The Return Of The God Level Assassin


SHEN JI YUN stared at Luo Yan’s reddened cheeks and glaring blue eyes.His rabbit was probably trying to look fierce but in his eyes, he looked like a cute, ripe peach instead.He felt like a new door suddenly opened in front of him.And he couldn’t help but be addicted to this feeling.He wanted to tease him more, peel off those sweet pink rind and taste the sumptuous fruit inside.

Then he stopped.What the heck was he thinking just now?It’s like his brain was suddenly filled with yellow materials.Would he slowly become someone like that frivolous vampire wannabe captain of team Sanguis?No.He was definitely thinking too much.He would not definitely turn like that guy.After all, he was confident that he would only ever want to act like this towards Luo Yan.

But he still felt embarrassed by his actions just now.So, he regretfully took back his hand.His whole face slowly heating up.He scratched his nose and tried to hide his embarrassment.

"Ah... let’s go?" he said because the two of them both had stopped walking.

Luo Yan stared at Shen Ji Yun’s blushing face and narrowed his eyes. [Now you suddenly know how to be shy, huh?]

Thinking of the other’s set of actions just now, his heart felt itchy.When did Shen Ji Yun suddenly learn those things?It’s like he was purposely seducing him.Wait- maybe he really did that on purpose.So, he could tempt him.It’s probably one of his strategies so he could make him fall for him.He must admit, it was a bit effective.Because his heart did skip a beat.

Did Shen Ji Yun read some kind of weird love guide online that’s why he’d been acting weird from time to time?Then he remembered that after Mid-Autumn Festival, this guy had never used his alt account again and had been using his real game avatar.Then a sudden thought entered his mind.Could it be possible that this guy only realized his feelings for him after they met again during the Mid-Autumn Festival?

He looked at Shen Ji Yun suspiciously.Considering how much of an innocent kid this guy was when it came to emotions, that was really highly probable.Meeting him again in person probably sparked something in him.The thing he did on the rooftop of the computer science department building probably helped a lot for Shen Ji Yun to realize his own feelings.

If he remembered correctly, after Luo Yan hugged him and bit his chin, Shen Ji Yun’s actions were a bit weird.He avoided him for the rest of the afternoon.Luo Yan even thought that he offended him.After all, which straight man would like another man to do something like that to them.But it turned out that that was not the case.

Shen Ji Yun was probably just having an existential crisis at that moment.Questioning his own feelings.Both of them were the same gender after all.With this country’s not so good view on same s.e.x love, it was the norm to think that being in love with another man was wrong and sinful.Not many could be open-minded enough to accept something that the society considered as bad.

Maybe he was thinking back then if his feelings were wrong.If it was simply a mistake.Or maybe, he even thought that he was abnormal for liking someone of the same s.e.x.If Shen Ji Yun really did, Luo Yan would definitely beat him up.What, was being gay a disease?It’s not.That kind of thinking was the reason why their society couldn’t be more progressive.

But Shen Ji Yun probably already figured out what he should do, because the next day, he showed up at the airport acting all normal.No, wait, he wasn’t really acting all that normal.He looked at him back then with such gentle eyes that Luo Yan felt that he would be blinded.Which meant that he was no longer confused, he accepted his feelings for Luo Yan and decided to pursue him.

Knowing this guy, he probably considered everything before finally making that decision.Which showed that he was ready to face whatever it was they needed to face in the future if ever he succeeded in chasing him.That included their families, their friends, and the society that would definitely point fingers at them.This guy would no doubt shield him from those things.

Luo Yan didn’t know how to react once he thought of that possibility.He already had a good grasp of Shen Ji Yun’s personality despite only knowing each other for more than two months.So, he was sure that this guy’s honor would definitely not allow him to face any kind of hardship.After all, in Shen Ji Yun’s opinion, he was the one who took him in this path.

He sighed and glanced again at Shen Ji Yun’s overly handsome face.The reason why the other had been using his real game avatar these days was probably because he was using the ’beauty trap’ strategy to lure him in.They have only known each other for such a short time and yet he already managed to make this big block of ice to act like this.He would use ’beauty trap’ and even learned to tease and flirt.He suddenly felt guilty.Just what did he do to this innocent cinnamon roll?

"Yan Yan?" called Shen Ji Yun in a worried tone.

Luo Yan looked up at him.He was probably worried that he was still angry because of what he did.He sighed again.Forget it.Let’s forgive him this once.So, he just stretched out his hand and also pinched the other’s cheek.

"Don’t tease me again, okay?"

Shen Ji Yun gazed down, feeling the heat of Luo Yan’s fingers on his cheek."But what if I couldn’t control myself?" he found himself saying.

Luo Yan’s eyes widened a bit.The feeling that this guy was abducted and was replaced by others became even stronger.He let go of his cheek and glared."Then don’t blame me for retaliating."

After he said that, he started to walk towards the yurt of the Elder.Leaving Shen Ji Yun behind, not caring if the other followed or not.

[Mashter, was that it?Eclipse hasn’t eaten enough dog food yet!] – the ever-reliable fox sitting on his shoulder complained.

Luo Yan just pressed his temples and felt that he was already close to having a headache.

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