The Strongest Dragon in the Era of Beast Taming

Chapter 111 - 106: Integration of Talent

Chapter 111: Chapter 106: Integration of Talent

Translator: 549690339 |

The hot wind blew across.

A Trainer rode his Wind Leopard in a high-speed dash across the terrain of Lava Mountain. His figure, moving like the wind itself, drew the attention of numerous volatile Fire-type Beasts in the area.

As a Wind-type Beast, the Wind Leopard was extremely fast. Generally, other Beasts couldnt even catch up to its tail.

Damn it, when did that man become a Class III!

Maltz Sunbright scanned back at the relentless Thunder Papilio chasing them, a flicker of tension flashing in his eyes.

It was bad enough playing a game of steal from the tigers mouth, but he also had a loose tongue.

If he was caught by Snow Clark this time, hed probably get shocked into a state of paralysis.


At that moment, two four-metre-long Flame Lions were resting on the ground. Looking at the fleeting figure that strode past them, they were slightly stunned. Their bodies subconsciously prepared for an attack.

Dont get in the way!

Noticing the two Class III Beasts that had risen up to block her path, Snow Clarks clear eyes hardened and her red lips slightly opened: Electric Shock!


As soon as she finished speaking, a dazzling light instantly illuminated the dark earth. The sudden burst of electric power twined around the two helpless Flame Lions like an agile blue dragon.

The current lasted for just a second, and a surge of fire quickly spread along the Lions bodies.

They fell powerless to the ground, their bodies burnt to a crisp. The smell of charred meat suddenly wafted through the air.

It was only a simple expression of Snow Clarks anger, but in an instant, two Flame Lions, both of Class III middle-level power, lost their ability to fight.

Its over! Maltz Sunbright saw the carnage behind him and couldnt help swallowing hard.

If I return the Dragongut Herb to you, could you let me go? Maltz Sunbright shouted loudly.

I wont accept!

Listeneing to the voice coming from the front, Snow Clarks lips curled into a strange smile.

It seemed that the previous electric therapy administered to Maltz Sunbright was not painful enough. This time, she was going to extend the electrotherapy session to three minutes!

The middle of Lava Mountain.

Boiling lava diffused wildly on the ground, and a pale-faced, slightly skinny teenager bent his legs and leapt to the right with ferocity.

The next second.

A dark red stream of lava erupted where he had been standing just moments ago.

Hardy Jones rolled on the high-temperature ground to absorb the shock, then he jumped to the edge of a nearby dark brown boulder.

If it were any ordinary Class IV Beast, it would have been defeated long ago. This Azure Bulls strength is truly absurd, Hardy Joness facial expression was somewhat gloomy.

In front of him, a large, blue, sharp-horned bull stood immersing itself in the flow of lava.

This majestic Azure Bull casually looked at the lava sliding off its body, then it turned its head towards the human in front of it and let out a low, commanding roar.

In an instant, the ground around the bull collapsed. The dark brown rocks turned a glowing red at a visible rate, and then transformed into scorching magma that surged forward.

With the bulls roar, the six-meter-long Beast covered in yellow scales beside Hardy Jones started to exude a glorious radiance.

This Yellow Groundscale presented a somewhat ferocious image. Its

lion-shaped head was adorned with a giant curved horn that emitted a bronze glow.

Its four sturdy feet were armed with three sharp black claws each. Its tail resembled that of a bulls, featuring clusters of burning yellow flames.

The Yellow Groundscale forcefully smashed its front feet, causing a howling wind. The surrounding sand and stone instantly lifted off the ground, creating a sandstorm that clashed with the lava heading its way.

With a loud boom, the sandstorm collided violently with the lava.

The next second, the lava splashed, and the erupting magma slowly covered and melted the sand and stone. The omnipresent sandstorm gradually faded.

Tsk, it seems we still have to gather at the signal point sent out by Mark Wallace. Looking at the scene before him, Hardy Johnson couldnt help but express his helplessness.

As he finished speaking, he mounted his Yellow Groundscale.

Lets go, this Trainer Competition is a bit challenging!

Upon hearing his words, the Yellow Groundscale looked up at the Azure Bull, as if it planned to memorize it, and then disappeared from the place with Hardy Johnson on its back.

The Azure Bull snorted disdainfully, choosing not to give chase, instead, it lay on the ground, basking in the sun.

Help me!

The Frost Leopard stared pitifully at Hannah Bailey.

She was unable to put out the Eternal Flame burning on her body, no matter her attempts to douse it with water or freeze it.

The Frost Leopard had no choice but to seek help from its Trainer.

Sorry for the trouble!

A glint of sympathy flashed across Hannah Baileys eyes. Her Star Ring flashed briefly, and a bottle of silver Level III Fire-Resist Elixir appeared in her hand.bender

The cool liquid was poured onto the Frost Leopard, and the raging Eternal Flame gradually extinguished.

The nearby Four-tailed Crimson Fox, however, was no fool. It saw the opportunity and launched a powerful attack.

Hannah Bailey only caught a glimpse of the fox before it suddenly appeared in front of her.

As the flames exploded, the ready and waiting Whirlpool Turtle blocked them with its shell. Its beak-like mouth, unbelievably sharp, was ready to bite the giant fox.

Despite the situation, the Four-tailed Crimson Fox showed no signs of panic.

Under the influence of her Confusion, its elegant figure swiftly transformed into a wave of imposing flames.


With a muffled sound, the Whirlpool Turtle retreated in pain.

If this continues, without further support, we wont even be able to escape.

At this moment, Hannah Baileys chest was heaving, and her temples were covered in sweat..

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