The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 21 - Monster Subjugation

After breakfast, discussions about the next day's subjugation began.

In the Beriard territory, a squad is usually formed by the Beriard family and the knights belonging to the territory for the purpose of monster subjugation.

"Are there enough knights?"

"Well, in the end, I'm the only one who'll be fighting."

"What do you mean?"

Although support is provided, it seems that ordinary people without resistance to impurities become a burden, even if they're knights. The kingdom's knights and magic corps still head for the subjugation, but for Sergio, both are troublesome.

However, subjugation doesn't merely involve defeating the monsters. It also requires purification ceremonies to cleanse impurities. Hence, it's necessary to bring a minimum number of magicians and knights.

"Will Sheriel be joining too? If she has resistance to impurities, it shouldn't be too dangerous."

"Hmm... What should I do? I don't have much interest in it, but I did promise the forest's master."

When parting with the forest's master, I inadvertently mentioned coming back tomorrow. For some reason, at that moment, I felt it was only natural for me to participate.

"Purification ceremonies must be performed by Beriards; it's part of the tradition, so it wouldn't hurt to gain experience."

If it's a household rule, there's not much to be done. That day, the fairies prepared extra sweets as souvenirs, and we spent the afternoon having tea. Since swordsmanship training was on hold for the subjugation preparations, it was a relaxing day.

The forest seemed comfortable for Ciel as well. Whenever we went for a stroll near the spring, the fairies fluttered around.

"Ciel, wait here for a bit."

We went to a lodge-like wooden building near the mansion to check on the children we had rescued from the dark auction.

"Grandpa, how long will it take for these kids to recover?"

"Well, without medication, it'll take about two weeks. But in a month, they should regain their sense of self."

"That's great, Mia. You'll be better in a month."

Seemingly relieved, Mia hugged Leo tightly and thanked Hermes.

"What kind of drug steals these emotions?"

"It's a special drug made from magical herbs. It erases sorrow and pain, but if used excessively, one loses even their sense of self. Originally, it was used as emergency aid for soldiers who accumulated impurities on the battlefield and suffered mental wounds."

"It seems challenging to regulate such a drug if it's used for other purposes."

Though it could be prohibited for purposes other than intended, since it doesn't generate impurities, it seems it hasn't been banned. However, I still find it questionable that impurity remains the standard for everything.

Even though I brought them here without permission, Hermes kindly accepted the children and agreed to treat them for a while. Later, when they have recovered, he promised to take them to Klayla.

The next morning, I woke up early again and asked Noah to call for Julius.

"Good morning, Professor Julius. I apologize for bothering you again."

"It seems you truly have a talent for attracting problems."

"It's unavoidable. Besides, if there are monsters, wouldn't it be better to not leave them alone?"

Julius, seeming exasperated, furrowed his brows and glanced at the assembled knights before sighing.

"It seems we'll be traveling by horse today. I was told to have Professor Julius take me. Can you ride a horse, Professor?"

"Oh, that's no problem. As long as I find a compatible one."

Julius doesn't seem to be the type animals take a liking to, as he ended up choosing among the horses that pulled the carriage.

As he walked past the lined-up horses, some stared at Julius with ears flattened back and fearful eyes, while a few even attempted to rise and flee. Julius, seemingly accustomed to these reactions, showed no particular concern. He stopped in front of one horse, smoothly stroking its cheek.

"Shall we go with this one? A sturdy and good-natured horse," he remarked.

The chosen horse snorted proudly and kicked its hind legs, displaying enthusiasm.

With preparations complete, they rode the horse towards the spot where they had encountered the forest's guardian yesterday. Along the way, monkeys and birds seemed to guide them through the woods, while the knights looked around nervously.

'Ah, this is truly a terrible impurity. Why didn't you notice it yesterday?'

A voice of exasperation came from behind, but honestly, Julius felt nothing.

"Do you understand? The spine-chilling sensation and the damp, oppressive feeling clinging from underfoot. Can't you sense it?"

"Yes, perhaps the Beriard family has a resilience to impurity."

Julius nodded in understanding. They rode for a while until they reached the large tree from yesterday. The guardian of the woods noticed them and peered out from the gaping hole.

"Well, well. The guardian of the woods indeed carries an imposing air."

"Absolutely! So huge, beautiful, and impressive!"

The woodland guardian, larger than us on horseback, towered over Julius and me, their splendid horns gleaming.

"Welcome, humans. It's reassuring to have even the black among you."

"Teacher, do you know them?"

"No? Even magical beasts are scarce in comprehending the whole situation, that's all."

Sergio stepped forward, exchanging greetings with the forest's guardian. To the knights staring in puzzlement, it might seem like Sergio was unilaterally talking to the magical beast. They were informed that the guardian would personally guide them for the extermination.

"Can't you sense that ominous presence?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure of the direction, and I can't go alone."

"Why not let the magical beast guide you?"


Sergio's ease resembled an old friend, somehow getting along with the forest's guardian. Walking at a pace matched by the forest's guardian, much larger than several horses combined, Sergio walked side by side with it.

"Father, you seem to enjoy this more than talking to people."

"Because when it's humans, I'm always looking for reasons to strike. Seems the woodland guardian doesn't fall under that category."

"Oh my... Father, isn't that too dangerous?"

I've learned something unpleasant. However, Sergio's ability to not let that show is admirable. While Didier is a genius, his interest in people is as apparent as if written on his face. Truly, as a lord, he has that air of sophistication that is impressive.

"It's about time. A terrible stench; it might be tough for the knights."

At Julius's words, looking back, I see knights with pained expressions, trembling. Licht also looks pale, barely able to keep up.

"Father, everyone seems---!"

"Yes, it seems a magical creature is near. The knights are used to this, so there's no need to worry."

Such callousness... Julius wore a composed expression, but there's a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead.

Didier, on the other hand, doesn't seem any different, so this might be his resilience to the impurity.

Suddenly, Sergio's horse rears up and stops, refusing to move forward any further."

"Then, please wait here, my lord. I'll swiftly take care of it."

Sergio leaped into the depths of the forest with an incredible speed. Even without sensing the presence of monsters, will it be alright?

"Shall we follow him too? Sergio alone might not be able to exorcise it."

Julius dismounted from his horse and signaled to Didier as well. I was cradled against Julius's side, chasing after Sergio at a furious pace.

"I wish there was a better way to carry you..."

"Sergio, not that way, a bit to the right!"

When Julius called out, Sergio immediately kicked off a tree and changed direction. I wonder where exactly he was running towards. After a short run, Julius leaped onto a branch.

"There it is. It's accumulated quite a lot of impurities."

In Julius's gaze, there stood a massive, mud-covered something. Judging from above, the main body alone might be about six tatami mats in size. Numerous legs surrounded a body resembling a rice cake, yet it had no eyes, nose, or mouth.

The air was filled with a sandy haze.

"That's the monster... what was it originally?"

"Who knows? Once they accumulate impurities to this extent, their original form is often unrecognizable."

Falling into impurity and becoming a monster means losing one's life at that point. What used to be a living being had already lost its form and turned into a wandering monster, seeking only magic and impurity.

"Sergio, shall we exorcise it first?"

"Yes, Julius, could you please?"

Leaving me behind, Julius descended and began chanting a liturgy, pointing a large staff towards the monster's head. Along with Julius's incantation, Didier also directed his staff towards the magic circle, their voices merging.

"O' gods descend, purify all sins, sins of the heavens, sins of the land..."

"...purify and cleanse."

As the incantation concluded, a massive magic circle appeared above the monster.

Crack! A strong light poured down from the magic circle, causing the monster to thrash in agony. With the disappearance of the light, the surrounding sand, the filthy mud covering the monster's entire body, all vanished, revealing its true form.

No, perhaps to everyone else, this form was the only one they had seen. That mud might be impurities visible only to me.

Even with the mud gone, the monster didn't resemble any original animal. Its brown, flabby, round body seemed like melted skin, with no discernible front or face.

But in the next moment, something like a single eyeball appeared in the center.

"Father, above! Something like an eye in the middle!"

"Well done, Sheriel."

Sergio swiftly swept his moving legs and cut them, then soared high, stabbing a sword into the eye-like thing in the center. Even without a mouth, a scraping metallic sound seemed to come from nowhere, making me instinctively cover my ears.

Sergio pulled out the sword with a swoosh, leaped to a nearby branch, and called out to the two performing the exorcism below.

"Phew, Julius being here saved me. I wouldn't have been able to charge in like that otherwise."

"I've been impressed by how you've stayed safe so far."

"Oh! The knights are coming soon, could we ask for another exorcism?"

Didier seemed unwell, perhaps from using too much magic. He jumped next to me and explained about the monster's subjugation.

"Phew, tired! For impure monsters like that, if we don't exorcise them once, we can't find their core. What Sheriel found earlier is the core."

"What's a core?"

"I wonder? Maybe something like the source of magic?"

A source... Somehow, I feel like I understand. Inside my body, there's also something like a spring overflowing with magic. Just as I'm starting to accept that, the knights arrive in a commotion.

"Oh... this is quite something..."

"Sergio-sama! Where are you?"

"Here, up here!"

The knights noticed Sergio waving from the tree and looked up, freezing with pale faces.

"Oh my, it seems some have come into contact with impurities."

When Sergio descended, the knights promptly took positions surrounding the monster. Sergio seemed to have been cutting off what looked like remaining limbs, yet the sludge-like substance, once thought to have disappeared, overflowed again from the central eye and covered the entire creature.

"It's fortunate we arrived just in time. This could've turned into a disaster if left unchecked."

"Is it that severe?"

"Yeah, normally even big ones are the size of forest guardians. I think I could've completely destroyed the core with that earlier strike. My magic reserves are completely depleted now."

Seems like they stumbled upon something significant, given the grim expressions of the knights. Sergio energetically darted around the monster, steadily chipping away at its main body.

"Licht is still an apprentice, right? Is he alright?"

"He should be able to protect himself. But it seems like he's got a decent resistance to external impurities too. Interesting, huh?"

This wasn't the time for leisurely observation. Yet Licht, despite having just started training, moved impressively, almost on par with the regular knights.

"Final exorcism! Julius, please!"

Julius descended, and we watched as everyone surrounded the monster, chanting. While avoiding the thrashing monster's limbs, Julius swung his sword with one hand and aimed his staff at the creature with the other.

Halfway through the incantation, several collapsed. Nearby individuals struggled to help but seemed overwhelmed. One of the monster's legs lunged at a knight.

---It won't make it in time.

I instinctively leaped out, drawing my sword, and halted the monster's leg with its crushed blade. But just stopping it wasn't enough.

I seized a knight's sword, spun around, and sliced off the leg as it disappeared like flowing sand. Looking back at the monster, the magic circle hadn't been completed, likely disrupted by the faltering incantation.

The knights trembled, unable to even raise their staffs.

"Everyone, retreat! Sheriel, continue the incantation!"

Following Sergio's delayed instructions, the knights started moving. Catching Julius's gaze, I instantly grasped what needed to be done.

"O' gods descend, purify..."

I recalled the earlier chant and, lacking a staff, directed my palm towards the monster, imbuing it with magic. The quivering voices of still-conscious knights echoed.

"It's impossible..."

"There's no way two of them can exorcise such a monster."

The initial exorcism was only temporary relief. Perhaps a bit more magic would be better.

As the incantation finished and the magic circle completed, I, inappropriately, found it beautiful.

The intricate array of symbols, representing prayers to the gods, felt like reading a compelling story, stirring my heart.

"Sheriel, maintain this. Let's overlap another circle," Julius, with a daring smile, began another incantation. But I haven't even learned how to use two spells simultaneously!

When the smaller circle overlapped, Sergio leaped once more towards the center, cleaving the large body into two.

"Now, the finishing touch."

Sensing that I could barely use the permitted amount of magic, Julius synchronized with me.


A large flame descended, engulfing the monster. Then, a column of intense light descended like a baptism, blinding me.

"Phew, that was a tough monster."

Opening my eyes to Sergio's absent-minded tone, there was nothing there. The mud, sand, even the fragments of the monster---all disappeared. It was just the fallen knights around us.

"You did well, Sheriel. That was a great exorcism."

"Thank you..."

Direct praise made me bashful, unable to meet their gaze. Didier, who had descended, also praised me, making me realize that my first subjugation was successful.

"It disappears completely, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it's said that even the soul decays when turning into a monster. Nothing remains in the end. That's why everyone despises impurity."

As someone reborn, the disappearance of the soul felt especially terrifying to me. There's no next life. Even without memories, the thought of having no hope for the next life felt utterly hopeless.

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