Theres no way that this thing is supposed to taste good.

I already know it but this is not a problem with my taste.

Did you call me, Your Highness.

Said a man in his thirties who came up to us.

He is a chef that built his restaurant purely through his skill. Not just the Empires dishes, he also serves dishes from various countries as well.

If Finne who has been eating nothing but excellent dishes praises his food then there is no doubt about his skill. This is why it is a shame.

Have you served different dishes only for me?

No way! There is no way that is the case! Perhaps, the dishes were just not to your taste?


When I shouted so, the people around us started to whispering among themselves.

It seems the Dull Prince has a dull taste as well huh.

To think that he cant even appreciate the food here..I feel sorry for him.

To shout at the chef because he doesnt like his food.theres no decency left in him it seems!

Stop it. Hes a prince that is always playing around. Theres no way that he has any decency in him.

I still cant believe he is the twin brother of His Highness Leonard. I think highly of Prince Leonard but I can not acknowledge that he has that kind of brother.

Dont you think that he should try to change his behavior. Have he no shame being called the Dull Prince.

Seriously, that guy is the shame of the imperial family.

Such bad-mouthing is flying around all over the place.

Finne frowned at them and tried to stand up but I stopped her with my hand.

Then, I address the chef.

Chef, do you take pride in cooking?

Of course.

Good. Then, eat this and tell me your honest impression of it. With your pride as a chef on the line that is.

Saying so, I offer the chef the dish I just took a bite from.

The chef picks up the fork with familiar movement and eats the meat dish he made.

He then swallows it down with his face slightly distorting.

How was it?

Th, the dish might have been a little too sweet..however, it is supposed to taste this way, Your Highness.

I you choose to waste your last chance huh.

Saying so, I put the ring on the table.

Seeing that, the chefs face turned pale.

Golden Eagle Ring..

Thats right. Its a ring that signifies that I am the Emperors representative. I am currently visiting the capital on  behalf of his Majesty the Emperor.

When I made that declaration, one of the guests who bad-mouthed me earlier stood up and tried to leave.

However, he was blocked by Lynfia and the knights who were watching the entrance.

Please sit down. His Highness is talking.

I, I have an urgent business..

Are you disregarding the work of His Majesty the Emperor?

The guest was threatened by Lynfia and returned to his seat with a crying expression.

All customers in this place turned pale.

I dont know how much they got paid but what they did was still stupid.

Now, do you realize whose words I am speaking on behalf of? Chef?

Y, yes

Then lets hear the answer to that question again. What do you think about this dish?, please forgive me.! Your Highness..!!

The chef kneels on the spots and begs for forgiveness.

Seeing him like that, I didnt change my question.

What do you think about this dish? was bad.

Was it intentional or accidental?


I have already been lied to once. I wont be so forgiving the second time. was intentional, Your Highness. I deliberately made a terrible dish for you.

I see. I dont remember doing something that would make you hold a grudge against me though?


The chef doesnt move and continues hanging his head.

Well, of course, I guess. What he did was the worst thing that a cook can do. And he just admitted that he did it.

If he is still fine after doing something like that then this place wouldnt have become so popular in the first place.

Such a saddening thing.

I shift my eyes to Lynfia and give my order.

Search the place. There must be someone here.

Yes. as you wish.

Lynfia led a few knights with her to search the store.

Even if they try to escape through the back door, that place was already being watched. Escaping is impossible.

After a while, a short man was brought before me by Lynfia.


Of course we are aware. Earl Zeffern.

This man in his late twenties is Earl Zeffern.

Among the nobles inside the capital he is quite rich, he is also known for how he spends his money extensively. Another thing he is famous about is how he applied for marriage with every beauty inside the imperial capital. If I remember correctly, he even applied for Elnas hand in marriage before as well. It seems that the Brave house shut it down on the spot though.

Good day. Earl Zeffern.

Your Highness Arnold! Your men have been violent to me! How will you take responsibility for this!?

Getting caught red-handed and still acting so self-importantly huh.

Well, unlike Earl Farner, this time what he is doing is completely harassment. He can even insist that the chef was lying as well.

He is not in a despair-inducing position like Earl Farner. That being said, I can still be bullish here.

Responsibility? That should be my line though?

What did I do to you?

Just now, I was deliberately served a bad meal. And for some reason, you were here. Just what were you doing here, may I ask?

I am touring the place! I was thinking about having my meal here next time!

Earl Zeffern exaggeratedly said so.

His story still sounds strange but he seems to think that he is off the hook with such a sorry excuse.

I show the ring to Earl Zeffern. He seemed like he still didnt understand the situation after all.

Do you know what this is?

Th, that isHis Majestys ring!? How did Your Highness!?

Because I am inspecting the capital on his Majestys behalf. And during that time, I was purposefully served a bad meal. Dont you think that this is synonymous with serving His Majesty a bad meal as well?

Th, that is a leap of logic..right?

Well, I am not the judge for that. So, I will arrest everyone here to find out who the mastermind is. Of course, that will be including you as well.

Isnt that simply tyranny! Why!? I am innocent!?

It is to find out who is truly innocent.

Saying so, the knights start arresting the customers and all employees.

Seeing that, Earl Zeffern seemed to lose his cool. After all, an investigation on this place would reveal that Earl Zeffern gave money to this restaurant.

Earl Zeffern. If you lie, your punishment will be heavier alright. This is equivalent to an investigation from His Majesty himself. If you try to lie here, it will be punishable by death.

Death sentence!? Th, thats nonsense!?

That wasnt nonsense. It is quite possible actually.

Earl Zeffern was silent by my words.

If he lies his punishment will grow heavier and if he tells the truth he will be admitting to his crime.

After a moment of silence, Earl Zeffern chose the latter.

.I ordered it.

I see. Why?

I, I thought that, if I harassed Your Highnessyou would leave Finne-samas side

So shallow.

Hearing that, Earl Zeffern glares at me but I glare straight back at him. With my serious eyes, that is.

Seeing that, Earl Zeffern began to tremble and sweat heavily.

Ah, ahh

You never thought about Finne and just moved to suit your own convenience. You people at the white seagull alliance are truly repulsive. If you already admit to your crime then I will send you to the jail, yes?

Ye, Yes

Earl Zeffern whose will got broken from my glare quietly replied.

However, if I leave him with just that he would not be disciplined.

That is why I tell him a despairing fact.

And after the trial is over, it would be troubling for me if you try to do something again so I bought up all your stores. Plus, I am also investigating your illegal money lending business as well. After this case is over, you will probably be on trial for that. I wonder how much money you would have left by then, Earl?

N,..Noway.please wait! Why have you gone that far!? What did I do!?

Try asking yourself.

.no way..with just this level of are planning to crush my house!?

This level? You dont understand anything. There is no way that a subject like you would be allowed to harass the imperial family who is their ruler right.

No! There should be a lot of people who ridiculed you! Why only me!?

Dont worry. You are not the only one. Not only those who made a fool out of me, I will thoroughly show those who openly acted against me hell. Of course, all those who were cooperating with them as well.

Saying so, I turn my eyes to the other customers around me.


F, Forgive me.

I was just ordered!

The customers are looking at me with frightened looks like they were looking at some kind of demon. Theres a limit to how thoughtless they can be. To make a fool out of the imperial family, no matter how insignificant the act is, is too risky for them. Well, lets have them properly taste the fear, shall we?

Still, the problem here is not with them.

I look at the chef who is still hanging his head.

The chef looks like he is at the end of the world but when he notices my gaze, he raises his face to match my eyes.

Y, Your Highness..

Its over for you when you sell out your pride as a chef for money. With this, even if I dont do anything, your restaurant would be closed down in no time. No customers in their right mind would visit a place that deliberately served a bad meal after all. deepest apologies..

The chef continues to weep with tears.

Leaving him like this, he might even commit suicide in prison.

It is his own fault for being lured in by money but it still isnt a crime that would be worth his death.

When I was thinking so, Finne offered her handkerchief to the chef.


I can not receive itplease forgive me..

Is that so. Then I will leave it here. Please wipe off your tears once you calm down. Reflect on what you did and once you are done with that, please start anew.


It was very delicious. Your true dish. Please allow Al-sama to taste it next time okay.


The chef replies like he was squeezing it out.

Seeing that, Finne took a step back and lowered her head.

That was probably her way to apologize for doing something unnecessary.

To be honest, she saved mewell, right now I cant show that kind of attitude.

Lynfia. I leave this place to you. Restrain them all.

Yes. as you wish, Arnold-sama.

Finne. Lets go.


Since we are going to continue this Finne sadly cast her eyes downward but she doesnt resist me.

She probably understands that this is necessary.

Thats two down. Lets hurry up and get the rest.

Saying so, I climbed into the carriage together with Finne.

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