The Sponsored Heroines Are Coming for Me

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

It is definitely strange.

Upon reflection, Ian found that the obsession of the Bloodstone Cult towards him was peculiar.

Whenever he took any action, it felt like the followers of the Bloodstone Cult were always involved.

Of course, their influence was the strongest, but villains in this world werent solely limited to the Bloodstone Cult.

Just within the Lichten Academy, there were several other influential forces at play.

But Ian encountered mostly members of the Bloodstone Cult.

And not just encountered them, but hindered their plans.

Despite that, they didnt try to get rid of me.

What kind of existence is the Bloodstone Cult?

To them, humans are beneath consideration.

No, they consider them as prey.

Like livestock roaming the streets.

One of those livestock obstructing their plans?

It would be fitting to kill and devour them straight away.

However, despite Ian thwarting some of their plans, he remained unharmed.

Or rather, they didnt attempt to kill him outright.

Even when facing them, there was a clear intent to capture or kidnap him.

Something was odd.

But in this current situation.

Facing the behemoth in front of him, Richard Pierce, Ian was certain.

I am the target of the Bloodstone Cult.

What gain do they achieve by obtaining him?

Perhaps just seeking his physique and vitality, or aiming to craft powerful killing weapons.

Just like how Pongpong destroyed the academy in the scenario released before the possession.

The problem lies here.

It seems there are factions even within the Bloodstone Cult.

The Bloodstone Cultists brutally dug around Richard, clearly targeting him, so there must be some conflict among them.

Perhaps only certain factions within the Bloodstone Cult are targeting him.

Richards change in attitude is probably related to that.

Anyway, right now Richard is curious about me.

The interest of a middle-aged man stronger than himself was nothing but disdainful to Ian, but in this situation, it could be useful.

Richard Pierce.

Even though his prison was shattered, an overwhelmingly powerful final boss.

To face him, Ian would use anything at his disposal, even someone like Sharon Pierce lying there like a corpse.

Having organized his thoughts, Ian turned to Richard.

Someone high up in the Bloodstone Cult clearly wants something from me.

Youre quite confident.

Otherwise, this situation wouldnt make sense.

Richard chuckled deeply.

Boldness, high spirits. All good. But.


If that makes me uncomfortable, do you think youll survive?

It was an endlessly chilling remark.

Even Yerina, who was watching, shuddered.

But Ian didnt flinch.

Anyway, its a showdown now.

A showdown?

If all possible strategies are blocked, you have to find a new path.

Richards gaze softened slightly.

Who was he?

He was Richard Pierce, the epitome of fear in the empire, the Grand Duke of the North.

Everyone who stood before him for the first time inevitably bowed their heads and trembled.

Even now, Richard was emitting an imposing aura. It was ordinary for people to kneel and beg for mercy.

But what about this boy?

He stood casually in front of him. It reminded him of Sasha Asilia.

Her determined gaze, even if Richard, who had swallowed countless people, remembered it.

But this boy was different.

There was no sense of determination in his eyes.

He seemed indifferent, as if this situation was nothing out of the ordinary.

At first glance, it seems like he has a keen understanding of the world.

How have you been living?

A nonchalant demeanor, as if he had repeated this world several times, emanated an otherworldly nonchalance.

Would that level of calm and fragility be said to be the kind of demeanor that only the leader of Bloodstone Cult would exude? The absurdity lies in the fact that this boy is infinitely weaker compared to the leader.

Hes a hard one to figure out.

Richard completely understood the Blood Witchs blind obsession and interest.

Its peculiar. Definitely peculiar.

It could be one of two things.

Either hes so dim-witted that he doesnt even feel fear without knowing anything at all.


His vessel is so vast that it can contain everything.

It seems even the Grand Duke of the North has no intention of killing me either.

Are you sure about that?


Why is that?

If you had decided to kill me, I wouldnt be standing here arguing with you like this. And

Ian pointed to Richards side.

There were numerous corpses.

Figures with masks, Sharon Pierce, and bloodied Bloodeneds.

Youve killed skilled individuals sent by the Bloodstone Cult, so there must be something to gain from it.

Yeah. There must be something to gain from killing them. But that doesnt give me a reason to spare you. There are plenty of ways to absorb you.

But sparing me would allow you to achieve more. Youve sent skilled individuals from the Bloodstone Cult to absorb. It must be for that purpose.

So, are you asking me to spare you now?


Youre quite the amusing one. Just a moment ago, you were so confident, and now youre begging for your life.

Ian chuckled foolishly.

Obviously, I dont stand a chance against the Grand Duke of the North. Instead, I have a few conditions.


If I make a valid attack on Richard within seven moves, you will spare my life.

I concede seven moves to you, and what do I get in return?

I will cooperate with the Grand Duke of the North, as much as I can, and I will even give you a magic-bound contract.

The corner of Richards lips twitched upwards.

Alright. If you manage to successfully attack me within seven moves, Ill spare you.

Thank you.


The chill emanating from the Grand Duke of the North froze the surroundings white.

If you fail, Ill show no mercy.

Yerina, who had been watching, grabbed Ian.

Whats on your mind?

Keep watching.

No. Why are you suddenly begging for your life? Just because youre living like this doesnt mean its real living.

Of course not.

What? Then why?

With a puzzled expression, Yerina whispered, and Ian smirked.

Its an act.


The way Richard Pierce is standing there, enduring like that. Its an act.

How? How can that be an act?

His prison has been destroyed to such an extent. Its impossible for him to be perfectly fine. No matter how powerful Richard Pierce is.

Ian. I understand the feeling of wanting to catch a straw, but now is not the time to cling to false hope. Its time to be realistic. Retreat is the best option.

Ian lowered his head.

I understand. I know that Richards condition is being forcibly maintained. Trust me.

Besides, retreating doesnt significantly increase the chance of survival, does it?

Thats true. So, are you saying theres a way for you to defeat Richard?

No. Winning requires all of us to gather our strength and fight together. Hes like the final boss in a scenario.

All of us?

Yes. All of us.

After scanning the surroundings, Ian continued.

We need to break this scenario together for it to be satisfying.

What scenario?

Oh. Sorry. I was talking nonsense. Anyway.

Ians smirk widened.

Keep watching.

Watching Ian circle around towards Richard, Yerina sighed.

Watch? What was there to watch?

Hes the Grand Duke of the North.

A powerhouse of the Empire.

Even if he were to grant seven moves, nothing would change.

The corpses littered around Richard prove it.

Assassins she sent, Bloodeneds, and Sharon Pierce, for whatever reason shes here.

Theyre all strong.

But by the time Yerina slipped out of the gap in space, they were all dead.

Even amidst the chaos of the collapsing prison, Richard had dispatched them all.

Yerina wanted nothing more than to tear this reckless brat apart right now.

Yet somehow, amidst all this chaos, she was starting to develop a bit of affection for him. But even then, there didnt seem to be any clear solution.

Even if Richard isnt entirely in his right mind, sticking to him doesnt seem like itll change the situation.

And its equally preposterous to think Ian could defeat Richard within seven moves.

I guess I have no choice but to look at the situation.

Richard Pierce.

Her father, at least by promise, would keep his word. Not because Richard is a true human being, but because of his confidence in his own strength.

Yerina anxiously glanced at Ians back.


The child she had watched over was undoubtedly intelligent and talented.

He was not one to engage in a losing battle.


She prayed and hoped.

But at the same time

Seven moves.

Its enough time to grasp a suitable escape route.

If necessary, shell grab Ian and flee.

Yerina made up her mind and took a step back.

Richard smiled as he watched Ian step forward.

Seven moves.


With just a surge of his momentum, the surroundings froze white.


Ians smirk widened.


With a wave of sound, Ian charged forward.

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