The Salty Little Cannon Fodder Was Targeted By the Prince

Chapter 7: I almost feel so happy that I feel so sad

Chapter 7: I almost feel so happy that I feel so sad

Chapter 7 I almost felt so happy that I became so sad

At this time, Xie Zhang did not know that Du Wan had borrowed him.

Du Wan turned around, mounted his horse, turned around and left.

Hu San and others followed immediately, crisply and neatly.

Qin Yuyu rushed to Qin Miao's side at a loss, with tears in her almond eyes, blaming herself: "It's all my fault... If it weren't for me, Xiao Miao wouldn't be like this."

This is not Yuyus fault, its all Du Wans fault! Qin Miao looked filled with hatred.

He has recorded this grudge!

Xie Zhang watched Du Wan leave.

The fingertips hidden in Liuyun's sleeves were constantly rubbing back and forth.

It wasn't until Du Wan and his party disappeared around the corner of the mountain road that he said, "Dacheng, go ask Divine Doctor Liu to come and try your best to treat him."


A young man with a sword responded and left.

Du Wan returned home on horseback.

This is the heart that is considered stable.

Thinking of Golden Finger, Du Wan couldn't wait to enter the cubicle.

Hu San also entered Pei Hao's room to report today's events.

Not only did he describe what happened vividly, but he even learned every word Du Wan said.

No one else has this ability to imitate.

Mu Si'an thought for a moment, then looked at Pei Hao, "How could a weak scholar come to this remote place?"

Yes, what is there to gain from this barren little county?

Pei Hao tapped the small table beside the bed with his fingertips, and asked casually, "Do you think it was Xie Qi who hindered my son and others from searching for the little princess?"

Mu Sian:

Your Majesty, do you want to kill Xie Qi?

Havent I heard of the two having a grudge before?

No, it didnt happen before, but this year there is... the hatred of seizing my wife!

Mu Si'an thought he had guessed the truth, so he quickly boasted, "The prince is wise and mighty! No evil spirit, monster, ghost or monster can escape your discernment."

Tsk, get out! Pei Hao laughed and scolded.

In fact, he felt that it was necessary to pay attention to Xie Zhang in the future.

The Xie family of Dingbei Marquis Mansion was originally a military general. Xie Zhang lived in the family for seven years, and he was the direct descendant of the second wife. At the age of ten, he went to study at Qingyun Academy in the South and became his teacher, Song Qingyun, a great scholar of the generation. He left Beijing for eight years and returned to Beijing at the end of last year. It only took a few months and participation in several poetry gatherings to become famous in the capital and spread far and wide.

Mu Si'an smiled and asked again: "You said, Xie Qi hasn't returned to Beijing for a long time, how come he knows Miss Du?"

Pei Hao thought of the rumors he heard, "I heard that on the night of the Lantern Festival this year, little fool Du ran out to play and was almost kidnapped. It was Xie Qi who saved her."

Mu Sian:

This is terrible, this is a life-saving grace.

Pei Hao later checked and found no doubts.

But based on intuition, he suspected that there was something wrong with the abduction...

If Du Xiaozi were here, he could tell them clearly that Xie Zhang came to this remote place because of the golden pimple Qin Yuyu.

The first encounter between the male and female protagonists in the book stems from calculation.

The male protagonist first found a gangster to tease the female protagonist, and staged a drama of a hero saving a beauty. In the middle of the novel, after Qin Yuyu learns the truth, it triggers a series of heart-breaking and physical dramas.

Of course, stupid Du doesnt care what others do.

At this time, she was locking the doors and windows, staring at the jade plaque with excitement.

Can you not be excited about the legendary planting space?

She first used a knife to make a small cut on her fingertips, and then squeezed out a drop of blood.

The blood droplets dripped down and landed on the tiny flower stamens, disappearing instantly.

The small Bianhua flower glowed with silver light. Suddenly, the silver light flew up, like a small stream of light, and sank into the center of her eyebrows.

Have I succeeded in confessing my Lord?

In the book, Qin Yuyu sheds blood to identify his owner, but the jade tablet has not disappeared.

So, Du Wan had no doubts.

Close your eyes and meditate like in the novel.

For a long time, I did not see the planting space, but saw darkness.

That's right, hey, as long as you close your eyes, everyone can see darkness!

The only thing that was a bit special was that this time she found a white figure in the dark, doing the same action repeatedly. This movement is quite difficult, somewhat similar to modern yoga, but several times more difficult.

Can it really be done with a human body?

Du Wan opened her eyes, and the white shadow disappeared.

Closing his eyes again and concentrating, he saw it again.

She felt extremely strange. I sat down on the crib and gave it a try.

Sure enough, I cant complete even half of the posture.

Holding her breath, she persisted for a while. I didn't feel anything at first, but slowly, something felt wrong with my body, as if all the pain nerves in my body were touched!

Hands and numbness all over my body is excruciating.

Du Wan bared her teeth, her face twisted and red.

No, no more practice!

I wont practice anymore, it hurts so much!

After Du Wan stopped, he was sweating profusely and collapsed on the small bed. He didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers. Just gradually, there seemed to be a warmth in my abdomen.

Wherever the warm current passes, the pain will be relieved.

Fifteen of an hour later.

The whole figure looks like it has just finished taking a sauna and feels extremely comfortable.

Du Wans big eyes suddenly shone.

This is a treasure, a big treasure.

"Ha ha!"

She couldn't help rolling around in excitement.


The neighbor next door is smashing the wall?

Du Wan stopped rolling on the bed and looked at a wall.

On the other side of this wall is her former bedroom...

Du Wan curled her lips and said, "Why are you so arrogant? You occupied my aunt's room and you still dare to lose your temper?"


I'm so used to you!

However, this hit still made her quiet down.

I almost got carried away with my joy, and my joy turned to sorrow!

There is still no trace of this legendary space.

Du Wan felt hopeful, picked up the pillow, and silently said to herself

receive! receive! receive? !

The pillow is still in my hand.

I really dont have this life.

Du Wan shook his head, somewhat unconvinced.



Someone is knocking on the door outside.

Du Wan spoke weakly, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Miss Du." Mu Si'an's voice came in, "The Crown Prince asked me to come over and say something. He will be leaving early the next morning, and I want to ask what you mean."

Back to the capital? Du Wan suddenly became energetic.

Mu Si'an replied: "Yes, go back to the capital."

Can I come along?

"It depends on what Miss Du wants." Mu Si'an smiled implicitly.

Du Wan asked again: "Will food and accommodation be provided on the way?"

Yes, provide. Mu Sian wanted to laugh, but held it back.

Du Wan pretended to be reserved and considered for three seconds before deciding to leave with them.

For the next time, Du Wan almost stayed in the cubicle.

Practice that movement day and night, feeling both pain and pleasure.

However, it is quite gratifying to persevere. The night before departure, I finally managed to complete an action. Even if it is not standard, I can at least complete it.

At the same time, I was a little surprised. My physical strength seemed to be a little stronger.

Early in the morning, bang bang!

Someone is banging on the door.

As soon as I heard this rude slamming gesture, I thought of Pei Hao's face.

No one in this small courtyard has the courage to knock on her door like this.

thank you all.

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