The Return Of The God Level Assassin


LUO YAN’s guess was indeed right, Shen Ji Yun was sulking.There was no expression on his handsome face.But if someone was there with him, they would be able to feel the depressed atmosphere surrounding.

He knew that he had no right to feel this way, but he just couldn’t help himself.Just thinking that Yu Jiao was in Luo Yan’s house right now filled him with nothing but envy and jealousy.How could he not when he hadn’t even gone there himself?Besides, what was she doing there this early in the morning anyway?

Then he remembered that the girl was Luo Yan’s classmate and there’s a possibility that she was there because they were going to do a class project.But even so.That possibility still didn’t alleviate the irritation he was feeling.

He sighed and hated himself a bit for being so immature.His brain knew that he shouldn’t be mad at someone who hadn’t done anything wrong.He could see that Yu Jiao was a nice girl, albeit a little bit timid.Also very talented in drawing designs if they went with the weapons, armors, and accessories she had created in the game.It was also quite obvious that the two only view each other as friends.But his heart just couldn’t be logical about it.

If his rabbit could read the thoughts in his mind right now, he would probably be disappointed.What would happen if the two of them finally got together?Would he even be worse then?He could just imagine the carnage.

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.He really should learn to control his emotions when it came to Luo Yan.He remembered how he brushed him off earlier.That was terribly rude of him.Acting so immature would never earn him any brownie points.

He should really learn to grow up.Always feeling jealous whenever something like this happened.His emotional intelligence was even worse than that of a child’s.If he continued on like this, even he wouldn’t want himself as a partner.

While contemplating over his low EQ, Shen Ji Yun suddenly heard someone calling him from below.

"Ji Yun!" called a very familiar voice.

He looked down and saw Bai Ze.He jumped down from the tree and easily landed on the ground."What?"

"I knew you’d be here.Why are you up on a tree again?" Bai Ze asked, every time he would look for this guy in the campus, he would almost always could find him sitting on some tree.

Shen Ji Yun was just about to shrug when he remembered what Luo Yan told him earlier.

"Because I’m a forest nymph," he said with no expression on his face.

Bai Ze looked at Shen Ji Yun as if he had grown horns."Where the heck did that come from?"

"Someone told it to me today," Shen Ji Yun answered.

Yes, and Luo Yan also told him that he was handsome.That’s probably one of the best things that came out of his video call earlier.Because if his rabbit thought that he’s handsome, then wouldn’t that mean that his ’beauty trap’ was working?

"Well, did this ’someone’ also told you that nymphs only refer to maidens in particular?"

"Maybe there are male nymphs, you just don’t know about them."

How could Shen Ji Yun admit that Luo Yan got that wrong?It’s better to just invent a male nymph.

Bai Ze only looked at him weirdly.Like he no longer only had a pair of horns but also a tail and a pair of wings."Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?"

Shen Ji Yun only glanced sideways at him.

"Spill it, who exactly is this ’someone’ you are talking about?" Bai Ze followed, his eyes were filled with curiosity.

Shen Ji Yun didn’t know how to answer that question.Could he tell him that it was his very lovely cousin?Of course, he couldn’t.For the first time in their more than a decade of friendship, Bai Ze might beat him up.Then he might go and tattle to his two cousins from S City.Knowing how protective Luo Yan’s brothers were to him, those two might just fly to B City just so they could join Bai Ze from beating him up.

Of course, none of those worries ever appeared on his expressionless face.Times like this, he was always thankful of his facial paralysis.

"No one," he said, then walked forward.

He did want to tell Bai Ze about it.He was his closest friend.Of course, he would want to tell him that he, Shen Ji Yun, was finally in love.But the premise of that was the object of his love was not the other’s cousin.He wouldn’t want to see bloodshed this early when he hadn’t made any progress yet.He would tell it to him.Eventually.Just not for now.

Bai Ze quickly followed Shen Ji Yun."Come on, Ji Yun, don’t be such a spoil sport."

"Why are you looking for me?" Shen Ji Yun asked instead.

Bai Ze rolled his eyes at the other’s blatant change of subject.But he knew that he wouldn’t get anything from him no matter how much he pestered him about it.Shen Ji Yun would definitely just ignore him.Then he would be the one ending up looking like a clown.So, he decided to let him off the hook.At least, for now.

"So, yesterday, Yuqi and I was doing some task together when she suddenly thought of a good idea on how to punish Xu Ru for how he acted during the opening of Xiao Yan’s pavilion."

Shen Ji Yun’s attention was immediately piqued by what Bai Ze said.He still remembered the way that wannabe vampire acted.How he put his hand on Luo Yan’s waist.Just thinking about it could make his blood boil.He really wanted to just go on ahead and challenged him to a PK.But it would totally not make any sense for him to do that.Especially since, at that time, Luo Yan was acting like an NPC.Challenging Alucard might just gave him an idea that the black-haired elf of Yuexing Pavilion was not really an NPC.That guy would only pester Luo Yan more if that happened.

Of course, he thought of doing it with his alt account.But sadly, if they fought when he’s using his alt account, it might not be a one-sided defeat.Yes, he could win.But he would definitely receive major damage.If they fought, he wanted it to be an utter defeat on Alucard’s side.So, he would not only feel pain but also a great deal of humiliation.

"Oh?Tell me about it," said someone who decided just a few minutes ago that he would be more mature.

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