The Return Of The God Level Assassin


"OH, what’s this I hear about a ’little boss’?" said a voice coming down from the stairs.

Luo Yan raised his head and saw his father walking down the stairs.He immediately walked to him."Good morning, Dad!"

"Good morning," Luo Wei Tian greeted back."So, what’s this about being a little boss?"

"Yan Yan is now the owner of a pavilion in the game he and Xiao Jin are playing," Luo Ren explained.

Luo Wei Tian raised one of his brows when he heard that."Oh?You can own something like that in that game?"

"Yes.Not only that, I could also earn from it," Luo Yan answered."So, Dad, please don’t be surprised if money started flowing into my account in the coming days."

"That game is still able to do that?"

Luo Wei Tian was actually a bit surprised when he heard what Luo Yan said.He’s not really well-versed when it came to video games and things like that.He grew up from a poor household.He never really had the privilege.All his time back then was devoted to his studies and part-time jobs.But even then, he knew that a player earning big enough money that it had to be transferred to that player’s bank account was actually very uncommon.

"It’s very surprising, right?" Luo Ren commented."The president of this gaming company is quite the innovative one."

Because of his talk with his brothers yesterday morning, his interest was piqued by this game.He never really thought much about it when he first heard that both his brothers wanted to play it.They were both teenagers, so it’s only natural to want to play the current trending game.But when he found out that people playing this game could actually earn genuine money from it, it changed his perception a bit.

"True!His gaming company is the first one who managed to successfully transition from PC to VR.Not only that, they’re the current leader when it comes to VR technology," Luo Yan gushed like a certified fanboy."Brother, he’s there during your graduation as one of the guest speakers."

Luo Ren actually already forgot about that.If Luo Yan didn’t mention it just now, he would probably never remember it.He actually didn’t listen that much during the speech of the guest speakers.He just wanted it to be over and go home with his brothers.But if he remembered correctly, it was after that time that Luo Yan asked if he could play this Arcadia game.Then, could it be, his brother became interested in that game because of the speech he heard?

"Does Xiao Yan admire this president?" Luo Wei Tian asked because the admiration in his son’s face was pretty obvious.

Luo Yan nodded."I want to be a good programmer just like him."

The admiration he’s feeling was very real.After all, in his former life, he did dream of working in the very same company.

Luo Wei Tian didn’t expect that his second son already had a plan for his future.He thought that he would also enter their family’s company and then together with Luo Ren, make it even bigger in the future.But this was fine too.Whatever Luo Yan decided to do in his life, he, as a father, would be there to support him.

"So, Yan Yan already decided on the course you would take once you enter university?" Luo Ren asked.

"Yes, I plan to take a computer science major," Luo Yan honestly answered.

Luo Ren remembered that when they visited T University, that was the first department Luo Yan requested to go to.This probably meant that he truly interested in this course.Not that Luo Ren mind.It’s actually good that his brother was already thinking about his future.With the kind of situation he was in, he thought that it would take time before he decided on a path he wanted to walk on.But it didn’t.Which was just right since the college entrance examination was only months away.He should probably thank the president of Moonlight Media for inspiring Luo Yan.

"Then, if that’s the case, does Xiao Yan want Dad to build a company for you after you graduate university?"

Luo Yan was a little bit stupefied when he heard that.Was this one of the perks of being born rich?Your parents could just build a company for you?He shook his head very vigorously to show his refusal.If he was a tad bit lazy, he would probably agree.But what’s the point of a ready-made company if he didn’t even lift a finger for it to be build?He wouldn’t even feel a bit of satisfaction from that.

Besides, wouldn’t that just be him taking advantage of his father’s love for him?Although he did plan at first when he realized that he was reborn in a rich family that he would just be a salted fish and enjoyed his newfound wealth, but that was before he truly accepted being part of this family.How could he take advantage of his family like that?He was shameless but not on that level of shameless.If he did have a gaming company in the future, he’d rather build it from the ground up with his own hard-work.

"Dad, you shouldn’t spoil me so much like that," he scolded, putting both his hands on his waist."If you build me a company, I won’t accept it.That would be unfair to all the hardworking fresh graduates out there."

Luo Wei Tian was left speechless for a moment.Then he just outright laughed.He wasn’t disappointed by his second son’s answer.In fact, he was extremely satisfied.He just didn’t expect Luo Yan to scold him.And in such an adorable way too.

"Okay, Dad won’t do that."

Luo Ren, who was also grinning widely, ruffled his brother’s hair."Aren’t you the righteous one?"

Luo Yan covered his head and avoided Luo Ren’s hand."Brother, don’t mess with my hair."

"Sorry, sorry, Yan Yan is just too adorable."

Luo Yan pouted and then turned to his father."Dad, doesn’t have work today?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, I’m all free today.Why don’t Dad and Xiao Yan go somewhere for a date?" Luo Wei Tian asked.

"Dad, why are you hogging Yan Yan all to yourself?If you plan to go somewhere, then you should also bring me and Xiao Jin," Luo Ren said before Luo Yan could answer.

"Why should I bring the two of you for?It will no longer be a date if I do that," Luo Wei Tian said very unfatherly.

"Dad shouldn’t be too selfish," Luo Ren said before turning to Luo Yan."You think so too, right, Yan Yan?"

"No, Xiao Yan definitely doesn’t think that," Luo Wei Tian argued before also turning to Luo Yan."Isn’t it, Xiao Yan?"

When the two turned, they saw Luo Yan with a tangled expression on his face.

"What’s wrong?Can’t you decide which between me and Dad was right?"

Luo Yan shook his head.He was about to say that he had to enter the game after lunch because he had an appointment with Shen Ji Yun when he remembered something.During their visit in B City last week, Luo Ren pretty much disliked Shen Ji Yun.Although he was not outright antagonistic towards the other like Luo Jin, there were still barbs in his words when he was speaking to Shen Ji Yun.

That was not the case at first.Luo Ren was still being polite and then suddenly, later on, if one was sensitive enough, they could certainly feel the dislike in his tone whenever he talked to Shen Ji Yun.Luo Yan wasn’t sure what changed exactly.Maybe his older brother also felt what Luo Jin felt unconsciously when interacting with Shen Ji Yun.

Didn’t his younger brother always warn him that Shen Ji Yun had an ulterior motive whenever the other interacted with him?Well, now that he knew the other’s feelings for him, Luo Jin actually had a basis for feeling that way.Luo Ren probably felt the same.A brother’s instinct was truly terrifying.

If he said now that he was meeting alone with Shen Ji Yun, even if it was only inside the game, then his older brother might just really bring him out of the house for a date.So, now, the only thing he could do was lie and use his ever-reliable acting skills.

"I- I still have a lot of assignments that I haven’t finished yet," he said squirming, as if worried that his father and brother might get mad at him for not agreeing."Sorry, Dad, Brother, I- I can’t go out today."He raised his head and looked at the two earnestly."But next time that Dad and Brother are free, let’s all go, the four of us, somewhere, okay?"

How could the two bear to make Luo Yan anxious?So, without suspecting anything, both just happily agreed.

As the saying went; ’What you don’t know won’t hurt you’, right?

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