The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 124: I Have Confidence in You

On the way to Ocean Group, Vicky and Donald were seated in one car, while Bjamin and Irving were in another.

In Vicky's car, she was gaging in small talk with Donald while contemplating what she should say at the upcoming Ocean Group board meeting. After all, she hadn't attded a board meeting there in the past year or two.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling a bit worried?" Donald noticed his granddaughter's concern and asked her gtly.

Vicky nodded.

"Actually, there's no need to worry too much. I'll make sure no one challges you. You just need to showcase your abilities in managing Ocean Group," Donald reassured her.

He had already made up his mind. After resuming his role as Chairman of Ocean Group, his top priority would be to groom Vicky. She would be temporarily appointed as the acting CEO. During this period, she could familiarize herself with Ocean Group's operations and internal relationships. Once she was well-acquainted with everything, Donald would hand over the Chairman position to her.

Vicky still looked a bit downcast. "Grandpa, isn't this too much for you? Or maybe I'm just too incompett. If I could handle all the company's affairs by myself, you wouldn't have to work so hard."

Vicky was a very kind-hearted person. Every time a crisis arose, she would search for faults within herself. This was also why she had be bullied by Joseph before meeting Irving.

"Don't underestimate yourself. You're not incompett at all. The fact that you had the courage to come to Bevolt Sanatorium today and expose that scoundrel's schemes shows that you have both courage and wisdom. You definitely have what it takes to be the CEO of Ocean Group. Giv ough time, you'll become familiar with everything.

By th, I can truly retire," Donald said with confidce in Vicky.

However, Donald was also aware that he had be away from Ocean Group for two years. In that time, many things must have changed within the company. It would be nearly impossible to grasp everything quickly, so he had resolved to establish Vicky's authority at the upcoming board meeting.

Meanwhile, in the car with Irving and Bjamin, the two were discussing the shelter game.

"Your skills are far superior to those of an average assassin. And wh you saw me and Elvis fighting, you didn't show any surprise. This means you also have the test qualification for the shelter game, right?" Irving asked calmly.

Bjamin nodded. "Of course, and I also need to take care of the Ocean Group guild. Although the guild hasn't be officially established yet, our resource accumulation within the shelter game is already quite substantial."

Bjamin's tone was now much more composed than before.

Previously, Bjamin's tone had be extremely cold and distant, but while speaking with Irving, he appeared much more approachable. This change in tone was tirely because he recognized that Irving was very important to Donald and Vicky. As the Deputy Manager of Ocean Group's Security Departmt and a loyal member of the Tang family, Bjamin naturally had to show respect to Irving.

Wh Irving heard that the Ocean Guild had accumulated a significant amount of resources, he immediately thought of his previously formulated plan. If he could control the resources of the Ocean Guild, the progress of his plan could be greatly accelerated.

"Are you planning to cooperate with us?" Bjamin suddly asked Irving as he was siltly contemplating his plan.

Irving nodded but didn't say anything further. He continued to siltly think about his next steps.

Bjamin was not surprised by Irving's reaction. He understood that if Irving wanted to collaborate with Ocean Group, he would likely prefer to discuss it with Vicky and Donald. Bjamin could only carry out the instructions of Donald and Vicky.

Soon ough, Donald and his tourage finally arrived at the headquarters of Ocean Group. The currt CEO of Ocean Group was already waiting anxiously at the trance. Seeing Donald's car arrive, the CEO's face lit up with a flattering smile as he personally oped the car door for Vicky and Donald.

"Mr. Chairman, you're finally here! I was still contemplating whether to sd a doctor to look after you! Did you counter any troubles on the way? How is your health?" The CEO's voice was full of concern as he greeted Donald.

Donald, however, showed no change in expression. He merely nodded slightly.

"All the board members have arrived. Would you like to hold the emergcy board meeting now or wait a bit?" the CEO asked in a lowered voice.

"My health is fine, and with my granddaughter taking care of me on the way, I'm in good spirits. We can hold the emergcy meeting immediately."

"I understand, Mr. Chairman!" said the CEO.

With that, he instructed his subordinates to escort Donald and Vicky into the Ocean Group headquarters.

At this momt, Bjamin approached the CEO. Lowering his voice, he whispered a few words to him. Irving could clearly see the CEO's face change dramatically upon hearing what Bjamin said.

"Oh, Irving, you should come along too. Today, you are also eligible to attd our Ocean Group's emergcy board meeting," Donald said suddly as he reached the elevator, turning to look in Irving's direction.

Irving nodded and followed them.

Bjamin had already returned to the Security Departmt's base with his subordinates. He had no qualifications to attd the emergcy board meeting.

After Bjamin left, the CEO's face still looked quite grim. However, he managed to maintain his professional demeanor ev under such circumstances.

In the top-floor boardroom of Ocean Group's headquarters, the hastily summoned board members were gathered in small groups, whispering among themselves.

"Why were we suddly called together?"

"And it was the old Chairman who summoned us. Where's Joseph? Could it be that the old Chairman is removing Joseph?"

"If Joseph is being removed, who's going to be Chairman? Could it be Vicky? Isn't she a bit too young?"

As the board members whispered among themselves, the meeting room door suddly swung op. Donald, supported by Vicky, walked into the room. The board members quickly stood up and greeted Donald.

Along with Donald and Vicky, the Ocean Group CEO and Irving also tered the room.

"Mr. Chairman, everyone is here," the CEO reminded Donald.

Donald took his seat at the head of the table and scanned the room.

"The first thing I want to address by gathering everyone here today is that Ocean Group needs to undergo some personnel changes," Donald said slowly.

To the others in the room, Donald's words carried significant weight. Everyone focused inttly, waiting for Donald to announce the personnel changes.

"Joseph no longer has the qualifications to be the Chairman of the company. He colluded with outsiders to set me up and nearly deceived me. Therefore, I now announce that Joseph is stripped of his Chairman position, and all his shares in Ocean Group are froz!" Donald declared sternly.

Donald's piercing gaze swept across the room, as if trying to capture every board member's reaction. Having expericed such betrayal, his approach had become more decisive and uncompromising. Donald understood that this was a critical momt for the transfer of power. He needed to display formidable strgth to quickly regain control of the company.

His goal was not merely to secure the chairman's position but to seamlessly take over the company without disrupting its operations. At the same time, he aimed to completely remove Joseph's loyalists.

Despite the severity of Donald's tone, the board members were not very surprised, as they had already suspected this outcome from various clues.

Donald th turned his gaze to the Ocean Group CEO.

"There's another personnel adjustmt," Donald said, pausing briefly. "You are no longer qualified to continue as the CEO of the group. You are dismissed!"

The CEO's face showed utter shock upon hearing Donald's words. He couldn't understand why he was being dismissed. He believed he had only collaborated with Joseph and was unaware of many of Joseph's actions.

"Mr. Chairman, why are you dismissing me?! I never collaborated with Joseph! I was never involved in his schemes against you."

"So, you admit you knew he did these things, right? If you knew, why didn't you tell me?"

Donald's retort left the CEO of Ocean Group with no room to argue further. Deep down, the CEO might have believed he was innoct. After all, Joseph was in power at the time, wielding significant influce, and many decisions were beyond his control. However, once a person makes a choice, ev a tacit one, they must bear the consequces of that choice.

Having made the wrong decision, he had no gs for complaint. He could only regret that he hadn't had the conscice to curb Joseph's excesses. Perhaps if he had, he wouldn't find himself in such an awkward position now.

"Security! Remove this man immediately!" Donald ordered.

Following Donald's command, several security personnel from Ocean Group dragged the dismissed CEO out of the room. After the CEO was removed, the meeting room door was slammed shut.

The mood among the other board members became extremely tse.

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