The Stars Beyond

Chapter 532: The Curtain Falls For The Old Era

Chapter 532: The Curtain Falls For The Old Era

In a sense, the Shang Yi before them possessed all the advantages that Wang Xuan once held: the unique internal landscapes, the keen intuition of the spirit, all further enriched by over six thousand years of cultivation. This was a hopeless situation.

Wang Xuan stumbled, coughing up blood with every step, his body cracked and frail, each step marked by a bloody footprint. What more could he do? Even the Life Essence Furnace, his sacred artifact, had been flung away, and against this supreme adversary, he felt his spirit willing but his body weak.

Caught in a predicament without precedent, he was devoid of any means to counterattack. If he could turn this around, he might even start to believe he'd made some pact with the goddess of fate.

On the other side, the Sword Immortal's Purple Celestial Dao Sword was also knocked from her grasp, vibrating away through the cosmos. She could not overcome the barrier in her heart, unwilling to witness the fall of those she stood beside in sheer despair.

Centuries ago, she had returned to her sect only to find it in ruins, the mountains fractured and the land littered with corpses. She couldn’t bear to see such a tragedy unfold once again.

Her mouth foamed with blood, her injuries severe; how could she restrain herself?

"You've won. If it's me you want, then let her go. Take whatever you wish," Wang Xuan conceded. If it were just him, he would have fought without a word. Since the outcome seemed unchangeable, he would rather go down fighting, but now he wanted to try and save Jiang Qingyao.

"If you survive my strike, she can leave as she pleases," Shang Yi declared, lifting the Ascension Banner high. He signaled to Jiang Qingyao to retrieve her Purple Celestial Dao Sword.

Wang Xuan, noting this, also grabbed the Life Essence Furnace anew. The enemy did not stop him, such was his overwhelming confidence and strength.

With a swish, a sword light that illuminated the cosmos descended, first sending Wang Xuan and the Life Essence Furnace sprawling, blood streaming from his every orifice, his bones and organs torn asunder by the unprecedented devastation.

After flinging Wang Xuan aside, Shang Yi's next stroke went for Jiang Qingyao. It seemed effortless, yet the sword light was supreme, unbeatable. Despite the Sword Immortal altering her sword techniques, twisting the very fabric of the cosmos into defensive arrays, nothing could halt Shang Yi's attack.


Jiang Qingyao was overwhelmed by a blast of sword energy from afar, her defenses and the order of her sword doctrines shattered. The sword light pierced through her, leaving her grievously wounded.

Her Purple Celestial Dao Sword dimmed under the impact of that unrivaled sword light, transitioning from a state of resurgence to silence. "Qingyao!" Wang Xuan's eyes split with rage as the unparalleled sword light, having pierced through the Sword Immortal, wreaked havoc inside her, tearing her organs and shattering her spirit. The pervasive sword intent lingered in her, omnipresent and relentless.

Any Celestial Immortal struck by such a sword light from Shang Yi would perish without question. It was the supreme regulation of the sword path, against which few in the human and celestial realms could stand.

Wang Xuan moved to rush over but was blocked by Shang Yi.

Trembling slightly, with bloodshot eyes, Wang Xuan desperately urged the Life Essence Furnace, attacking frantically, trying to reach Jiang Qingyao. However, Shang Yi stood like a demonic mountain, an insurmountable barrier set between heaven and earth.

"Shang Yi, you yourself said if she blocked your strike, you'd let her go," Wang Xuan coughed out blood as he spoke.

Technically, Shang Yi had not struck at Jiang Qingyao again, but by blocking Wang Xuan's path to aid her, she was doomed nonetheless.

Seeing him still obstructing the way, Wang Xuan fell silent.

His body shook, filled with boundless rage, murderous intent, and a heart full of battle spirit, but against Shang Yi's prowess, which surpassed even that of a Celestial Immortal, all seemed pale and ineffective.

At that moment, he finally managed to trigger something divine!

Pouring every ounce of strength from the three luminous points within, he vibrated the sacred artifact, dragging his fractured body forward in a reckless assault, determined to break through.

Yet, it was futile. Shang Yi, displaying a hint of surprise, blocked his onslaught and studied his techniques. As time slipped by and Wang Xuan fell out of his extraordinary state, Shang Yi once again wielded the Ascension Banner to send him flying.

Blood pooled beneath Wang Xuan. When he turned his gaze back to Jiang Qingyao, his face went deathly pale. The dreadful sword light was tearing her flesh, splitting her spirit, and threatening to burst forth from within her.

"If it's my unique essence you want," Wang Xuan said calmly, though clearly not his opponent's match, "I can still ensure its destruction."

This time, Shang Yi did not interfere and stepped aside. Coughing blood, Wang Xuan, with the Life Essence Furnace in tow, staggered forward. His body shook as he desperately tried to stabilize Jiang Qingyao and carefully drew out the remaining sword light from her.

Explosions sounded as bits of sword light erupted near him, shredding his flesh into a bloody mess. He placed Jiang Qingyao inside the Life Essence Furnace, unable to bear looking at her any longer, for both her body and spirit were grotesquely mutilated by the sword light.

"Survive, the Life Essence Furnace will ensure your survival. Its purpose is to preserve life. You still have a vital spark, everything will get better," Wang Xuan whispered, sealing the furnace lid tightly and clenching his fists. He did not want Shang Yi, his adversary, to see his vulnerability, but he couldn't help but tremble—uncertain if Jiang Qingyao would recover, especially as the era of myths was drawing to a close and the supernatural was about to dissipate.

Her remaining life force was also due to the celestial medicine she had consumed earlier, which continued to exert its effects.

Could the Life Essence Furnace still wield its divine power to preserve life after the collapse of the supernatural world? He did not know.

Moreover, would that madman give up the opportunity to take the Life Essence Furnace?

Wang Xuan let go of the Life Essence Furnace, hoping it would drift away into the cosmic void, but with Shang Yi present, he knew all efforts were futile.

He did not rage or scream. Despite the endless desire to kill and a heart full of indignation, all he had left was quiet resignation, silently staring at Shang Yi.

Despite his fury and endless sorrow, what could he do? Wang Xuan was truly no match for Shang Yi, whose terrifying accumulation over six to seven thousand years had nearly made him the foremost being in the world. Reflecting on it, he realized he held no grudge nor had any conflict with these beings. He had even secluded himself to the depths of the universe, yet still, they had found him and plunged him into this bloody crisis.

Wang Xuan gazed at the Life Essence Furnace and then out into the cosmic void, powerless to fight any longer. His bones were nearly all broken, his body swaying as if he would collapse right there. Yet, he refused to let his enemy witness his weakness. With great difficulty, he managed to sit cross-legged, watching his opponent coldly and silently.

"Indeed, not bad. When I was your age, I probably couldn't have matched you," Shang Yi spoke, his tone acknowledging Wang Xuan's strength, yet he continued, "Still, I do not wish to stop. I intend to analyze you."

He advanced, the Ascension Banner in his hand scattering fairy mist around him, making him appear as if he were strolling through a celestial realm.

"I bear no grudge against you, and I have no interest in harvesting your life or that of the female swordsman," Shang Yi continued. "What I do follows my desires, exploring new paths beyond the extraordinary, to endure the coming silent, dark night—that will be a harsh winter indeed."

He approached Wang Xuan closely, and silently, his Inner Landscape opened up, and so did Wang Xuan's, their unique characteristics strikingly similar.

In this era, many people's inner sceneries were cracked or even shattered, yet theirs still teemed with life and dense supermaterial. However, they both knew that decay was inevitable, feeling the faint traces of corruption within themselves.

"I will not kill you. I will only extract your special essence, and indeed, I hope you survive. After all, those with special inner sceneries have tenacious lives. I am curious to see if you, like plants that survive wildfires, can sprout anew from the ashes in the coming desolate era."

His words were cold, not out of kindness or goodwill, but a dispassionate curiosity, testing some hypothesis.

“This time, seeing your flesh, spirit, and Inner Landscape bear the same signs of decay fitting the era of mythic demise, I am disappointed,” Shang Yi confessed. He understood the traces of decay in his own spirit since it was not born from this body, but the same signs in this young man before him provoked a sigh; he had not found the pristine origin he had sought.

“Strive to live. I will likely come for you again, hoping then you might surprise me!” His smile was radiant but utterly devoid of warmth, revealing his merciless nature.

Even in the future, he would not cease, holding "high hopes" for Wang Xuan as a peculiar quarry, intending to reap him yet again.

“Do you think I am mere fodder? Wait for my resurgence, then try to harvest again,” Wang Xuan spoke without rancor or rage, but with an unsettling calm, for all the fiery words and anger were futile, changing nothing.

Then, he fell silent again, looking dispassionately at the bloodshed and tragedy woven into his fate.

Shang Yi opened his Inner Landscape and connected it with Wang Xuan's, beginning to voraciously devour it. His spirit shone brilliantly, as if it could shoot down the stars and moon, invading Wang Xuan's flesh.

“I am, in a way, assisting you. As the mythic end and the frigid winter of the extraordinary approach, I'm pressing your potential, creating opportunities for you,” Shang Yi stated coldly. Though he smiled, it was tinged with a bloody hue.

At that moment, radiant strands of essential blood essence within Wang Xuan lit up, transforming into vivid red threads that continuously flew outward, merging into Shang Yi’s body.

"Shang Yi!" Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the cosmic void, shaking the area.

Several artifacts resonated, glowing to form a mirror-like surface, revealing the true scene here to the distant spacecraft's anxious occupants. Eventually, they discovered that the mirror could also reflect inversely, displaying scenes from within the spacecraft.

It was the father of the Demon Lord, containing his boundless fury and murderous intent, who spoke with Shang Yi, striving to keep his voice even. "Release Wang Xuan, and consider it a debt I owe you!"

Willing to bow down for now to save Wang Xuan, despite his desire to kill the sword-crazed Shang Yi instantly.

"Release Wang Xuan, and I too will owe you a favor!" Fang Yuzhu interjected, the only one present who could threaten Shang Yi in a one-on-one duel.

Her words made even the sword-crazed Shang Yi seriously consider.

"Heh..." However, ultimately, Shang Yi in the depths of the cosmos looked up and laughed, saying, "Unexpected indeed, that the fog formation I laid out would allow others to see, and that united, the artifacts possess such a capability."

He did not care, remarking, "So what if I do not hold back? You might as well kill that body of mine on the spacecraft."

In the spacecraft, the five artifacts disbanded after everything had been said, and for now, they truly could not reach them in time.

Fang Yuzhu and the Demon Lord's parents resolved to kill Shang Yi's original body first.

Holding the Sword of Mortal, Shang Yi declared, "My friends, originally, he and I were two sides of the same being, but now things have changed. He wants to break free and has long been at odds with me, even trying to harvest this true body of mine. I'd actually prefer to use your hands to subdue him."

"To hell with that!" the Demon Lord's father, unable to contain his rage any longer, swung the Immortal Umbrella, smashing it down. He did not believe a word; this man was deeply problematic.

The spacecraft disintegrated instantaneously, erupting in a massive explosion in the starry sky, unable to withstand the vast energy of the artifacts!

Fang Yuzhu spoke up, "The body of the once foremost being has fallen into your hands, becoming your fleshly avatar, and from antiquity, only you have survived—there's a significant problem with you. Everyone, take him down first!"

The ancestors from the Superlative Palace and Hook Chen Imperial Palace preferred to observe from the sidelines, hesitant to enter the fray. However, Fang Yuzhu's words stirred them into action.

"Rumors say that Shang Yi has refined more than one artifact. You've all seen who the true master of the Ascension Banner is. Aren't you afraid that the Carefree Boat might also have issues and change masters?"

The two reacted instantly, with the ancestor from Hook Chen Imperial Palace adding, "We need to suppress this madman. I suspect that the various ancient atrocities in the Land of Immortal Paths and issues with various emperors might also be linked to him!"

A fierce battle erupted. Even as strong as Shang Yi was, he chose to retreat, unable to withstand the onslaught alone. However, the others were clearly not willing to let him escape, pursuing him relentlessly in a grand chase.

On this day, all artifacts vibrated and roared. The realm of immortals was extinguishing; the Land of the Undying, the Domain of the Divine, and all transcendent sanctuaries across the universe were collapsing.

On that day, every transcendental being was horrified, their faces drained of color, utterly pale. As people suddenly looked up, they knew—the era of transcendence was collapsing, and the old age had come to an end!

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