The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 6: Chapter 29

Book 6: Chapter 29

Welcome, to the Temple of Wind. Well, its not like I myself dont welcome you.

The one who greeted Seiras group when they arrived at the Temple of Wind was Nefas who made a truly complicated looking face.

If it had to be described, it was an expression that looked like a wry smile was mixed together with sympathy.

Seiras pain of being in a position of having to do things that she didnt want to do due to being a duty as a noble was something that Nefas also understood very well.

The current Nefas had been released from the responsibilities as a noble of the St. Altlis Kingdom, but this time, the thing called a Temple Knight of Wind had become an invisible chain and bound Nefas down.

To end up in a position where he had to take responsibility for an entire faith, that wouldnt even be a funny story.

Rather, even if he was depraved, how Nefas was up until now where he himself would finish things with just him biting back, it was enough to think that that might have been him being at ease.

Thanks to that, even if he wanted to chase after his loved ones, he wouldnt even be able to go out freely.

Thank you. Youre making a pretty funny face, arent you?

Is that so. And youre making a bored-looking face.

Nefas replied like that to Seiras words.

Its because this truly is boring.

Contrary to Ietta, who was making a bitter face, Nefas raised the corners of his mouth and expressed a smile.

Is that so. It is good to see that youre the same as always. Well, come on in. The public gaze are a bit much if we stay here after all.

While following after Nefas who turned around and entered the temple, Seira muttered.

Nefasyouve, changed somehow, havent you.

Is that so?

Un. How should I put it. Its likeyou lost your competitiveness, maybe.

While saying that, Seira thought about the reason for her own words.

Most likelythe cause wasnt Nefas, but Seira herself.

The Nefas who she one-sidedly hated from the bottom of her heart and was also her rival, she felt like he somehow became distant.

And then, the cause of that was surely the atmosphere that Nefas was clad in.

Its like, youve become an adult on your own.

Seira felt that expression to be the most fitting one.

The Nefas who would only say insults whenever they saw each other was now clad in a terrifyingly calm air.

Even his martial arts skills, they probably skyrocketed by several levels when compared to the last time they met.

She couldnt find a single opening in his bearing.

ThatsIt couldnt be helped. I had no choice but to do so, and I also worked hard to be like that.

Its that.


The Nefas that I know would say that working hard is something that guys without talent would do.

Being told that by Seira, Nefas came to a stop in the middle of the hallway, and tilted his head as if to try and remember something.

After falling into silence for an ample several seconds like that, Nefas turned around to Seira.

Sorry, I dont remember that.

To begin with, from our first greeting, if it was the Nefas that I know, he should have gotten angry the moment I said that you had a funny face.

Nn, well. For that, its that. There is a pro at abusive language among my acquaintancesits probably an effect from that.

Seeing Nefas remember something and express a smile, Seira reflexively backed away.

This was her first time seeing Nefass smiling face without a single trace of maliciousness.

When speaking of the smiling face that Nefas had that Seira knew, it was the face that he made when he thought of something bad, and the face he made when he was looking down on people.

Ahun. Youve really changed.

That might be true. Ahh, the second floor is off limits to anyone other than those concerned. Sorry but I would like it if you had all of your followers, including your attendants, be on standby in the room on the first floor.

He started walking once again, and once they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Nefas turned around and said that.

In other words, the one who could go through beyond this point was only Seira who was his guest.

Ietta, who pretended to be her attendant, naturally objected to this.

H, howeverI cannot separate from Ojou-sama.

Ietta-dono. I understand your circumstances, but for me, I do not want to make any dissension. So I would like it if you could understand.

Having her name called out by Nefas despite having not introduced herself yet, Iettas body stiffened.

She had no choice but to think that the fact that she wasnt an attendant was exposed.

But, this should have been her first time meeting with Nefas.

Even while thinking that, a cold sweat ran down Iettas back.

I believe you should know this, but I was once the heir to a Duke House. The faces of the people I should remember have been memorized.

I have done something out of line.

Hearing those words that made the finishing blow, Ietta had no choice but to withdraw.

How could this be.

She had heard that Nefas, the eldest son of the Albania Duke House, was a profligate son who wallowed in talent, and was just a man who the God of Wind who had coincidentally taken a liking to, but this was unexpected.

Being a royal palace knight, it wasnt like Iettas face was well known like a justice knight or an imperial guard knight.

Moreover, having been in charge of the princesss room, a majority of the nobles probably didnt even know of her existence.

Even though she was selected this time due to that, Nefas had called her a person I should remember.

Depending on how it was perceived, it could also be heard as a declaration that he intended on maintaining contact with the princess in the future.

And then, as long as the Albania House was a Duke House, that was by no means an impossible story, and even if there was a time where Nefas dreamed of it, it was by no means strange.

But, if he had done his research even down to Ietta, it wasnt just yearning or a dream, it probably meant that he calculated it as one of his futures.

Well, I had thought that everything had become pointless after all this timebut things prove to be useful in the most unexpected places.

While hearing Nefass insinuating words, Ietta thought.

Its dangerous to turn Nefas into an enemy.

She didnt know how much he had looked into, but at the very least, it would be best to think that the public faces that were related to the royal palace were all known.

Ojou-sama, do take care.

After Ietta gave that reminder, Seira waved her hand while smiling and replied.

I know that. Well get along.

Leaving behind Ietta, who had no choice but to see them off while feeling anxiety from her appearance like that, Nefas and Seira ascended the stairs.

Its kinda likeDid you know? About Ietta.

Pretty much. She is the daughter of the Yunian Baron House after all, so its only natural that I know about her.

Eh, is that so? By the Yunian Baron HouseErm, that was a house famous for something, wasnt it.

Ascending the stairs and walking for a bit, after confirming that they had already gotten far from Ietta and the others, Nefas turned to Seira and breathed an exaggerated sigh.

When speaking of the Yunian Baron House, theyre famous since they have the Holy Silver Mine within the territory. It seems that in the past, there were many talks about marriage meetings that went to her from second and third sons who were aiming for the Holy Silver.

Hn. I dont have any interest in that sort of stuff.

Nefas shook his head looking utterly amazed.

Since there wasnt any other children other than Ietta in the Yunian Baron House during those times, it was said that talk of marriage meetings came from houses that were aiming for the mines one after another.

After that, since a first-born son was ultimately born in the Yunian Baron House, naturally, it turned into a story where that first-born son would inherit the house.

However, it seemed that the bunch who didnt give up despite that would use their social status and authority to forcibly bring the talk about it up, the one who Viscount Yunian, who was at a complete loss as to what to do, relied on was Duke Albania who they were friendly with during that time.

Father, he made it so that it sounded like Ietta had advanced marriage talks with me. Father himself was greatly enthusiastic about it, and it seemed that he spread that information during every evening party.

H, heeh

Thanks to that, even I had to go along with that. Not just Iettas face, even from her interests and favorite foods to her embarrassing memories, I know all of them.

I see, if its Duke Albania who was famous for being meticulous, that was a plausible story.

Seira made a wry smile while thinking that sort of thingAnd it was there that she suddenly realized.

Huh? Then, what about that that thing earlier about knowing about her circumstances, and dissension and stuff?

Ahh, it sounded like I did, right?

Eh, buthuh, then what was that. A bluff?

Dont say something so disreputable. Her circumstances that I know about, it was merely that although it stopped at being an expectation, she was fiance to me. Also, well, there were various things

Im interested in the breakdown of all of that, but doesnt that mean that it really was a bluff, is what Seira thought.

I had merely requested it of her, and didnt order it. Well, having a misunderstanding was of her own accord. Its none of my concern as to what kind of understanding she came to was.

You villainI thought that you had changed quite a bit, but on second thought, you might not have changed that much.

Is that so? I myself think that Ive changed for the most part though.

Uh-uh, Nefas, you really are Nefas.

After Nefas replied with a chuckle at Seira who said that sort of thing, he turned his gaze to a room further down the corridor as if remembering it.

More importantly, we are keeping a guest waiting.

Ah, is it Luuty-sensei?

Her, and Sancreed-dono.

Hearing the name Sancreed, Seira groaned with an *un* as if pondering about it.

Ah! That boyfriend of Luuty-sensei?

That seems to be wrong. They seem to be friends.

Eh, is that so?


Seeing Nefas nod, Seira pouted looking dissatisfied.

Even though she thought that she could hear about her former teachers romantic stories, this was an awful let-down.

But you know, Luuty-sensei has also passed a hundred years old, right? What was the marriageable age for Sylphids again?

Dunno. It seems that the quick ones get married at the same age as Humans butwell, I cant say anything but it being about individual differences.

Like Im saying, even if you say its about individual differences, Luuty-sensei went passed a hundred years old while still single, right? It wouldnt be strange if she thought that it was about time to get a boyfriend.

Although he made a preface of putting aside your theory made out of your love-filled head, Nefas folded his arms as if to ponder over it.

Certainly, its not like that person doesnt have any romantic stories. This countrys captain of the First Protection Chivalric Order is that persons childhood friend but

Eh, whats with that. Is that person also single!?

Yeah, and that reason is

The moment Nefas tried to speak beyond that, the door further down the corridor opened with a creaking sound.

And then, Luutys smiling face appeared from the gap of that door.

Fufu, it would seem that you two have gotten quite excited, havent you?

Having not her whole body, but only half of her body peeking out incited quite some fear.

*Kotsun* The sound of something hard hitting the floor was made.

It wasnt a footstepit was the sound of a bow that could be slightly seen touching the floor.

Hurry up and come over here, you two. If you dont, I

Saying that, Luuty went back into the room.

The two that were left behind in the corridor went pale, looked at each other, and hurriedly started to run through the corridor.

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