The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

It was a winter storm.

Asilia gritted her teeth and stared at the demon in front of her.

Realizing my true nature, youre quite perceptive.

Her Richard looked down at her with a smile as if he had rescued her from hell.

The moment they exchanged blows, Asilia realized.

That she had greatly underestimated Richard.

He was much stronger than she had anticipated.

At the same time, cruel.

You are worthy of the title of Snowflake Swordmaster,

What stood before her was not human. A demon clad in human skin. From head to toe immersed in the Bloodstone Cult, there was no trace of humanity to be found in him.

Klang! Kakang! Kagagagak!

Just blocking his sword swing made her arm feel as if it would fall off from the pain.


Overwhelming strength.

She realized this wasnt a situation to aim for a stalemate.

What was the Snowflake Swordmaster, and what was the First Sword of the North?

Asilia regretted her arrogance.

She was never strong enough.

Not even enough to secure a better future for the child.

Asilia. Your mistakes are too grand.

Shut up.

To pursue strength, one must have no qualms about anything.

I said shut up. You filth.

Even if its family, just like me who can devour anything to become stronger.

Gripping her trembling arm, Asilia unfolded the Snowflake Sword.



He barely managed to evade the snowflake she sent while smiling.


Her back feels hot.

Richards arm, grotesquely twisted, slashes her back.

She sensed it immediately.

He deliberately avoided hitting vital points.

Im fortunate to have married you. Ive got the chance to absorb you like this.

Because the blood flowing from her back filled the surroundings.

Her eyes turn red.


Her childs voice was heard from afar.

A brief exchange between Richard and her.

Did I not say?

You didnt. Please, spare the child

Even without saying, I intend to raise that child. Isnt she both yours and mine?

I wonder how strong shell grow. A child born from the blood of Richard and the Snowflake Swordmaster. Brace yourself. You might meet her when the time comes.

The Snowflake Swordmaster.

Sasha Asilia was absorbed by her husband like that.

I know a way out.

Asilia, having said that, explained the method.

She had a plan she had been calmly preparing, and to realize it, she needed her disciple by her side.

Thus, the group split into two.

One side consisted of a reconnaissance team led by Yerina, including Danya and Lina.

And the other side was Asilia and Ian.

Ian didnt bother to inquire about his masters intentions.


Yes, Master.

Its burdensome when you stare at me like that.

The masters expression was calm and seemed natural.

Instead, over the course of several days, the master began to pass on her knowledge to him.

Ian, her disciple and proxy, practiced wielding the sword.

And then, at some point.

The master smiled.

As expected of a disciple, your sword is upright.

Is it too simple?

No. Thats why I like it. Too many variations can be poison when infusing meaning into a sword. Your sword seems ready from the start.

Originally, Ian was a mage.

From the most basic principles of swordsmanship, the teachings of the master continued through to the attributes. Fortunately, the experiences accumulated in close combat were helpful. Moreover, the masters teachings were excellent.

Now lets delve deeper.

When he reached a certain level, the master began to impart more profound teachings.

Of course, how you hold the sword is important. But as you reach a certain level, what you hold it for becomes more important than how you hold it.

The masters voice gently echoed in the cave.

Ian Blackangers. Why did you pick up the sword?

The reason for wielding the sword.

Its Ian himself, originally a mage, who coincidentally became the disciple of Snowflake Swordmaster Asilia and picked up the sword.

But thats not the fundamental reason.

Why did he want to become the disciple of the Snowflake Swordmaster?

To become stronger, and to resemble the vision of my master.

Good. Thats an honest reason.

The master smiled.

At the same time, her hand approached.

Ian felt the gentle touch covering his eyelids.

Shall we try becoming a tree with only ugly branches left in the dead of winter?

Ian sensed it.

That she was imparting important teachings.

With closed eyes, he listened attentively to his masters words.

The way you hold the sword is akin to a tree shedding leaves to prepare for winter.

In the position of a tree sacrificing something to protect.

Winter arrives, bringing cold.

Water starts to freeze.

Frost from the breath colors the surroundings white.

Snow begins to accumulate on the branches.

Where leaves should have been, now snowflakes pile up.

Occasionally, snowflakes pile up like flower buds. From the perspective of the branch, it might seem bewildering, but think about the shape of snow. How do snow crystals grow?

The process of snow formation ultimately parallels that of a tree. Its a homogeneity of living and non-living and soon encompasses both human and nature.

Amidst the cold, flowers begin to bloom. Snowflakes spread out and scatter.

He felt the weight. Snowflakes, blooming profusely, pressed heavily on the branches. The weight of protecting something is so heavy.

Let go. Letting go of what you cannot bear is also a part of nature.


Make an effort to protect what you want to protect as much as possible.

But the branch starts to bend involuntarily.

Because it cannot bear the weight of accumulating snow.

The branch bows, and the snowflakes on it fall off.

The falling snowflakes scattered chaotically.

The sight was so splendid that Ian quietly opened his eyes.

The master was softly holding his arm.

And the snowflakes that bloomed from Ians fingertips vanished, leaving traces on the floor and walls.


With eyes widened in a circular shape, the master met Ians gaze.

Youre a great vessel.

She said with a voice mixed with admiration.

Even if it was aided by my inner strength, to produce snowflakes from the beginning is indeed a remarkable talent.

Youve raised your disciple well, Master.

Hmm. Youre confident too. I could proudly say Ive raised a disciple like you anywhere.

As Ian looked at his smiling master, he asked.

Were those just the fundamentals of Snowflake Sword Technique?

Yes, they were. However, you dont need to remember each and every one of them. Swordsmanship is determined by the values youve lived by. These are just principles established here, so there must be another path suitable for you, Ian.

Ian nodded quietly.

Although he managed to produce snowflakes, he hadnt fully understood Snowflake Swords Technique. Not even a tenth of it. He needed to contemplate it repeatedly

Was the enlightenment sufficient?

He turned his head at the somewhat rough voice.

Yerina was standing there, looking at him.

I came to deliver a message, but ended up observing unintentionally.

With that statement, Yerina smirked.

Im a little jealous.


Yeah. If you had followed my original path, I would have tried to teach you a slightly more ruthless path. Its a martial art that requires less thinking and is more efficient.

Yerina also possesses the talent to acquire abilities equivalent to Snowflake Sword in the future. With her coldness and boldness, she will tread her own path.

The sight just now seemed to stimulate her pride.

Grab your sword, Ian. Ill teach you a lesson too.

As soon as she finished speaking, Yerina rushed in menacingly.


His hands feel numb.

No, not just numb. He feels like dropping the sword right away because of the pain.

Why all of a sudden?

Without time to be surprised, Yerinas eyes gleamed.

Youre weak!

Her mace swung straight at him.

Ian rolled back to avoid it.


With a dull sound, the snow that had been lying on the ground rose up.

As if snowflakes were falling, the flakes began to descend.


Strong and fast.

The snow is falling, so winter has come.

The voice of his master reached him.

Teachings immediately came to mind.

Winter. When winter comes, the branches shed their leaves and prepare for the cold.

Ian relaxed his body.


Yerinas mace narrowly missed him.

As tension eased, the opponents path became clear.

But still, Klang!


It still hurts just as much.

The weight of the mace presses down heavily on his arm.


She said to drop it if its heavy.

But before that, wasnt he supposed to feel the coldness?

When was he supposed to feel the chill?

Ian was confused.

There were too many confusing points to apply the Snowflake Sword he just learned.

You think too much!

Klang! Chang! Dr-r-rung!

Taking advantage of that moment, Yerina unleashed a torrent of attacks.

Strong. Straightforward. She never gives up.

Its clearly the opposite of his masters teachings. A martial art solely for overwhelming the opponent.

Thats why its strong.

How on earth should he deal with this?

Cant find a way, huh? Are you starting to doubt Asilias teachings now?

Yerina shouted.

Its not doubt.

Then what is it?

This is

Its not doubt about his masters teachings.

Her teachings werent just about swordsmanship.

Snowflake Sword.

He didnt learn that. Its a more fundamental teaching.

Embedding values into the sword.

That was his masters teaching.

Then what did she embed in her sword?

Unity with nature, and maternal love.

One of her values is maternal love.

Knowing she would lose to a powerful being, yet sacrificing herself in hopes of giving the child a better world.

Her strength comes from that.

Then what are my values?

What am I pursuing?

an gave one answer to that question.

This world.

He cursed the game countless times, but.

Ian liked this place.

Again and again, countless retries in this damn world.

If possible, he wanted to prevent its destruction.

Not just because he wanted to live, but because he wanted to.


Once again, Ian barely managed to block the descending mace.

He didnt think he could hold out much longer.

Like a branch unable to withstand the weight, he let go of his arms strength.

The sword slid along with the mace.

In that moment.

A sword path was visible.

There wasnt much thought behind it.

Just like painting along the lines, he wielded the sword.

From a distance, it looked like the branches swaying.

From the tip of the sword, something emerged.

It wasnt as pure white as his Masters.

Instead, flowers bloomed vigorously from the sword.

And poured out.


Yerina leaped to dodge.


Beyond Yerina, a diagonal crack appeared on the giant stalactite.

Silence followed.

The long crack diverged.


With a tremendous noise, the pillar-sized structure collapsed.

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