The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 23 - A Place to Return

Ten days had passed since leaving the castle. It seemed that snow would soon fall in the northern forest.

While taking walks with Ciel near the spring or getting battered in sword training, time passed in the blink of an eye.

"Sheriel, would you accompany me for a bit during Licht's examination?"

Although examinations were regular even at the castle, this was the first time I had been present since the initial discussion.

The examination room had an atmosphere of a calm adult's study, much like Hermes's room in the castle. Licht was already inside, unaware of my arrival, looking surprised when our eyes met.

Sitting across from Licht at a low round desk, Hermes and I engaged in conversation about this journey.

"Licht, these past few days must have been tough with an unfamiliar journey. How was the outside world for you?"

Ah, so Licht also hadn't known the world beyond the temple and the castle. Yet, during the journey, there hadn't been a chance to talk, and I couldn't provide any support. It was regrettable.

"It was a series of surprises, and... I found it a bit frightening."

"What did you find frightening?"

"Every time I realised how little I knew, it made me anxious about how I should live from now on."

Licht, expressing his anxiety, seemed calmer than when he confessed himself as a sinner a few months ago.

"Do you still have those dreams?"

"I... I think I haven't had them for a while. Maybe I've just forgotten."

"Then, what about recalling life at the temple?"

"Hermes calmly continued his questions, and Licht responded calmly as well. It seemed like Licht had been continuously facing himself for these past few months.

"Hmm, then I'll borrow your abdomen for a moment," Hermes said, placing his hand on Licht's lower abdomen. It was probably to confirm the impurities mentioned the other day.

"You seem fine now. The residual impurities that were accumulating seem to have vanished. What did you think when you saw the monsters during the recent subjugation?"

"I felt a little... sorry for them. They were no longer alive, their appearance and presence were menacing, almost like a gathering of unpleasant things that overlapped with myself. I feel sorry thinking that while I was saved, those monsters will never be saved."

During that subjugation, Licht stood until the end. Amidst senior knights collapsing, I thought it was amazing how he endured without being consumed by negative emotions.

"What about Sheriel?"

Suddenly asked, unprepared to answer, I spoke my thoughts.

"I don't think I was particularly thinking about anything during the subjugation. But when I heard that their souls were disappearing, I thought there was no salvation. Perhaps the purification magic circle is a tribute to the vanishing souls."

"The magic circle?"

Ah, so Hermes didn't know about the magic circle generated during the purification ritual. Without enhancing his sight to perceive magic, he would only see it as a mere radiant light.

I recalled that solemn magic circle.

"It felt like apologising for not being able to return the souls that had been consumed by sins to the gods, but also releasing those souls from suffering. It was a story without hatred or aversion, just sadness and beauty."

"A story... Sheriel, it seems like you'll continue purifying monsters without any issues. What about Licht? As a knight of Beriard, subjugations are inevitable. Can you still wield your blade, even when reminded of your past self?"

Licht looked at me once, then nodded in agreement. "Yes. It's about witnessing the soul's final moments. Thinking about it that way, I feel I need to become someone deserving of that. I can understand the pain of impurity a little."

While Licht didn't accumulate impurities at the temple, living in the castle caused a bit of a backlash. Feelings he was supposed to have had at the temple, like insomnia, sudden trance-like states, or being startled by the sound of dishes breaking, seemed delayed. That's why Hermes continued examining him.

"Sooner than I thought. Maybe Sergio was right; perhaps being a knight suited you."

"Hermes-sama... What about me?"

"Ah, there's no need for you to stay here. Just return to the castle with Sheriel and continue your knight training. It should be fine."

It seemed Licht was planning to stay in the northern region. I thought it might be better for him to stay closer to Hermes, but since Licht seemed happy, I kept quiet.

"Licht's anxiety about finding a place is proof of accepting freedom. Even birds won't take flight if there's no ground to land on. Licht already has a place to return to. Gradually, try flying as you please."

"Yes... Thank you very much."

Hermes promised regular check-ups in the future and then took out a document.

"How about attending the Noble Academy next term? You'll be a year behind, though."

"Is that really alright for someone like me?"

Hesitant, yet with sparkling eyes.

Though Licht was registered as a slave, his noble registration was completed. Since there was an educational system at the temple, there shouldn't be any issues with admission. He mentioned not being good at studying, but attending the academy seemed to make him happy. Since I myself entered the academy as a final-year student, it was reassuring.

"Then, let's get you a tutor before your enrollment. It'll run parallel to knight training, similar to life at the academy. It's better to get used to it sooner."

"Thank you so much."

Crossing his hands tightly over his chest, he expressed gratitude to Hermes almost like a prayer. When the conversation ended, Hermes mentioned having some paperwork to do, so Licht and I left the room together.

"Licht, don't you dislike studying? Older brother always makes a fuss about wanting to quit."

"Didier-sama is exceptional. Besides, I often heard about the Academy even at the temple. To me, he's someone I admire and envy."

"You studied at the temple too, right?"

"Yes. The educational priests gathered the children and taught history and theology. Language studies focused more on ancient languages, and I never learned foreign languages."

While at the temple, theology covered myths and the structure of the gods and the world. Perhaps they delved deeper into these discussions at the temple. Next time I study magic, I'll invite Licht to join.

After two leisurely days, we decided to return to the castle. It passed by so quickly; I really want to come back and visit in the summer.

After finishing packing and entering the dining hall where everyone gathered, Sergio and Julius were talking about something.

"Hey, is it alright to ask for that much?"

"I don't particularly mind?"

"Please, do mind it. Especially when it comes to Sheriel..."

I thought it might be another unreasonable request from Sergio, and I felt a sense of unease when my name was mentioned. I hope they stop assigning everything to me.

"Father! Please don't trouble Teacher too much. What if Teacher abandons us?"

"It's just a small request. Can't we set up a one-time teleportation gate? Going back over a few days would be troublesome, right?"

Indeed, it was about magic requests. It would be nice to return via the teleportation gate. Although I'm glad to be here, travelling isn't particularly enjoyable.

"Is it possible to teleport such a large number of people?"

"If done in several parts, it's possible. If you help, that is."

"I want to help!"

In the end, as always, I was lured into assisting with magical tasks, supporting Sergio's impractical demands.

There's a place in the mansion resembling an altar where they drew the teleportation circle.

"What material is your staff made of?"

"This is attributeless sacred wood. It's not very efficient, but it's better than having biased attributes."

"Even the teacher can't find materials that match his attribute? Then getting the Forest Lord's horn must have been incredibly lucky."

"Will the teacher also make a staff with the Lord's horn?"

"No, it seems it's slightly different even with the same all-attributes characteristic. I thought I'd make it into a versatile magical instrument."

Teacher can make magical instruments too?

While discussing, the teleportation magic circle was completed. The large magic circle that could send wagons would be disposed of after everyone was transported. It seemed wasteful, but there wasn't time to take security measures.

Julius and I infused magic into the magic circle and started sending servants and wagons one after another.

"Is the magic still okay?"

"Yes, I don't feel any changes in my condition, although I can't gauge the remaining amount."

You can sense the amount of magic used in your body, but I wonder how they confirm the original magic amount supposedly in the source.

"Seems like the magic amount is increasing again. When it reaches about 70%, you start to have an idea."

So, I haven't used up even 30% yet. During the Baptism ritual, I wasn't accustomed to sensing magic, so I don't know how much I used. For now, I just need to pay attention to the amount used in one go.

Lastly, Sergio, Didier, and I were sent by Julius.

"After disposing of the circle, I'll head there too. Keep Noah nearby."

"Okay! Thank you very much!"

Enveloped in the light of the magic circle rising from underfoot, as Julius's figure seemed to waver, the next moment, the familiar sight of the castle stood before my eyes.

Seems they linked it to the garden altar as the wagons and servants we sent earlier were bustling around.

"It felt like it passed by in a flash."

"It was one way. But for me, it was a long journey since it's rare for me to travel for this many days."

Didier stretched and gathered the servants. We all walked toward the castle together.

Straight to the conversation room, Dior was unusually running around, moving back and forth busily inside the room.

"We're back, Mother."

"Welcome back, safely, I hope. Where's Sir Sergio?"

"He'll be here soon..."

Before finishing his sentence, Dior found something behind us and swiftly walked toward it.

When I turned around, Sergio stood there with outstretched arms, wearing a broad smile.

"Oh, I missed you, Dior! We're back!"

"What do you mean?! I haven't heard anything!"

"W-What are you talking about...?"

It seemed Sergio had done something again. There were too many possibilities for me to guess what had upset Dior.

"Did you do something unnecessary at the palace?! A noble prisoner has escaped and seems to be heading this way. Escaping from that tower without someone's help is impossible. It must be the palace's doing!"

"Hmm, perhaps it's because you declined the engagement?"

"While those annoying engagement documents have arrived, they wouldn't send a criminal just for that. What have you done?"

Ah, so it had become annoying after all... But making a fuss over one escaped criminal seemed exaggerated, right?

The news arrived just after we departed. It seemed the escape occurred during the Blank Festival, and the investigation and communication were delayed.

"Well, I shouldn't have done anything at the palace, and it wasn't related to the underground auction or Gernika's support. Maybe it's related to the temple."

Dior sighed deeply while pressing her forehead. He seemed to understand but hadn't resolved the issue.

"Is the escape of a prisoner that big of a problem?"

"Well, a bad person has been set loose in the world! Aren't you afraid, Sheriel?"

While it was true, I felt odd seeing Dior this upset. I half expected her to casually say, "Just dispose of them quickly."

"I understand it's a problem. But they'll be caught soon, right?"

"If they're heading from the capital here, they'll cross several territories. They can't use teleportation gates, so crossing territories by foot or horseback makes the search area too vast."

"Cooperation between territories doesn't seem easy. The knight and mage orders have formed a joint team, discreetly investigating as they head towards the Marquis of Beriard's territory. This news makes Sergio suddenly serious, crossing his arms.

"This doesn't bode well... So, who escaped? Why are they heading to Beriard?"

"We don't know. No matter how many times we inquire, they refuse to disclose the prisoner's name or why they're headed here, citing it would cause confusion. That made us suspect palace involvement."

It seems like a shady situation. Given the Beriard family's history, it's not surprising someone holds a grudge against them.

"There seems to be something fishy. It's like being told to dispose of someone without knowing anything. It's a bit worrisome, so shall we capture them alive? But the problem is the Mage Guild arriving. It would be great to resolve this before they arrive."

"Absolutely! Don't let them into Beriard's territory!"

From Sergio's worried expression and Dior's anger, it wasn't the right time to ask who. They seem wary of the prisoner they're bringing and someone from the Mage Guild.

"Oh, is it the captain? Given their interest in my hair, I understand the hassle it would be to deal with that."

Although there's personal animosity, I'll ignore it completely as it could lead to trouble.

The prisoner probably won't infiltrate the castle. It's a story unrelated to me. Didier and I sat on the bench, disengaging.

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