The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 198 Here...

Chapter 198 Here...


Ethan Lu recklessly drove around the city. He didn't have any destination nor did he thought of having one. The emotions rampaging inside his heart was too overwhelming that he didn't know what to feel anymore.

"I love her…"

"What are you to her?"

"You don't mind me telling her this…?"

These words kept on repeating over and over again inside his mind that made him step on the accelerator even harder— reaching the maximum speed of his vehicle.

He didn't care about the loud honks outside as he overtook other cars on the road. He couldn't care less as Morris Liu's words rang much louder.

The way Morris Liu uttered his sentiments... there wasn't any difference with how Ethan Lu says those words to the same girl he was pertaining. If Ethan Lu heard it from someone else, he would not be threatened. However, it was delivered by Morris Liu; Lexi's first love, the man that she loved that she was willing to surrender everything, even her own life.

Therefore, how could he keep himself calm? His brain worked in wonder as he recapped the pieces of information he amassed from their tense meeting.

First, Morris Liu did those horrible things to Lexi to divert the attention of the man named Kong Shuren; an underworld boss who was, in fact, the real owner of the Liu Empire.

Second, because of Lexi's stubbornness, his friend had to take extreme measures to push her away. However, he didn't expect that Lexi would commit suicide in the end.

Lastly, now that Kong Shuren was gone and Morris Liu was still preoccupied dealing with the last will of that said man— then what would happen next? After he was done and he finally regained his freedom? What would be his next move? Pursue Lexi?

Ethan Lu's unwillingly turned paranoid with the thought of Morris Liu coming into the picture, again. Maybe he was being selfish, but he didn't want him to breeze right in Lexi's life again because of the 'ifs' and 'buts'.

In spite that Ethan Lu acknowledged and respected that Lexi had her own decision of who she was willing to accept in her life and not, alas, the fear of the possibility that she might waver and choose Morris Liu in the end after knowing his real reason TERRIFIED him.

Ethan Lu loves her so much that he was afraid to lose her. However, no matter how pissed he was at his friend— Ethan Lu could not just throw away the years he has been friends with Morris Liu. After all, he treated him as his own big brother and what happened to him and Lexi— his heart ached for them while his mind was justifying that he shouldn't.

"Damn it!" He cursed loudly as he pounded on the steering wheel with great force. By doing this, his car suddenly turned, almost crashing into another vehicle. He heard a wild honk from outside yet, he didn't care as Ethan Lu only sped away.

After a long drive circling around the city, Ethan Lu found himself parked in front of the club Lexi went. It has almost the same exterior just like Chris Yu's nightclub.

"Damn you, Morris Liu." He cursed under his breath while still clutching on the steering wheel.

If this was before, he would shamelessly without any reserved show himself to her. But now, for some reason, even if his heart yearned for her, part of his stopped him— afraid that he would tell everything to her.

One of the many reasons why Ethan Lu was too frustrated about the matter was because he wanted to be a hundred percent honest to her. However, even if he still wanted to do that— tell her that Morris Liu had this huge dilemma and he loved her, then, what will happen to him?

It was not that Ethan Lu didn't trust her, but he's too terrified to lose her. He's afraid of these uncertainties because, in the first place, he was just the guy that she started to like. Hence, how could he compete with the man she loved all her life?

"Damn…" Suddenly, as he continued to curse, his voice choked. Whether it was from anger or pain, his eyes felt it was stung by something. His hand gripping the steering wheel slightly trembled and his shoulder shuddered.

"Damn…" With every passing second, Ethan Lu's breathing turned heavy as his heart pounded loudly to the extent that it's painful.

Just then, he felt his phone vibrated from inside his suit pocket which snapped him from his muddled, conflicted world. The phone kept vibrating that made him check who it was.

Upon having a glimpse of Lexi's contact name: My Heart, Ethan Lu was once again struck with an invisible knife piercing his heart.

Without further ado, Ethan Lu swiped to see what she sent him and to his surprise, Lexi sent several photos of herself with Rika and other group photos including Elliot Gong who stayed far away from Lexi while head locking a man.

As he scanned each photo, his eyes softened and all the crazy thoughts enveloping his mind slowly vanished. After the last image, Lexi sent another message to him saying:

"How was the meeting? Did you eat already?"

Ethan Lu started to compose a short message saying: "Mhmm… want me to give you a ride home?" His thumb hovered over the send button before he sent his reply.

Just a few seconds after he sent his message, his phone suddenly rang with Lexi's contact name on the screen.

Answering his phone, Ethan Lu softly hummed, afraid that she would detect his cracked voice. "Hmm?" He could hear the loud music from the background and heard indistinct chatters.

"Ah, wait." Were her first words. Ethan Lu patiently did as instructed as the loud background music on the line slowly fades away and only her light breathing was heard. "Okay, finally some peace." she murmured.

Ethan Lu's love radar immediately turned on as he caught a beautiful figure that shone among the rest that was akin to the moon that gives light to the darkness of the night. Lowering his head to get a clear view of the woman, the corner of his lips curled upward. Alas, as his eyes scanned her clothes, his brows furrowed as Lexi looked extra seductive wearing a red revealing dress.

"So, did you, uhmm…" Scratching her temple by her index finger, Lexi inquired but, she sounded as if she forgot what she was about to ask.

"Are you drunk?" With twitching brows, Ethan Lu had a hunch that Lexi probably had a few drinks as her face was slightly flushed. However, since she was standing not too close to where his car was parked, he could not confirm his speculations. But now, after hearing her voice much clearer, Ethan Lu was certain.

"No, of course not!" Lying without batting an eye, Lexi responded as a mischievous grin plastered across her face. Unbeknownst to her, Ethan Lu was watching her mischief that made him shook his head as a subtle smile formed on the side of his lips.

"Hehe, kidding. I had several hard drinks and I only found an excuse to let me off the hook." Coming clean, Lexi admitted after a minute. "By the way, did you eat dinner?"

"Hmm, not yet… will you eat dinner with me?" Locking his gaze on her, Ethan Lu watched her pondered from his position and expected her refusal. After all, he was just trying his luck,— whether she accepted it or not, he would be fine. But of course, if she accepted it, he would be really glad as he needed her company after the shocking truth he stumbled upon.

"Err… sure." Just when Lexi agreed, Ethan Lu exited the car from the driver's seat and took hurried strides towards her standpoint. "I will bid my goodnight with Rika and Director Shen— where are you by the way?"

Just as Lexi inquired his whereabouts so she could calculate the time when he arrives, she felt a muscular arm snaked around her waist from behind and his chin resting on her left shoulder, "Here..."

"Omo~! Mr. Main Task, where did you appear from?" Slightly surprised, Churu didn't notice Ethan Lu dilated her eyes as she could not believe that she didn't smell his presence beforehand.

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