The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 149 Catching Up

Since they had a lot of things to discuss, Eric guided them to the guest room of the mansion, on the way none of the guards tried to stop them, they even respectfully greeted him from time to time.

Aster was interested in how things became like this, but right now it was more important to catch up, once they arrived at the guess room everyone's attention was caught by a girl which was waiting for them at the door.

Eric sighed.

"She is… Sofia Aker, a friend I met when I arrived at this world".

The girl that Eric presented as Sofia, seemed to be in her twenties, she had brown hair which was tied in a ponytail and she was wearing black clothes and light metal armor.

Sofia approached them and without any warning hit Eric's shoulder with enough strength so made him collide against the wall, she recognized Sarina as a high ranked noble so after hitting Eric, she properly greeted them.

"Sofia Aker greets miss Eik, if you came to see my father, he is patrolling the near forest, but I will be more than honored to accompany you in the meantime… please forget my "husband", he isn't too bond with the etiquette of the nobility".

Sarina shook her head.

"There is no need to apologize, we actually came to see… him", she said while pointing at Eric who was half stuck into the wall.

Aster who was doing his best to not laugh, helped Eric to get out of his predicament, Eric dusted off his clothes before turning to see Sofia.

"Oi, just because you won that fight, doesn't mean I became your husband, you crazy woman".

Aster patted Eric's shoulder.

"Congratulations I guess".

Eric didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, Sofia wasn't ugly at all, when he arrived at Prasil he was separated from Cade and Brig and landed in the forest near a small river, just like Aster he decided to follow the river to find any sign of civilization and he was right to do it, the problem was that he accidentally found Sofia bathing in the river.

Although she wasn't completely naked, her clothes were stuck to her body due to the water, and although it wasn't his intention, it was the first time he was looking at a woman in such a situation, so Eric did watch her for some time until he was noticed by the guards that were accompanying Sofia.

He apologized and contrary to what he expected, the girl only told him "fight with me, if you win I will let you go, if you lose you will marry me", Eric had no option but to accept, needless to say but he lost and that's how things went from that point onwards, still he wasn't mistreated at all, in fact the old city lord took a liking to him so he was allowed to train along the city guards, his perseverance and hard work made him earn the respect of others.

The only thing Eric didn't like was that Sofia kept calling him "husband", so he has been trying to defeat her in a fight to change that but he hasn't won even once, of course it was understandable since she is a peak star constellation realm cultivator.

On top of that she asked him to call her "wife", and every time he didn't, she will get angry at him.

Eric sighed.

"Brother don't make fun of me; sigh I'm already regretting having come here… I don't even know where are Cade and Brig".

Aster smiled.

"I found Cade the same day I arrived here; he will arrive at this city in a couple of hours… hahaha if your uncle where to see you like this, he will laugh his ass at you".

Now that the introductions were over, they entered the room and sat down, just like in the carriage Alice and Sarina sat at Aster's sides while Kana accommodated in his lap, in front of them was Eric and Sofia which was smiling from ear to ear.

"So, you also come from the same place as Eric?", she said while looking at Aster and Alice.

Aster looked at Eric and saw him nodding,

"Don't worry brother… Sofia might be a bit weird but I will trust my back to her".

Aster smiled before answering.

"Yes, we came to Prasil together but got separated in the dimensional tunnel".

Aster then proceeded to tell Eric about the things that happened in the capital, Sarina knew Sofia's father, just like Marco he used to be a subordinate of Sylas but he retired, formed a family and became a city lord so there were no strangers in the room.

As the story progressed Eric was getting more and more surprised by all the things Aster has discovered, not only him, even Sofia was in awe, she thought that Sarina used a temporal method to walk again but instead of that the friend of Eric actually cured her from corruption, besides that she was amazed by the fact that Aster was the one that fought against Robert.

"Eric told me his "brother" was on a whole new level, but this… this goes beyond that, he is simply a monster", she thought.

Listening to Aster's recapitulation, Eric frowned his eyebrows, this place was completely different to what they expected, he was specially worried about the nether vine and the cosmos tree, because even if Ritz came to this world, it was a mystery if he could suppress them, fortunately the same could be said of the elder from the sand mountain sect.

"So basically, the vine is manipulating the Riga continent to escape from this isolated galaxy… brother pardon my rudeness but can you contact your mother, maybe she will be able to help us deal with those things".

Aster nodded.

"I already did it, she wanted to come with me since the very beginning anyway", he handed Eric the talisman he modified so he could link his own one to contact Ritz.

"Use it along with your communication talisman, probably that guy from the sand mountain sect has contacted his master to come here… it's also possible that a sea of knowledge cultivator from them will come all the way here since the vine and the cosmos tree have weakened over the years".

Sofia nearly choked with the tea she was drinking.

"Ahem, care to explain what is a sea of knowledge cultivator… how strong is it compared to a star vertex cultivator?".

Apparently, Eric didn't tell her about his master which was the head of the Barbarian Heart sect, but to be honest up tot his day even Aster didn't know anything about it, Aster told Eric to answer, since he wasn't sure about how strong a sea of knowledge cultivator is… Lilia was above that even three years ago.

Eric contemplated things for a second before he explained it the best way he could.

"Let's just say that you will need a couple dozens of thousands peak star vertex cultivators to defend against one sea of knowledge expert… and that is just to defend with no possibilities of defeating him".

Sofia had a worried expression on her face.

"What are those idiots of Riga thinking… if someone like that comes to our planet, we will all be in deep shit, can't you call your master to help Eric?".

Eric shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I can't, he just entered secluded cultivation… the sand mountain sect has two sea of knowledge experts, so my master is trying to breakthrough to make up for the difference, in the best-case scenario even if I ask for reinforces, they will only send another mortal transcending realm elder to support the one that has been training me".

Sarina was also worried, although she didn't know how strong was a sea of knowledge expert, the whole plane could be erased without them reacting on time, but seeing the relaxed expression in Aster's face she smiled.

"Whatever, I will be at my peak in a couple of days and with Aster fighting at my side I don't believe we can't at least escape from one of those sea of knowledge guys".

Eric knew time would not wait for anyone so he immediately contacted Ritz, although he only sent him a short message.

"Ask for reinforces and tell them to come as fast as possible, once they arrive enter the portal without caring for the sand mountain sect".

After sending his message, Eric returned the talisman to Aster and since it was already noon, he told Sofia to ask for some food.

"Brother let's eat something and then we can rest in the mansion while we wait for your mother to arrive".

Aster nodded; they didn't have anything else besides reading more of the book that Aurelian left for them, of course thing will be different once Lilia arrives since he has to talk with her and also with Sarina.

Or at least that was the plan but he felt a little tug on his pants and saw Kana's hopeful expression which reminded him they haven't gone sightseeing with her as they promised.

He patted her head a couple of times and decided to make a slight change on the plans.

"I promised little Kana to see some places in the city with her, so after we eat, we will take a little walk around Hawthorn city and its surroundings".

Sarina saw her daughter having a bright smile on her face because she got what she wanted and she sighed.

"I will have to talk with Aster… it won't be good if he spoils Kana too much", she thought.

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