The Return Of The God Level Assassin


LUO YAN was diligently answering an 11th grade Chemistry workbook. His last tutor already left but he was still in the library continuing to study. It was because a week from now he had to take the admission exam of Guizu Academy. So instead of playing Arcadia, he decided to just study.

Even if he already studied these things, there were still some knowledge that he had already forgotten. Especially when it came to Sciences that rely on the students’ innate understanding. Chemistry was particularly hard for him. Although he’s good with numbers, that’s not enough to be good at this subject. One needed to take into account a lot of other things. Like chemical compositions, chemical formulas, and the likes.

Math had always been his best subject. So Physics, in turn, had not been particularly hard for him. He’s also quite good with English and History. Of course he was also fine with Chinese. His only problem were those few Science subjects.

According to what his father told him, the admission exam would include all the subjects being taught in high school. So he needed to seriously review the subjects he’s not that confident at.

He wanted to take a high score so he would be put on the key class. Having good results would not only make his family proud, he also wouldn’t be questioned because he jumped grades. He didn’t want to go to school and have people there start rumors that he paid his way through using his family’s money. That would be so annoying.

So he decided that starting today, he wouldn’t play Arcadia during the afternoon after his last tutor left. He would only do so after dinner and limit it to two hours. Then he’d study again for another hour before going to sleep.

There was a slight knock on the direction of the door. Luo Yan glanced towards it and saw Luo Jin leaning against the open door of the library.

"Yan, you’re not going to play today?" Luo Jin asked after seeing his brother immersed in answering whatever workbook in front of him.

Luo Jin shook his head. "No. I’ll play a bit later after dinner."

"Then I’ll just play later as well."

"No need. You should go. Brother Ze is there. I’m sure he’ll teach you a lot if you do task with him," he suggested.

Luo Jin frowned hearing the name of their older cousin. Since joining Yunyue three days ago, that cousin had been teasing him non-stop. If not his avatar, it’s his game name. It’s seriously annoying. If he could, he would really beat him up. But he’s his older cousin. And no matter how annoying he was, he still had to respect him in some way.

"Got it. Just go straight to headquarters when you log in later. I’ll meet you there." Luo Yan smiled on how naturally Luo Jin said ’headquarters’. It seemed like despite his initial aversion in joining Yunyue, he already integrated himself in the team without even him noticing. Maybe even faster than Luo Yan himself. "Then, I’ll go. Rest if you’re tired. I’ll ask the maid to bring you snacks and drinks, so you’ll have something to it while studying."

Luo Yan smiled at his brother’s thoughtfulness. "Okay. Thank you. Ah Jin is so kind."

As expected, Luo Jin blushed because of the sudden compliment. Then he huffed his chest and snorted. "What nonsense."

Then he hurriedly left.

Luo Yan shook his head and chuckled. He went back to answering his workbook.

While doing that, he suddenly thought of his new team – Yunyue. After joining three days ago, he searched the forums for information about the team. He got a lot of interesting results. But the most common was Yunyue being called ’fallen champions’.

Apparently, Yunyue was the first champion of Arcadia Cup. It was quite a surprise for Luo Yan. Now, he knew why the name was so familiar. It’s probably because he read it in passing when he was searching about the other big teams in the game.

Yunyue was called the ’fallen champions’ because after winning the first season, they practically just fell off the radar. They only had five members at the beginning and then two of them retired, leaving only three. Because they never participated in the subsequent seasons, the glory and prestige they acc.u.mulated by being the first champions slowly disappeared. Now, a lot of other teams had already taken over them. Thus, the moniker.

Luo Yan asked Bai Ze why they never recruited any new members in the past years. He said that they did. But the first recruitment turned into a big disaster that Shen Ji Yun firmly refused another one. Because of the lack of members, the team couldn’t participate in the Cup. Which ultimately led to the current situation.

Bai Ze kept complaining about how Shen Ji Yun, being the captain and all, didn’t care much about how other players would view their team because of that. Su Yuqi also didn’t mind the situation as long as she could play the game. He said he’s the only one who cared about the team’s honor with a tearful expression on his face.

Luo Yan couldn’t help but chuckle remembering that. After all, his cousin had a lion beastkin avatar. He looked big and fierce. And then he went and made that expression, which was seriously funny.

But his cousin’s grievances aside, with Shen Ji Yun’s character, he was definitely not the type to care about those things. And even if Luo Yan’s interaction with Su Yuqi was not that many, he could tell that she was the same type as well. Poor Bai Ze was the only hot-blooded one in the group.

Luo Yan actually wanted to join the Arcadia Cup. He saw the video of the finals of this recent season. He, who was only watching the battle through a video, already felt excited and thrilled. It was almost like his blood was boiling. What more if he was there himself?

He wanted to be on the same stage. Fight with other strong players. Formulate strategies and complicated tactics with his teammates.

Should he talk to Shen Ji Yun and convince him to let their team join the next season of Arcadia Cup?

He was just thinking that when his WeChat notification sounded. It was a message from Shen Ji Yun. He opened it and saw a rabbit sticker waving its hand at him.

Luo Yan couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips when he saw that.

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