The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 92 Advancing With The Everheart Technique

"Y-yes everything's alright, how's the training?" asked Emma clearly avoiding her discoveries of last night.

However, Aiden wasn't going to let it go, he wanted to see how she would react if he continued to press on her previous actions.

"Are your knees hurting?" he said referencing the time she was begging for his dick on the ground.

However, as Emma didn't have any memories of it, she responded truthfully not quite understanding the hidden meaning.

"No, they're not, why?"

Aiden noticing the pure expression on her face, he simply decided to aboard another topic.

She didn't seem like she wanted to talk about it and he wasn't going to force her. 

Only time will be able to make their relationship progress even more than it was at the moment.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing."

Then, some silence got in between the two of them as Emma kept racking her brain trying to find a topic of discussion for the two of them.

"So, how's your progress with the Everheart technique?" asked Emma changing the topic of the discussion.

The technique which Aiden was trying to learn before the tournament was a harder task than he had thought as he was only on the second step out of fifteen and he didn't even master the first one, he had only succeeded in doing it once.

He knew that it was going to be hard to learn as Emma had took a long time to learn it even with her talent, but he didn't think that it was going to be that bad.

There wasn't a lot of time left before the tournament and he had given up on the idea of learning it completely, his goal had changed, he wanted to succeed in the technique at least one time.

Also, the time he had spent learning how to use a bow would clearly be useful because just like Emma had said using a bow was essential for the technique, and Aiden being more adept with that weapon wouldn't be a bad thing.

"Honestly, it's pretty bad, I will probably have a hard time performing it a single time before the tournament," he said without showing much disappointment as he knew that learning the Everheart in thirty days would have been crazy even for the most talented person that existed.

Emma nodded as she knew of the difficulties that he was going through, she knew that it wasn't simple but she still respected the fact that he was trying to learn it at all.

Many had been given access to the technique but had given it up halfway as they thought of it as too hard.

But that wasn't the case for Aiden and she respected that.

Then, Aiden and Emma said some words to each other and brought back their focus on their current training.

Emma's task had changed, she wasn't moving her arms around for no reason but this time she needed to make quick slashes in succession on a mannequin made for training.

The mannequin after thirty minutes or so of training was having difficulty keeping its head as almost all her strikes were aimed at its neck because of Aiden's recommendations.

Was he trying to create a female version of him, capable of slashing the head off of someone's body in a single strike?

Aiden had said that she should aim for the neck as it was the most sensible spot for any person.  I think you should take a look at

He also said that it was the best place to aim at, because it was the place where killing someone would be the easiest.

When he had said that, obviously some shivers ran down Emma's spine but she still kept a straight face not showing it.

She was obviously happy that she was finally changing exercise.

This one even seemed to hold some true purpose as she was actually effectuating a movement and not simply working on her endurance.

Endurance, that's what she thought Aiden was making her practice by swinging her around as he still didn't reveal why she had done such a weird exercise.

But in her mind, she just couldn't find another reason as to why he had asked that.

Aiden, on the other hand, was sometimes practicing the bow, this time moving while doing so just like Emma had mentioned, and when he wasn't, well... he was practicing the Everheart technique which at the moment didn't have any correlation to the bow.

The second step which he needed to succeed at least once was to make the ground beneath him shake for a quick second.

There were obviously details inside the technique as to how to achieve such a thing, and Aiden was trying his hardest to actually do so.

However, even after many tries, he wasn't able to do so and was a little disappointed but he still didn't give up. 

He wanted to succeed in it once and he would do so.


Later at night, after having completed their training, both Aiden and Emma were going to their room, as usual, when Aiden felt a small vibration in his pocket.

His [Mental Transmitor] was vibrating as it seemed that Maelis was trying to contact him.

Aiden's first thought as to why she was calling was obviously about the rewards that he had asked for.

Thinking that it was this, some excitement started to be visible within Aiden's face and body.

Then, he quickly infused some mana into the [Mental Transmitor].

The blue energy went from his heart, to his hand and into the small sheet of paper. 

Then, feeling the connection being established, Aiden heard the voice of Maelis on the other side just like he had expected as she was the only one who could join him this way.

"Aiden? come see me in my office, it's about your rewards."

"Alright, I'll come right away," he said before Maelis discontineud the connection between the two [Mental Transmitor].

"Seems like I have to go, try not to fall asleep on the couch this time," he said smiling a little before quickly leaving in the direction of Maelis's office.

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