The Return Of The God Level Assassin


LUO YAN was startled by Shen Ji Yun’s action.He did it so naturally as if he had done it a hundred of times already.It was an action that one wouldn’t expect from someone with a natural cold disposition.

Shen Ji Yun raised his head.Their gazes collided and he smiled.The gentleness in his amethyst eyes was almost overflowing."It’s delicious."

Luo Yan suddenly felt his whole face heating up.He quickly averted his gaze so Shen Ji Yun wouldn’t see him blushing.Then he gave the burger the other just bit."Then Brother Ji Yun should finish it all."

He faced forward, not looking at Shen Ji Yun, and then picked up the remaining burger.He stuffed himself with it to cover his face.

[Mashter, are you blushing?] – Eclipse asked.

[Of course not.] – Luo Yan replied indignantly.

But only he knew that he really was.Seriously, why was he suddenly blushing for no reason anyway?It’s not like this was the first time he saw Shen Ji Yun smile.He already knew he was much more handsome when he smiled, so there’s nor reason to be surprise at all.Annoyed with himself, he just gorged on the burger causing him to finish it in no time.Then he picked up the strawberry smoothie and drank a bit of it.The sweet taste of strawberry combined with milk instantly soothed his nerves.

"It seemed like you were quite hungry," Shen Ji Yun commented, his own burger was only half-way finished.

"Yes, I’m famished," Luo Yan just said.

"Wait- Yan Yan, don’t move," Shen Ji Yun suddenly said.

Then he leaned towards Luo Yan, his face getting closer and closer by the second.Luo Yan felt like his heart suddenly jumped up to his throat.For the first time, he felt panicked.Like something was out of his control.A good example was the beating of his heart.The closer his face came, the faster his heart beat.When he could feel his breath on his face, Luo Yan automatically closed his eyes tightly on reflex.

"Brother Ji Yun--!"

Then he felt something touch the side of his lips.He opened his eyes in bewilderment and saw Shen Ji Yun wiping something on his face using his thumb.

"There’s some sauce on your face," he said.And then as if finally just noticing Luo Yan’s unusual reaction, he added, a bit of confusion in his tone, "What’s wrong?"

Luo Yan abruptly stood up."N-nothing!"

He fanned himself.He could still feel the heat coming off from his face.What was that?What exactly was he thinking at that moment when Shen Ji Yun’s face came close to his?He shook his head.Was he really starting to turn into a pervert?

[Mashter, your temperature is a bit high, your heart is also beating rapidly.Are you having a panic attack?]

Eclipse’s sudden question completely calmed him down.Why was he panicking in the first place anyway?[No, I was just feeling a bit hot.]

[Or maybe Mashter was blushing again.]

He looked down and narrowed his eyes at the little fox who was nibbling at the fries in front of him.[Say something about blushing one more time and I won’t give you anymore Mana fruit.]

The little fox stopped eating the fries and looked at him aggrievedly.[Mashter is bullying Eclipse again.]

[No, I’m simply exercising my rights as your master.] – Luo Yan said in a very justified manner.

"Yan Yan?" called Shen Ji Yun."Is there really nothing wrong?"

Luo Yan turned to Shen Ji Yun, when he saw his worried gaze, he suddenly felt a bit guilty.He sat back beside him and took a piece of pecan pie."Yes, there’s really nothing."

He bit on the pecan pie.Anyway, why was someone who would blush at a simple skin ship suddenly able to do all those flirty moves without even batting an eye?Unless he was doing it unconsciously.That’s even scarier.That meant this guy was a natural-born Casanova.

He glanced sideways at Shen Ji Yun.But even if he thought that way, he really couldn’t imagine this big ice block seducing girls left and right.Well, it wouldn’t really matter if he could or not.Just letting Shen Ji Yun stand there, even if he did nothing, girls would naturally flock around him.

He suddenly felt a slight tingle in his chest.Wait- what was that?

Luo Yan shook his head and bit the remaining piece of pecan pie.He needed to think of something else instead of all these weird thoughts.He might as well talk about that black dragon he found in his Origin Village.

"By the way, Brother Ji Yun, do you have any plans on getting a pet?"

"Not really.Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Because I’d like to recommend you one.I believe this pet suits you perfectly.But if Brother Ji Yun is not interested, I understand."

"No, I’d like to hear more about it," Shen Ji Yun quickly changed his mind.If Luo Yan was the one recommending him this pet, even if it’s a pig, he was willing to accept it.

"That’s great!I really think this one suits Brother Ji Yun best.If you happened to refuse, I’m not planning to tell anyone else about it," Luo Yan said."When I was at my Origin Village, I found a black dragon sleeping inside a cave.That’s actually where I found Eclipse.What do you think, Brother Ji Yun?Are you interested in capturing that dragon?"

Listening to Luo Yan, Shen Ji Yun’s interest was truly captured.A dragon, huh?He didn’t expect that one could be found at an Origin Village no less.But considering that it was at the Origin Village of one of the newly added special race, this dragon also probably had just been added during the latest update.

"I don’t mind capturing the dragon.But it probably wouldn’t be that easy to do that.There’s a high chance that that dragon is part of some bigger task.So, even if I accidentally awaken it, I might not truly capture it as a pet."

Luo Yan actually agreed with that assessment.If he considered how eccentric the people behind the department who writes the script for those special task and events were, there would definitely be some crazy story behind that dragon.Capturing it would definitely not be some easy task.

"Should we go together to my Origin Village and find more information first?" he asked.

"Let’s do that," Shen Ji Yun quickly said before Luo Yan changed his mind.How could he refuse when it’s another chance for the two of them to be alone together?"When shall we go to your Origin Village?"

"How about this Sunday?" Luo Yan suggested.After all, he still had to prepare for the opening of his pavilion this Saturday.

"Okay, let’s do that."

Eclipse suddenly jumped on Luo Yan’s arms.[Mashter, be sure to bring Eclipse, okay?]

He rubbed the little fox’ head.[What, you’re not sulking anymore?]

[When did Eclipse sulk?]

Luo Yan could only shake his head helplessly hearing that.

On the other hand, Shen Ji Yun was already thinking of what he should do on their next ’date’ this coming Sunday.

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