The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 127: Plotting of the Night Blades

While Irving was making his arrangemts, the Night Blades were also making their final preparations for the immint action.

The Night Blades had already stationed a significant number of operatives in several cities suring the City of Warding. Once the leader of the Night Blades gave the order, they would immediately act to destroy the official institutions in these cities.

However, the Night Blades' failure in the shelter game had affected their operations in the real world.

The top brass of the Night Blades were forced to conve an emergcy meeting. This opportunity was crucial for them, and they could no longer afford any more failures. If any further issues arose, they would face immse pressure.

"We cannot take immediate action in the City of Warding. In the shelter game, it was Irving who heavily damaged our special task force, and he is currtly in the City of Warding. If we act rashly, Irving will undoubtedly thwart our plans. The personnel we've deployed in the City of Warding are simply not capable of defeating Irving. So, I hope we can consider this further."

A very old voice emerged from the shadows.

As this voice appeared, everyone looked up toward the shadows, as if a backbone had emerged. In such a critical situation, having a leader could stabilize everyone's emotions and boost confidce. Of course, not everyone thought this way.

He was the elder of the Night Blades responsible for the actions in the City of Warding and its suring cities.

"Elder Seville, ar't you being a bit too cautious? No matter how strong Irving is, he's just one person. I recall that we have a significant number of operatives stationed in the City of Warding."

Another slightly younger voice came from the shadows.

"Elder Seville, we've be preparing for this operation for a long time. If you abandon the action so easily, wouldn't all our previous preparations go to waste? This would certainly cause chaos within the Night Blades. As an elder, you should have forese such a situation."

Facing the opposition from the other two elders, Elder Seville did not easily abandon his own ideas. He had his own plans for everything he said, and rash actions would befit the Night Blades in no way. He had to point this out in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary losses.

"Of course, I know that easily delaying the action will throw the Night Blades into chaos. But if we act rashly and ultimately fail, won't that cause ev greater chaos for the Night Blades?

I just need you to give me about one more week of preparation time. After a week, I will certainly take action and sure the success of the operation."

After Elder Seville finished speaking, the emergcy meeting fell into silce once again.

Although the other elders found Elder Seville's request somewhat inappropriate, they also had a great deal of respect for him.

After a long silce, a very hoarse and deep voice emerged from the deepest part of the shadows.

"Do you only need an additional sev days?"

Hearing this voice, Elder Seville quickly responded, "Yes, Your Emince! I only need an additional sev days. After these sev days, I will definitely complete the task you have giv me."

"I need a reason. What kind of arrangemts will you make during these sev days? How will you turn an otherwise impossible mission into a success after just sev days?"

The hoarse and deep voice pressed further.

Elder Seville adjusted his mindset and slowly revealed his plan.

"Everyone should be well aware that a very significant evt rectly occurred within the Ocean Group. The original chairman, Joseph, was ousted, and Joseph's niece, Vicky, became the new presidt of the Ocean Group.

According to the intelligce we have obtained, Vicky has a very close relationship with Irving. So, we cannot rule out the possibility that Joseph's ousting was due to Irving."

Although Joseph had be ousted, he still had many followers within the Ocean Group. Vicky couldn't possibly eliminate all of Joseph's followers in such a short time.

I need sev days to reach a cooperation agreemt with Joseph. If we can achieve this cooperation, our operations in the City of Warding will become much easier."

As the elder in charge of the Night Blades' activities a the City of Warding, Elder Seville was well aware of everything happing there.

After Joseph was ousted, Elder Seville kely realized that he might be able to cooperate with Joseph.

If they could work with Joseph to take down both the Ocean Group and Irving, the Night Blades' influce in the City of Warding would reach its peak. At that point, ev the Angel Guild wouldn't be able to defeat them.

After Elder Seville finished outlining his plan, he patitly awaited the others' responses.

The elders who initially disagreed with Elder Seville's plan now felt that his proposal would make their upcoming actions much more secure.

Thus, at the emergcy meeting, the top brass of the Night Blades approved Elder Seville's plan.

"I must remind you, if your plan fails again, you will not get another chance. The precious weapons you possess will also be reclaimed by the Night Blades."

The hoarse and deep voice warned Elder Seville.

"I understand perfectly. I will remember your words, Your Emince!"

After saying this, Elder Seville felt his consciousness plunge into a deep sea. As his awaress continued to sink, he gradually closed his eyes.

Wh Elder Seville's consciousness returned, he found himself back in his own room.

The Night Blades' emergcy meeting had not be held in the real world, nor in the shelter game. Instead, it had be conducted through a form of mtal connection.

Elder Seville got out of bed and shook his head.

"The method of mtal connection is still somewhat immature. Every time it ds, I experice a severe headache."

In fact, Elder Seville disliked using mtal connections for emergcy meetings, as he always felt that this method allowed the other elders to perceive all his thoughts.

But since he had become an elder of the Night Blades, he naturally had to act according to their ways.

After adjusting his state, Elder Seville directly oped the door and walked out.

"Mr. Joseph must be getting impatit, right?" Elder Seville asked directly, addressing Joseph who was sitting in the living room.

Joseph put down his coffee cup, a slight smile on his face.

"Time is the one thing I have plty of now. So, how did it go? Did the Night Blades' top brass approve your plan?"

Joseph had long since discussed the upcoming plan with Elder Seville.

"The top brass approved my plan, but I also hope you understand that if our actions fail, they won't let you off either. You'd better give it your all in this operation."

Facing Elder Seville's warning, Joseph merely smiled faintly.

"You don't need to worry about that. To achieve my revge, I will bring forth all my power."

Joseph harbored deep hatred for both Vicky and Irving.

He hated Vicky because she had seized his position as the heir to the Ocean Group. However, Joseph also knew that without Irving's help, Vicky could never have accomplished this.

So, the person Joseph hated the most was, of course, Irving.

Joseph hoped to use this cooperation with the Night Blades to make Irving his mortal emy. Moreover, if the operation succeeded, he wanted to torture Irving to death step by step.

"I have great trust in your Night Blades. So, I won't ask about your specific action plans. I only have one requiremt for this operation: you must defeat Irving."

Elder Seville nodded.

He fully understood why Joseph hated Irving so much.

However, ev if Joseph didn't say it, the Night Blades would certainly target Irving as their primary objective. Several of their operations had failed because of Irving's interferce.

"Naturally, we will focus our main attack on Irving. Wh the time comes, your job will be to block any reinforcemts. Are you really confidt you can stop the Angel Guild from aiding Irving?"

Elder Seville was still a bit concerned.

Although he knew Joseph had his own people within the Angel Guild, could Joseph really prevt the Angel Guild from acting? After all, the Angel Guild was backed by official organizations.

Joseph stood up from his seat, speaking with confidce.

"You don't need to worry about that. I can assure you that wh you launch your attack on Irving, the Angel Guild will be incapable of providing any assistance. Moreover, other major family guilds won't be able to help Irving either."

After saying this, Joseph promptly left.

For Joseph, his purpose in coming here today was simply to confirm that the Night Blades would agree to his plan. Since that was now confirmed, there was no need to waste any more time here.

Elder Seville watched Joseph leave. Once Joseph's figure had completely disappeared, Elder Seville called over one of his apprtices.

"I want you to assign two people to keep an eye on Joseph. Although he has agreed to cooperate with us, I still don't fully trust him. Over the next few days, you must report his every move to me immediately."

Elder Seville's apprtice swiftly accepted the order and left quickly.

"You'd better not be deceiving me and the Night Blades. If you are, you'll pay a heavy price," Elder Seville muttered to himself.

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