The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1330: Power Overwhelming

Chapter 1330: Power Overwhelming

Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

Thats not how the world works. Zhuo Fan began. Sure, I couldve done it with a bit of extra effort, but we can never truly go back to the past, even with our minds. The paths resulting from this action would feel flat, empty, and weak. The same principle applies in life to every new experience. The first time cant and never will compare to any subsequent experiences in the same aspect, no matter how better they are. The novelty, the thrill, anxiety, awareness, and insight that came with the first experience couldnt be reproduced, at least not entirely. It is why we always remember our first, and always seeking the same sensations it brought.

So, you saw the recompletion as cheap imitation, knowing they could never match up to the real thing. Heavenly Sovereign drew the conclusion.

Regardless, it wouldnt have changed anything no matter what any other choice you couldve made. In the end, I will be the winner and I will have this world purged of humanity and its corruption. He boomed.

[So much for small talk, I guess. I just hope Yan Song will make it in time, while were still alive, to make a difference.] Zhuo Fan thought, focusing on the hardest battle he would have to fight in his life.

The skirmish erupted as Jiu Long initiated the clash, casting thunderous lightning in a swift, deep-purple flash aimed directly at Heavenly Sovereign. Despite the spectacle, the latter remained composed, his unwavering gaze fixed on Zhuo Fan. The lightning struck its target, resulting in a mere twitch and a faint crackling sound, as if the electrifying surge had barely affected him.

Heavenly Sovereign, wearing a sly smirk, commented, That barely even tingled. I was a little curious to see how I fare against a Sovereign, but now I see they cant even be used for a warm-up. His dismissive tone cast a shadow of doubt on the onlookers, who felt their chances dwindling. Meanwhile, Zhuo Fan pondered the best strategy to confront this formidable opponent.

Unfazed by the underwhelming lightning, Heavenly Sovereign declared, Since you were so kind to start, allow me to return the favor. His harsh words were accompanied by a swift gray sword wave, faster than the previous attack, reaching Jiu Long before anyone could react.

With reflexes guided by Yuan Qi, Jiu Long formed a protective shield, but the attack effortlessly crushed it, leaving a nasty gash on his torso. Lingering and corroding power followed, threatening to consume him. Only Zhuo Fans timely intervention, using the Demon Transformation Art, alleviated the impending danger, though the damage had taken its toll, leaving Jiu Long uncertain if he could endure another such assault.

Swift to rally his allies, Kunpeng joined forces with other sacred beasts to unleash their strongest attacks on Heavenly Sovereign. The latter, seemingly unconcerned, allowed the combined powers to clash before him, creating a torrent of black thunderflame that engulfed him. The fire tore through the fabric of space, leaving behind ominous black scars.

As the flames subsided, Heavenly Sovereigns figure emerged, bearing grotesque wounds that defied human anatomy. Half of his face was missing, revealing a sinister grin formed by bleached bones. The observers rejoiced momentarily at the apparent victory, only to be dismayed as flesh began to knit over the bones, rejuvenating as if untouched by the devastating attack. The mystery of how Heavenly Sovereign could recover from such crippling wounds left the onlookers in awe.

Realization struck Zhuo Fan as he pointed out, The reincarnation path! Youre using it to wipe away all past influence, but also how it happened.

Heavenly Sovereign responded with a grin, All I remember is that Ive been through something dangerous. The blank in my memory proves I had to use the reincarnation paths power, but seeing how you are all poised, its easy to deduce it had something to do with the five sacred beasts.

Determined to thin the opposition, Heavenly Sovereign turned his attention to the sacred beasts, declaring, Since Ill only be needing two of you for your paths, its time to thin out the herd. Starting with the pets! His gaze pierced through the sacred beasts, targeting them with lethal intent.

In a desperate plea, Zhuo Fan urged, Stop him with all youve got! Employing the Divine Eye of the Voids 8th stage Blink, he unleashed a tyrannical fist on Heavenly Sovereigns head, momentarily halting his advance.

Lei Yuting surrounded him with a dome of darkness, providing Sword Child an opening to unleash his Apocalyptic Sword, while Murong Xue hurled a translucent hammer. The darkness resonated with the sound of impact, temporarily giving the sacred beasts a chance to escape.

They had no time to rejoiced as they heard Lei Yutings cry and the sight of her coughing blood.

As Heavenly Sovereign reappeared, unscathed, from the failing dome of darkness, the realization dawned that while disruption was possible, inflicting harm remained a formidable challenge. Youre all nothing but flies buzzing in my ear. Why dont you all die! Heavenly Sovereign unleashed a pulse of power in every direction, sending everyone reeling, except for Zhuo Fan, who utilized Shift to evade the onslaught.

Heavenly Sovereign, growing increasingly irritated, once again went after the staggered sacred beasts. Zhuo Fan, unyielding, interfered once more, catching the ire of the formidable adversary. Youre starting to get on my nerves, little brother! His right eye shone with twelve golden rings, and the Heavenly Eye made its formidable appearance, pulling Zhuo Fan towards its inexorable gaze.

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