The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 361 Keep it gentle

Chapter 361 Keep it gentle

Seeing the two little seeds that were growing healthily inside Lexi's womb, everyone took their time to gaze at the beautiful existences of the two. Everyone had their individual heart felt reaction as it was indeed a blessing to have not just one but two additional family members in a few months.

After taking a picture of the ultrasound, soon, Jaime Liao gave Lexi the right prescription for a healthier pregnancy for herself and for the babies. At this time, Ethan Lu's hostility magically vanished as the sight of the two adorable little babies was still hovering inside his head.

"Any questions, Miss and Mr. Lu?" Meekly smiling, Jaime Liao slid the note of prescriptions towards Lexi. Raising his gaze, he briefly altered his eyes from Lexi to Ethan Lu and then back to the expecting mother.

Since the ultrasound was finished and all that was left was to prescribe Lexi the right medicine that she should take throughout her pregnancy journey and her next check-up, Lillian Yang and Frederick Yang along with Rika Song were reluctant to leave the room. Still, to give the two some privacy for some questions, they still left the room and waited outside.

"Um… I do have one. Is having occasional sex harm my children?" Without batting an eye, Lexi with a straightforward tone didn't beat around the bush as she delved into the main question they had. After all, everything they needed to know from the schedule of her medicine and her healthy milk she must take to nourish the seeds inside her, also, her net check-up and when she's due, were all given by Jaime Liao. Therefore, to ease their worry as Lexi's hormones were sometimes playing with her mood including the urge to make love, Lexi didn't find any reason to hold back.

On the other hand, upon hearing her question, Ethan Lu was snapped from his Lala land and as if on cue, all his focus was turned towards the answer of Jaime Liao. Seeing that the two were intently staring at him, Jaime Liao could not help but smile.

"With your current state, moderate sex is considered healthy for your pregnancy." Clearing his throat, Jaime Liao offered a gentle smile as he nodded his head.

"I see…" Faintly, Lexi heaved a sigh of relief before she cast a side glance of her fiance. However, Ethan Lu seemed he wasn't entirely convinced as his eyes narrowed.

"They won't see what we're doing… right? I mean, our babies won't see anything or feel anything?" Still narrowing his eyes, Ethan Lu asked a follow-up question. Both wouldn't dare ask just anyone about this matter. Alas, since Jaime Liao was an expert in his field and this question probably wouldn't be new to him, Lexi and Ethan Lu were confident.

Little did they know, it was actually a shock to him as they were the first ones to ask him such questions. Although he knew the right answer, still, none of his past patients asked such questions as everyone he normally dealt with were all single mothers or expecting mothers who wanted to keep their pregnancy a secret.

"No, Mr. Lu. You can rest assured. However, healthwise, I advise to keep it gentle." Regardless, Jaime Liao gave them a truthful yet satisfying answer which made them smile.

He left a few notes to Lexi regarding her pregnancy, what extra precautions they should take, and handing the copies of the ultrasound photos. He advised her to avoid getting stressed and overworking herself as she was still in her first trimester and was about into the second trimester. After telling them more details, Jaime Liao personally sent them out of his office.

Outside, Rika Song, Lillian Yang, and Frederick Yang abruptly stood from their seat upon seeing Lexi and Ethan Lu while Jaime Liao behind them.

"So, Miss Yang, Mr. Lu, I'll see you next month?" Bearing his ever so tender and meek smile, Jaime Liao slowly closed the door of his office behind him as he altered his gaze to Lexi and then to Ethan Lu.

"Yes, thank you, Dr. Liao." Nodding once, Lexi returned a meek smile as she held onto her pregnancy notebook to her chest.

"My pleasure. Thank you." Slightly bowing his head, none of them understood the impact they gave to the gentle young doctor with their presence today. They only perceived his politeness as his natural personality to his client.

Mother Yang and Father Yang then approached them and gave their gratitude for Jaime Liao's service before they bid their farewell. Though reluctant, Rika Song also bid her farewell yet, she constantly glanced back to Jaime Liao's figure while letting a heavy sigh with every step she took away from him.


After Lexi's checkup, as promised, they will spend their entire day at the Yang Mansion. The moment they arrived at the said residence, Lexi's brows could not help but twitch as she saw all their servants getting busy in doing one particular chore: arranging all of the baby clothes, toys, and equipment in the living room for them to see the moment they arrived.

"Oh my gosh! Look at these cute little clothes! I'm so excited~!" Clasping her hands together, Lillian Yang giddily glided across the floor on her way to the living area and picked up her most favorite baby dress she had purchased.

"Hehe, I hope we get a girl and a boy!" Heartily chuckling his heart out, Frederick Yang, on the other hand, picked up a small dinosaur costume which he envisioned an adorable little precious baby walking around in it like a little dinosaur.

Of course, aside from Lexi, Rika Song and Ethan Lu already joined the fun by picking up clothes and happily giving their comments and makeup scenarios when the babies were out. The usual tranquil vibe around the Yang mansion soon turned more vibrant with excited peals of laughter of her parents, her supportive best friend, and the father of her children.

Placing her palms on her tummy, Lexi slightly rubbed them sending the moved feelings to her children. It was not that Lexi was less excited about the baby's clothing nor was she unhappy about the scene before her. In contrast, she was just moved and at the same time, Lexi could not believe that there were indeed two little humans inside her.

'My babies, can you hear their laughter? They are so excited to see you… even me, I am excited to see you.' Telepathically talking to them, Lexi gently smiled as her gaze softened before she joined the fun that was currently occurring in the living area.

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