The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 33

Book 2: Chapter 33

Sorry, I dont know about it.

Is that so.

Together with a bit of disappointment, Vermudol dropped his shoulders.

It seemed that there was no choice but to put the matter about the Dimensional Gap aside for now.

To begin with. What does it mean by dimensional?

Hearing Raktors words, Vermudols shoulders trembled.



What did you say, just now?

The words just nowwere very important.

Like I said, what does dimensional mean? Is there a place with that kind of name?

Raktor said that he was unable to understand the word dimensional.

But, Vermudol was able to understand it.

Vermudol thought about the meaning of this.

In regards to the naming, it could be treated as something the Hero Ryuuya added.

But, the fact that the idea of dimensions couldnt be understood, Vermudol felt that some sort of important fact was held within it.

No, lets discuss this matter again some other time.

Nn? Ou.

Raktor nodded, and leaned his body into the sofa.

So, are we done?

NoThis time, its about the Heros Holy Sword.

AhhThat, huh.

The Hero Ryuuyas Holy Sword was said to be something that controlled the power of the Gods, and the Demon King perished due to that.

However, even after searching through the mankind territory documents, he couldnt figure out a single thing about what kind of thing the Holy Sword was.

That is the worst sword.

Raktors body trembled hearing the words Holy Sword.

Raktor vividly remembered it even now.

Controlling the power of the Godsthat sort of story wasnt a lie.

In fact, the Heros Holy Sword possessed outrageous strengthpowerful strength strong enough to cut through Raktors magical power.

Raktors magical power was the same as his Breath, in other words, it was furnished with all elements other than the Life element, but the Heros Holy Sword that opposed it directly from the front also concealed a special characteristic that was equal to Raktors magical poweror even greater than it.

In fact, that power was verified when Gramfia had perished. It was a sword that he didnt want to confront ever again if possible.

But ya know. If you want to hear about the Heros Holy Sword, rather than me, I think itd be better if you asked that Fainell girl. Its because I aint interested in weapons other than if theyre strong or weak.

Fainell huh

The Eastern General Fainell was actually the next senior Mazoku after Raktor.

And during those time, she had even fought against the Hero several times.

Yeah, Ill try visiting her after this. But Raktor, how were your own feelings about the Holy Sword?

There isnt much to say. If theres a next time that thing is brought here, itd be best to blow it up along with the Hero from far away. That is a dangerous thing. The image of me exchanging blows with it and winning wont come to my mind at all.

Raktors words told it all.

The Holy Sword was most likely one of the things that made the Hero a Hero.

If it went just as the Hero legends said, although it would take time to makeas long as it was completed, it would literally become a weapon that could destroy Mazoku.

If possible, it was something that they would like to somehow deal with before it was completed.

Say, Raktor.

What is it, Demon King-sama.

Do you, want to go to war against mankind?

And whats the point if we did.


Vermudol made a wry smile at Raktors answerand then looked up at the ceiling.

Thats right. From the Mazokus point of view, there was no reason to go to war against mankind.

But, if there was a reason for mankinds side to go to war against the Mazoku, then the Hero would surely appear once again.

Equipped with that knowledge, he was preparing for it butit was questionable if he would make it in time.

Even Vermudol was unable to predict it.

Say, Demon King-sama.

What is it, Raktor.

Raktor spoke to Vermudol with a lightheartedness as if he were talking about the weather.

Wanna try having a light fight? Against me.

Hearing those words, Vermudol made a blank face, and then laughed with a loud voice in the next moment.

Between you and me? Jeez, are you planning on blasting away the south.

That might be good too. If we go that far, then maybe the Hero will also get scared and wont come anywhere near.

After saying that, Raktor returned to his serious face.

Say, Demon King-sama.

Correcting his posture on the sofa, Raktor gazed at Vermudol.

The Hero is coming, isnt he? If I think of it like that, then everything falls into place.

What does?

Im talking about that Sancreed guy.

The Western General Sancreed was a Hero of the Mazoku that Vermudol had created.

And he was one of the trump cards that Vermudol had prepared.

If its just about building the Demon King army, then theres no need to prepare something like a Hero. No, it might be fine to prepare one butDemon King-sama. You predicted the return of the Hero ever since then, didnt you?

Vermudol met with Raktors gaze.

Seeing those eyes that wouldnt allow any deception, Vermudol nodded.

There was no certainty to it. Thats why I prepared him.

Vermudol continued on.

But now it has been confirmed. I was correct to have prepared him. But, even so, I am thinking that it might not be enough.

Whats lacking? And also, why has it been confirmed?

Lets see. It might be about time that its reached a stage where I should talk about it.

Vermudol muttered that and stood up from his seat.

I will talk about what I saw and everything that Rokuna has consolidated.

Finally, that time has come.

The uncertain information.

The indefinite predictions.

The conjecture that was raised up to a most likely stage by piling up several facts.

The stage where he should share those had come.

I will gather all of the Four Generals and the Central General.

A council of the top Mazoku of the Zadark KingdomThe Central Council, was about to start.

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