The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 20

Book 2: Chapter 20

In the Demon Kings Castle Throne Room, Vermudol looked down on the Majin messenger.

Well then, let me hear it.


The Majin got down to one knee and continued while still in a bowing pose.

I will make the report! This is an urgent report from Western General Sancreed-sama to Demon King Vermudol-sama! A gigantic unidentifiable object has been discovered in the western lands, on the Invasion Coast! The members of mankind riding on it who called themselves Metalio are seeking rescue! Presently, Sancreed-sama has made direct contact with them!

A gigantic unidentifiableIs it not a species of Dragon?

Hearing Vermudols words that seemed to be checking something, the Majin messenger seemed bewildered, but answered with a levelheaded tone.

A dragonNo, it seemed to be an object that floats on the sea and is made with wood.

I see. A ship, huh.

Rokuna sharply caught the words that Vermudol had muttered.

A shipIs that what its called? I see, Ver-cchi did go to mankinds territory after all.

Nn? Ahh, pretty much.

After making a vague response back to her, Vermudol turned his gaze to the Majin messenger.

So, how many of the other party were there, and what was the contents of the rescue that they sought?

Yes, they sought rescue for their sick and injured, and support in food and water. Their number on the whole is unknown.

After nodding, Vermudol gave an order to Ichika who was in waiting beside him.

Ichika. For now, prepare a larger portion of what would normally be needed. I think that Sancreed will make a list or something for the more detailed things.

As you wish.

Hearing those words, the Majin messenger went *Ha* and shouted in surprise.

Y, you are going to rescue those members of mankind!?

Yeah. You came here seeking permission for that, didnt you?

Hearing those words, the Majin messenger hurriedly lowered his head.

I, I am terribly sorry! I said something very intrusive!

Dont mind it. Its not like I am rescuing them merely out of good will after all.

Informationisnt it.

Hearing Nino, who was in waiting on the side opposite of Ichika, mutter that, Vermudol nodded.

Even in mankinds territory, maritime transportation hadnt developed all that much, and even regular transportation was mainly done through land routes.

And then, sea routes shouldnt have been open to the general public. With that being the case, the group of Metalio on board of the ship, there was a high possibility that they were important figures to a certain


And then, if they had a high position as Metalio, there was no mistake that they were nobles of the Cylus Empire.

In other words, the fact that nobles of the Cylus Empire were traveling an undeveloped sea route itself meant that this was no trivial matter.

Considering the distance from the Cylus Empire, timewise, they had most likely departed long before Vermudol had left the St. Altlis Kingdom.

He didnt know how much information he could pull out of them butthere was value in trying to do it.


Coming, what is it? Ver-cchi.

You come along as well. Someone with a clever mouth will be needed.

Sure, thats fine.

Rokuna stepped forward to being beside Vermudol as he stood up from the throne.

Ichika, please come later as soon as the preparations are completed. I dont mind if you move anyone required. NinoThis time, you will be on standby.



Leaving the expressionless Ichika and the slightly dissatisfied-looking Nino as they were, Vermudol took Rokunas hand.

Yosh, were going to transfer over thereYou are able to transfer over with your own strength, right?

Yes, I have no problem doing that.

After nodding at the Majin messengers reply, Vermudol focused his consciousness.

The place he was transfering to, was the westernmost coast of the Dark Continent.


After seeing off Vermudol and Rokuna as they were enveloped in light and vanished, the Majin messenger also transferred over.

The ones left in the Throne Room were Ichika and Nino, and then Orel.

Well, just leave the rest to Demon King-samais that it?

Thats right.

Ichika nodded at Orels words. However, only Nino turned her gaze to the western corner and muttered.

Even though it would be fine if they were all killed.

Whats this, Nino, are you that? One of those mankind-haters?

I hate them. Mankind is something that has gone rotten.

Orel scratched his cheek and sent his gaze to Ichika looking troubled.

Relatively being of the younger generation as a Majin, Orel practically didnt know about mankind.

At most, he had only seen the Hero Ryuuya from a distance when he attacked the Dark Continent, but he had absolutely no contact with them other than that.

However, Nino was of an even newer generation than Orel.

Essentially, she shouldnt have any prejudice against mankind butthat being said, she had gone to mankinds territory together with Vermudol.

Something had most likely happened during that timeis what Orel guessed.

However, he hesitated to delve anymore into that and ask her about it.

AhI see. Well then, it might be good that ya didnt go this time.

Thats right. It would be troubling if Nino were to slaughter them before getting information out of them after all.

Youre also quite somethin

Seeing Ichika say that with a lack of expression, Orel made a look of amazement.

And then, without saying it to anyone in particular, he muttered.

Mankind, huh.

If he remembered correctly, Rokunas Majin subordinates, Ein and Zwei, should have infiltrated mankinds territory.

Once they return, it might be good to try hearing their impressions of mankind.

No, on second thought, it probably would have been better to have gone together with them just now

Imagining the mankind he had yet to see, Orel thought things like that.

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