The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 206 Staying With The Wolfstein

Although Aster hated Isaac, he also took into account the fact that Kana was here, so before even a drop of blood was spilled, he used annihilation to turn him into dust which also immediately disappeared, not without taking his spatial ring from him first, because he remembered something.

He then turned to see Karla which was shivering, not even in her wildest imaginations she thought that Aster would kill Isaac, he was a young kid after all, someone who shouldn't be that decisive and not only that she also heard the last words he told to her husband so now she knew Aster and Lilia weren't only mother and son.

Her eyes glowed with hope and she bowed her head.

"Please no, I will do anything, just spare my life", she said in a suggestive tone.

"If he is in such a relationship with his own mother, and those other girls as well, then he must be lustful, Isaac was head over heels for me, so I bet I can put his son under my charm too", she thought.

Unfortunately for Karla, the only answer she got was a sword in her chest, but this time the thing that engulfed her body wasn't the golden tone of annihilation but Lilia's black/red destruction.

That's right, the one who killed Karla wasn't Aster but Lilia.

"Bitch, how dare you try to trick my darling", she said in a cold voice.

Aster shook his head.

"It's not like I was going to let her live anyway, but I guess she didn't deserve her soul to perish unlike Isaac".

The elders of the Wolfstein family felt their hearts clenching when they heard Aster's words, although they had no knowledge about soul cultivation, a common believe is that after dying your soul goes to the cycle of reincarnation, and supposedly there is no way to prevent that since it's a law stablished by the heavens.

But right now, they heard someone saying the words "soul" and "perish", and judging all the incredible things the young man in front of them has done, like using the spirit pressure of a star formation realm to suppress cultivators two realms above that, so they were inclined to believe Aster did what he said… which meant Isaac was as dead in both body and soul.

Aster turned to see the elders which made them tremble in fear, he literally just killed Isaac without any hesitation, so they didn't know what would their fate be, Camilla gritted her teeth, she mustered her courage and then spoke in a slow voice.

"What are you going to do with us… if you are still angry at us, I'm willing to atone with my life, but please leave a way out for the family".

Aster smiled, he retracted his pressure, but the elders didn't move as their bodies were numb after experiencing such a strong suppression, the only one who managed to change her position to a cross legged one was the supreme elder Camila.

"Why should I kill you, I Aster have never used my sword against someone that didn't deserve it, my only enemy Isaac and that woman which once tried to attack my sister, they both have been scheming to kill me since I was five years old".

Camila saw Aster's relaxed expression and she let out a sigh of relief, stories of renegued sons which take revenge in their whole clans aren't uncommon, but apparently the youth in front of her only killed those who plotted against him.

"What a shame, if only Isaac didn't think with his dick, our Wolfstein family would have had such a monstrous genius at our side… we might even have had the chance to restore the glorious days where we were respected and admired", she thought.

The supreme elder doubted for a moment before she said.

"I will stay behind… but can you leave the other elders return to the backyard, so that they can rest?".

Camila's self-sacrificing mood was interrupted when she saw that Aster was no longer paying them any attention.

"That's my little Kana, she is such a strong girl", said Aster as he patted Kana's head a couple of times.

He originally thought the previous scene was a bit too much for Kana, but she didn't turn her head away and instead watched every single second of it, her logic was simple.

"Big brother doesn't kill innocents, so they were for sure bad people", she said as she enjoyed Aster caresses.

Camila made a gesture with her hands and the elders left the throne room, leaving only Aster, the girls and her.

Once Aster had spoiled Kana to the content of his heart, he then looked at Camila which had a weird expression on her face.

"What, is it that surprising to see that I'm not some kind of homicidal maniac?".

Camila came out of her daze, she was indeed surprised, the cold and vindictive personality of the young man in front of her did a 180° turn, when he was treating with the girls that came along with him.

Which made her feel even more regretful, she arrived just in time to hear Aster saying "Those who stand next to me are my family", which meant that if Isaac would have been good with them, they would have received a similar treatment.

p "No… I'm just wondering what are your plans for the Wolfstein family?".

Aster shrugged.

"I don't care about you all, we will be leaving soon anyway, and I will leave someone to maintain things as I want, you could say that from now and onwards the Ghale family along with the Asher will be the ones in charge of the Rodia star cluster".

Camila didn't know what to say, she previously thought that even if their lives were spared the treasury of the family will be looted, what she didn't know is that Lilia already checked it before and didn't find anything useful.

"Then… can you give me back Isaac's ring, I don't care about the contents, but the ring is a part of the legacy of the family".

Aster used his spirit sense to look inside Isaac's ring, and after a couple of seconds he couldn't help but smile as he took out something from it.

The thing on his hands was a violet flower which seemed to be made out of crystal, it was quite pretty as a decoration, but that wasn't the reason as to why Aster was so happy, but the fact that it was another of the materials he needed to help Rya recover her body… an amethyst gladiolus.

And it was also the spirit herb Isaac was going to hand over to the elder from the sand mountain sect, in exchange for their help to conquer the Rodia star cluster, the last thing inherited by the Wolfstein ancestor.

Camila knew what the flower was, but she didn't say anything, the amethyst gladiolus was just a stellar grade spirit herb, but it was incredibly rare because it couldn't be cultivated, up to this day no one knew the conditions for it to bloom, and it didn't seem to have any special trait besides its beautiful appearance.

It's worth was merely for collection purposes or that's what they thought, but it was in Rya's list and there was for sure a reason for that.

Aster sent the flower to the mind space and then threw the ring to Camila.

"I don't care about the rest", he said as he turned around but as he was about to leave with the girls, Camila's voice interrupted them.

"Wait… why don't you stay at the castle, it's a shame the only member of the Wolfstein family you got to know was Isaac, at the very least allow us to show you a bit of hospitality".

Aster was going to refuse but Lilia stopped from doing so.

"She brought gifts when Alice and you were born darling, although there wasn't anything luxurious, she was the only one that did it".

Seeing the cute expression his mother was making Aster had no choice but to accept, he was used to live in the Wolfstein castle and they would leave in a couple of days at most anyway.

"Fine we'll stay, prepare two more rooms at the southeast area of the castle", he said to the supreme elder.

Camila nodded, she stood up and left, all the staff of the castle was outside where the banquet was taking part before all this situation started, so she needed to call a couple of maids to prepare the rooms for Eris and Mylene.

Once the supreme elder left, Aster wrapped is arm around Lilia's waist before saying.

"Was that the only reason for us to stay here, or are you perhaps feeling a bit nostalgic now that we'll be leaving this star cluster?".

Lilia stuck her tongue at her son.

"What nostalgic, wherever we are that will be out "love nest" ♥… that woman is debating herself about something, I noticed her way to look at you changed when she saw how you treated little Kana".

"I told you that I tracked a specific bloodline all the way to this place, but what I didn't tell you was what were the rumors that convinced me to travel through so many stellar systems".

Lilia leaned her body against her son and then continued.

"The rumors said that this lineage had the ability to amplify the characteristics of other bloodlines, but it was also said that the heavens favored them to the point that if they got lost in a forest they will find a treasure, something I discarded as a mere invention… but that flower you found in Isaac's ring is anything but common".

Aster had a contemplative expression, he never paid any attention to the Wolfstein lineage, as all the others didn't show any special trait, but the reason of that could be that their blood was diluted to the point that they were normal in all the meaning of the word.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to know about it, since everything will be integrated into my new bloodline once the evolution finishes", he thought.

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