The Return Of The God Level Assassin


"You ask how deeply I love you

And just how great my love is

My affection is real

And my love is true

The moon represents my heart

You ask how deeply I love you

And just how great my love is

My affection does not waver

And my love doesn’t change

The moon represents my heart..."

--- The Moon Represents My Heart

WHEN Shen Ji Yun heard Luo Yan sang the first word of the song, he felt an arrow stab straight to his heart.It’s not because the rabbit’s singing was particularly great.It’s simply because Luo Yan was the one who’s singing.Add that to the fact that he was singing about love and Shen Ji Yun just simply felt like he’s in heaven.

Luo Yan’s singing voice was particularly sweet.He was singing it in a way as if the person the song was pertaining to was standing right in front of him.Making his voice full of emotion.Shen Ji Yun couldn’t help but fantasized that the person the rabbit was singing to was him.Imagining this, his heart began to beat faster and faster.As if he’s participating in some kind of race.And the one waiting for him at the finish line was none other than Luo Yan.

This weird train of thought almost made him want to beat himself up.Seriously, when did he become so cheesy?He looked back at the stage and stared at the figure clad in red.He once again felt that special thumped in his chest.The heartbeat that was solely dedicated to Luo Yan.At the end, all he could do was helplessly smile.

Because that’s just how helplessly in love he was with his rabbit.

"Wow.I didn’t know Xiao Yan could sing," Bai Ze said on the side full of admiration for his little cousin.

Su Yuqi didn’t comment but anyone could see on her face that she was very satisfied with Luo Yan’s singing.

Luo Jin, on the other hand, was totally unprepared.He didn’t that his second brother had prepared a song number as the finale performance.He suddenly remembered that Luo Yan also danced in that advertis.e.m.e.nt video.Could his brother have a natural talent for these things?

He wouldn’t want to enter the entertainment industry, right?

Inside one of the private boxes...

Song Liuli listened to the song of the NPC below.Her delicate brows furrowed a little bit."That NPC’s voice is definitely auto-tuned."

Duan Yu glanced at her and said teasingly, "You didn’t just say that because you’re jealous, right?"

When Noctis went to their private box earlier, he couldn’t help but observed him a bit more.Which was only natural.After all, this was the first time he saw the other acting like an ’NPC’ up close.He wanted to tease the other for a bit.But his attitude was misinterpreted by Song Liuli as him being interested at the said ’NPC’.

Although she knew that the owner of the pavilion was the player Noctis, he hadn’t told her about Noctis crossdressing as an NPC.And since he and the other already made that deal, he decided that he shouldn’t mention that to Song Liuli.He’s still a bit principled that way.But because of that, he couldn’t tell her the truth of the matter.And thus, she’d been sulking since earlier.Thinking that the ’NPC’s’ look was his type.

Song Liuli pouted."Of course not.Do you think I’m that kind of shallow person?"

"Hey, I didn’t say that.I just assumed since you’ve been sulking since earlier because of that NPC."

Song Liuli glared at Duan Yu."I’m sulking, am I?"

Duan Yu immediately felt that if he didn’t give her the right answer, she would have a much bigger tantrum.So, instead of answering her question, he quickly proceeded on coaxing her.

Totally forgetting why she said that Noctis’ voice was auto-tuned.

In fact, what Song Liuli said was right.Luo Yan did, in a way, do some auto-tuning to his voice.After figuring out that he had to perform something during the opening night of his pavilion, he chose to sing a song rather than dance again.But the problem was, he knew he was not that great of a singer.One could only classify him as someone who could sing a bit and still could go out of tune occasionally.

Since he already decided to sing, he couldn’t let himself go out of tune.Especially since his performance would be the last one.To accomplish that, he picked a popular song that didn’t have any high-key notes.To ensure further success, he bought an item that could change his voice into a perfect pitch when singing.It was in the form of a choker.All he had to do was wear it and once he sang, his singing voice would automatically be flawless.

It was just an accident that he found such a convenient item.Which only further strengthened his resolve to sing at the opening night.Although he knew his singing voice could only be considered as ordinary, he could make up for it in presentation.Thus, all the theatrics.

When he finished singing the last note of the song, the stage once again went dark.When the lights turned on, all the courtesans who performed earlier on the stage was standing together with Luo Yan.But despite that, he was still the brightest existence.

"This humble one expressed her gratitude to everyone who attended our pavilion’s opening night.We hope that we could see you all more in the future," he said in a clear voice."Starting Saturday next week, our pavilion would be officially open to everyone who are able to purchase a membership card.A side courtyard in our pavilion would be open tomorrow starting from eight in the morning until ten in the evening.That would continue for a week until Friday.Everyone is welcome to inquire about how they could be one of our pavilion’s distinguished guests."

"We all await you here in Yuexing Pavilion!" he and all the other NPCs said at the same time.

Then all of them made an elegant bow.

And that’s how the opening night of Yuexing Pavilion ended.

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