The Return Of The God Level Assassin


BECAUSE they were close to each other, Luo Yan saw the moment Shen Ji Yun’s ear tip turned red.Even his nape was as red as ripe tomato.But nothing could be seen on his face.If Luo Yan didn’t see how his ear tips and nape turned red, he might really think that everything was just normal.

He was a bit stumped on why Shen Ji Yun suddenly had this reaction.Then he remembered his action just now.Was it because he blew on his ear?An uncontrollable smile appeared on Luo Yan’s lips.How could this person be so cute all the while looking like a big iceberg?The urge to bully and tease him came up once again.Then he realized his smile was a bit too big which made him look a bit idiotic.He raised his hand and cover his mouth until his expression was back to normal.

Then he glanced at Shen Ji Yun again.The blush on his ear tips and nape hadn’t receded yet.How come this guy was so innocent when it came to skin ship?Would he react the same way if it was someone else who blew on his ear just now?He immediately rejected the idea.He had seen how Shen Ji Yun act around people he’s not familiar with.He basically treated them as air.Unless they provoked him, he would not pay attention to them.But Luo Yan was different.Well, at least to Shen Ji Yun, he was.

The reason why he could be affected by such a simple thing was because he liked Luo Yan.Not as a friend but as something more.At that thought, his heart couldn’t help but swell with pride.How could he not?Such a person actually fell for him.No one would dislike that.Shen Ji Yun might appear cold and expressionless on the outside, but really, he’s just an awkward guy.An awkward and adorable guy.

Truthfully speaking, he was really tempted to just tell him that they could try dating first.And if it didn’t work, they could go on their separate ways.But how could he say such an irresponsible remark?The other person was treating him sincerely.The least he could do was to do the same.He couldn’t just jump into it just because he felt tempted once or twice.

He shook his head.Why was he thinking about this thing anyway?This was hardly the time to do that.He should blame Shen Ji Yun for being too cute for his own good.So, Luo Yan immediately returned to the topic at hand.

"Jiao Jiao is a good girl.You can see that for yourself once you interact with her more.So, I hope that Brother Ji Yun won’t be too cold on her," he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Shen Ji Yun finally calmed down and his mind was much clearer now.He was about to just blindly agree when he remembered what Bai Ze said earlier about Luo Yan engaging in early love.That reminder made his brain even more awake.

"You- you’re not engaging with early love with her, are you?" he asked in the same volume where only the two of them could hear.

Luo Yan was dumbfounded by this question.He Shen Ji Yun was just joking.But when he stared at his face, he saw that he was indeed serious when he asked that.He even looked like he was sulking!Luo Yan suddenly didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.Because that statement just now further proved that this guy was really eating Yu Jiao’s vinegar.

"No, I truly just treat her as a friend," he said, making sure to make it clear so that this guy wouldn’t have any misunderstanding."Besides, I’m still too young for that.I’m on my third year of high school.I have to worry about college entrance examination and stuff.I don’t have time for things like that."

This way, Shen Ji Yun would no longer be a big vinegar tank.Thinking that he would engage in early love.

But little did he know that what he said had another effect on Shen Ji Yun.That’s right.Shen Ji Yun had almost forgotten that Luo Yan was on his third year of high school.This was a crucial time for a student like him.Next year would be the college entrance examination.Something that could decide the future of many people.And yet, here he was, his thoughts filled of how to chase Luo Yan.He didn’t know he could be this inconsiderate.

But there’s no way that he could just stop his own feelings.The only thing he could do was to not burden him with it.So, he made a decision right there and then.That he would at least not confess until Luo Yan was admitted to university.But that didn’t mean that he would stop interacting with him altogether.He would probably suffer depression if he did something like that.

So, for the next couple of months until the college entrance examination, he should do his best to give a good impression on Luo Yan.He would just try not to be too obvious in his pursuit.Just like boiling a frog in warm water.He would thoroughly cook him until the right time came.And then, he would eat him to his heart’s content.

He stopped and his face flushed.What kind of analogy was that?When did he became so perverted?

Luo Yan saw that Shen Ji Yun was blushing again.He raised his eyebrow.What was going through this guy’s head again?

Shen Ji Yun cleared his throat, trying to dispense his thoughts just now."Then is it alright for you to spend so much time in the game?" he asked in regards of Luo Yan being a third year.

"It’s alright.I have my own measure," Luo Yan said."But Brother Ji Yun, you still haven’t given me a reply regarding what I said about Jiao Jiao earlier."

Shen Ji Yun glanced at the girl who was now donning a male avatar.Since he heard Luo Yan said that she was only a friend to him, his resistance against her was no longer that strong."I’ll try to be polite to her."

Luo Yan smiled and was about to say her thanks when Luo Jin’s voice interrupted him.

"What are the two of you whispering over there?"

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