The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 3 - Chapter 13 - In Search of the Dragon

Supported by Julius from behind, I felt a sensation as if my insides were floating upward from below, and suddenly, we floated up into the sky. It was my first time flying.

"It feels like I'm cheating somehow."

"Were you supposed to promise someone a trip in the sky?"

"I had promised to ride with Guri-chan, but after the baptism, I was so busy that I couldn't go for a walk in the end."

"Is that so... But more importantly, aren't you scared?"

When I was asked that, I looked down and saw the departing servants shrinking, and I couldn't help but realize the height. Whoa... it's high!

And in the next moment, as if the carriage had suddenly accelerated, my whole body felt the pressure. The wyvern began to accelerate towards the mountains.

"I-It's scary."

"You'll get used to it eventually. Try looking at the distant mountains."

While Julius lightly laughed as if to dismiss the fear, he held me with one arm. To distract myself, I began to delve into anything that caught my attention as the mountains gradually grew larger.

"Why can wyverns fly?"

"Maybe because they have wings?"

"They do have sturdy wings, but their scales seem tough and heavy. I don't think their bodies are built for flying."

"Is that so? I've never thought about it."

In a past life, there were said to be pterosaurs in the time of dinosaurs, but how did they fly? Did they leap off cliffs and glide? But these creatures, they just floated up, right?

Thinking it would be great if I could talk to magical beasts, I became curious whether wyverns were magical birds or magical beasts.

"Are wyverns magical birds or magical beasts?"

"They belong to the dragon species."

"Do volcanoes erupt here?"

"You can tell before an eruption due to fluctuations in magical energy."

As I kept asking questions that came to mind, it seemed like I was getting used to both the altitude and the speed. Surprisingly, I admired my adaptability. After crossing several rocky mountains, I suddenly felt the ambient temperature rise. Wrapped in a sweltering heat, in front of me were three volcanoes of varying sizes, all pitch-black. Sarah and Kyle looked pale, and Sergio and Didier seemed tense. When I glanced back, Julius wore his usual serene smile.

"Aren't you afraid of dragons, Teacher?"

"Well, I've seen them a few times. As long as we don't provoke them, they aren't that dangerous."

"You've met them before! How was it? Do they really breathe fire?"

With a chuckle, Julius pulled the reins firmly. Overtaking Sarah and Kyle, who were leading the way, he changed the course to the right.

"You want to meet them, right? They're probably around here."

"You can tell?"

"You need to search for places with dense magical energy. Ah, maybe I forgot to teach about detection. Shall we make it part of the next lesson?"

"Yes! I want to search for dragons on my own!"

Yes! Finding dragons and having a lesson---talk about killing two birds with one stone!

"Different people seem to have different ways of detection, but I expand my magical energy like mist. When expanded like ripples, I can only detect within my own height."

"No spells or incantations needed?"

"Detection isn't precisely magic. It's more about manipulating one's own magical energy, so it's closer to intimidation."

Since I've gotten quite accustomed to adjusting my magical energy, I thought I could easily master detection. I tried to radiate magical energy from my entire body, but it only circulated inside me, failing to work properly. I strained too much, and my face turned crimson.

"It's difficult... I can't grasp the sensation of releasing magic outside."

"Perhaps it's because you've grown accustomed to non-verbal casting. It's alright, let's plan another training session for detection another time."

This is unexpected... I've easily learned everything so far, always praised for catching on quickly. I wonder if I've been overestimating my abilities. I left the dragon detection to Julius and felt disheartened.

"Look, they're sleeping over there."

Following Julius's gesture, I saw a dragon the size of a house, curled up with its tail along its body, fast asleep. Its obsidian-like scales shimmered and reflected light. Nearby, a smaller green dragon curled up as if cuddling. My spirits, which had been sagging, suddenly soared.

"Wow! They're adorable! They're sleeping! Real dragons!"

"Please calm down a bit."

I quieted down and waved enthusiastically to Didier and Sarah behind me, pointing at the dragons. I spoke softly to Julius, not wanting to disturb them.

"That one looks like a match for you, Professor Julius."

"This is my first time seeing a black dragon."

"That's wonderful! You might become friends!"

Ah, to think I could see dragons with my own eyes... reincarnation into another world is just incredible! I hadn't played games involving monsters in my past life, but even I know about dragons. Meeting such a widely known figure across worlds... I must be really lucky! Plus, I've never seen such a massive creature. I'd love to see them move even just a little bit.

"Just try not to do anything unnecessary, alright?"


However, perhaps my thoughts got through, as the black dragon slowly opened one eye. I almost waved enthusiastically, but sensing the wyvern's tension, I refrained. Amazing, it's truly alive. I've seen a real dragon.

"Sheriel, you're too excited. Your magic is leaking."

"Is it my fault for waking it up... But it doesn't seem hostile. Seems like a good creature."

"I don't think dragons are inherently good or bad... But yeah, I don't sense any hostility. Shall we get closer?"

"Is it really okay!?"

Nervously suppressing the pounding in my chest, we descended to a large rock a little ways away. The wyvern seemed calm, and I wanted to observe just a little. Didier and the others above were waving reassuringly, so I returned the gesture.

Resting against the large rock, I decided to lay down and observe the dragon.

"Is it rude to lay down like this?"

"No, well, it's fine..."

"Teacher, if you'd like, please join. You'll get a better view."

Shifting a bit to make space, Julius also lay down, side by side, watching the dragon together.

"Dragons are also in the Demon's Forest, right? Is this place like a vacation home?"

"Perhaps they're here for a nap. When they sleep for longer periods, I think they nest deeper in."

The black dragon, still seemingly drowsy, occasionally blinked slowly while gazing in our direction. Its occasional drooping eyelids were rather cute.

This area had a temperature suitable for us humans to land, and the large rock was comfortably warm. It was like a sauna but cozy, seemingly a perfect nap spot for the dragon.

"Even though it's so calm, why would it attack people?"

"Perhaps it woke up halfway and was hungry."

According to Julius, dragons are creatures that nourish themselves with magic and don't require much food. That's why they mostly inhabit the magically abundant Demon's Forest, and even when they do eat, it's said to be limited to magical beasts or fruits containing magical essence.

Then why would the people of Klayla serve as bait? It might be more efficient for nobles to lure them into the Demon's Forest using wyverns rather than having commoners with little magical presence act as bait using blood.

I'll propose that once I return. The wyvern doesn't seem too scared even when we're this close, and considering the expenses of maintaining horses, it might make life a bit easier.

"Is that a bird?"

Lost in thought, something fluttered towards us from afar. It wasn't clear yet as it approached closer.

"This is rare. It's a stray dragon. Try enhancing your sight."

As instructed, I focused magic into my eyes, expanding my vision, and saw a small, sapphire-like blue dragon desperately flapping its wings. It was trying so hard that I couldn't help but cheer it on.

Oh, how adorable! So incredibly cute... Is it a baby dragon from the one napping earlier?

"You really have some unusual hobbies."

Though I tried to hide it, my grin seemed evident. Even if Julius found it amusing, I couldn't conceal my expression. Because it's just too cute. I never thought I'd be particularly interested in reptiles, but it seems the charm of dragons is exceptional.

As I silently cheered it on, the small dragon landed near the black dragon. Perhaps it was hungry or injured, as it staggered towards the larger dragon. However, the black dragon gave a small warning and drove away the stray dragon.

"Teacher, what's happening! That little one is being intimidated!"

"Dragons, even of the same species, probably don't care for any offspring other than their own. It might just be angry at the disturbance while napping."

"But that little one seems so weak. What should we do... What about its parents?"

"Dragons usually don't stray from their young ones when they're still in their infancy, so it's possible it's lost or orphaned."

The sight of the small dragon, despite being intimidated and swiped away, staggering towards the black dragon, tightened my chest. It might have lost its parents and desperately been searching for companionship. Our eyes met after the small dragon flipped over following another warning. I... I can't take it anymore.

"Come here..."

Even though it shouldn't have heard my voice, the little dragon slowly walked towards me, balancing with its wings. I restrained the urge to rush forward and embrace it, instead, I looked up at the large rock, observing the dragon that had just landed with a powerful flap of its wings.

It softly landed, looked up at me with powerless eyes, and let out a small cry.


"What's wrong? Is your mom not here?"


"Are you hungry? You're so cute. Where did you come from? Do you want to be my child?"

Gently extending my hand, the dragon rubbed its nose against it. Its face had a tough, scaly texture, warm despite its appearance. Upon closer inspection, there were many tiny scratches on its scales, making it look like a cloudy stone. Unsure if it was appropriate to raise a wild dragon by human hands, I glanced at Julius, who seemed exasperated, covering his face with one hand.

"Teacher, can I take this little one home?"

"You really do pick up anything... Well, if it comes down to it, you could just release it back into the Demon's Forest."

"Really! Thank you, Teacher!"


A roar shook the ground from below. It seemed I'd been a bit too noisy. I apologized softly to the black dragon and held the little dragon in my arms. It was still small and quiet enough to fit in my arms. Had it been searching for companionship all this time? I couldn't go searching in the depths, but I wanted to take care of it until it grew up.

"Ah, you've done so well all by yourself, even though you're this small."

As I stroked it, the little dragon closed its eyes and curled up in my arms. It's so friendly. I want to let it rest peacefully soon.

"Oh, right. Since you're still leaking a bit of magic, holding it like this might help the dragon replenish its magic. It could be just right."

"Will this little one get better with my extra magic? Does that mean I don't need to make a contract with a spirit?"

"That's different. You can't have a dragon by your side all the time, can you?"

True. But even if I can't make a contract with a spirit on this journey, having this little one seems like it'll be alright for a while. I'm starting to feel like it might be fine to go back like this.

"Shall we head back soon? It'd be troublesome if we upset the black dragon."

"Yes, let's return to the mansion."

I securely held the dragon and got on the wyvern. Since both my hands were occupied, Julius helped me hold it, and we flew back in the direction we came from while searching for Didier and the others.

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