The Return Of The God Level Assassin


IT’S the first Monday of September. Some of the cherry blossoms had already turned the color of red and orange – a sign that Autumn was already here. The most common event that Autumn welcomed was the start of another academic year. Whether it’s primary, middle school, high school, or university. Students would start another year of learning. Of course the same was true for the students of Guizu Academy.

A number of luxury cars could be seen driving through the gate of the prestigious academy. Stopping at the designated parking lot for students. Amidst these luxury cars, there were few people – mostly students – riding around in bicycles.

One of these students was a girl wearing the uniform of Guizu Academy. A white blazer with the crest of the academy – a silver stag with a crown on top of its head – etched on the b.r.e.a.s.t pocket over a long sleeved blouse, paired with a standard knee-length royal blue skirt. The style of the uniform she’s wearing proved that she’s in the high school department. And the red ribbon tied on the collar of her blouse meant that she’s a third year.

Her black hair was unusually short. The big black rimmed glasses she’s wearing was unfashionable and covered almost half of her face. On closer inspection, one could see the light freckles dusted on the bridge of her nose. If not for her tall stature, she’s the type that would barely be noticeable. Something that the girl would very much prefer.

The girl’s name was Yu Jiao. Looking at her simple bag as well as her riding on a bicycle, one would immediately assume that she’s a scholarship student. But no, she wasn’t. She was in this school because she was transferred here by her stepfather last year.

She was still a normal high school student a year and half ago. But then her mother suddenly decided to remarry. Yu Jiao didn’t have the heart to voice her disapproval. Her father died when she was very young. Since then, it had been only her and her mother. Her mother had been working hard to provide for her, making sure that she wouldn’t want for nothing.

Her mother never complained. No matter how tired she was, she would always come back home with a smile on her face. Her mother was working as a secretary at small company. It might not be a job that could make them rich but it was more than enough to make ends meet. Because both of them were thrifty, her mother’s income never seemed lacking.

Then a year and a half ago, Yu Jiao noticed a change in her mother. She started to dress up – putting on make-up and things like that, there were nights where she would come back home late, and most of all, she smiled more often. Than one day, when her mother suddenly took her out to eat dinner at some high-end restaurant, she finally found out the reason for her mother’s change.

She fell in love. And she introduced that man to Yu Jiao during that dinner. The man was in his 50s. He looked very kind and amiable. A match to her mother’s gentle personality. They asked for her permission if it’s alright for them to marry. Seeing the look of pleading on her mother’s eyes, something that she had only seen at that moment, Yu Jiao could only agree. She had never seen her mother so happy.

But her mother forgot to mention that the man – Mr. Mo - was actually the president of a large hotel and restaurant chain. And that he also had two kids her age from his previous marriage. Yu Jiao only found out when the two families met at the family villa of Mr. Mo.

After the marriage of the two, Yu Jiao’s life took a complete 180. She now lived in a huge villa. Her room was almost the same size as their previous small apartment. She was suddenly transferred to a prestigious private school. Her monthly allowance was much more than her mother’s previous monthly salary.

Her new stepfather treated her fairly well. But she could still feel that she was being kept at arm’s length. Which didn’t really matter. As long as she could see that he was being true to her mother. And he was. She could see the love in his eyes every time he looked at her mother. And Yu Jiao was glad for it.

It didn’t matter that her stepsister hated her or that her stepbrother acted like she didn’t exist. It didn’t even matter that she’s like an outsider in this new family. Or that going to school in this academy always felt like she’s entering a battlefield. All of those didn’t matter. As long as her mother was happy.

But no matter how much she’s willing to endure, even she had her own bottom line. When her stepsister went into her room without permission and almost destroyed the VR helmet she bought from her hard-earned money – before all this wealth came in – Yu Jiao just reached the limit of her patience. She didn’t make a scene, she simply requested if she could live in the school’s dormitory.

Her mother initially didn’t want to agree. But she must have felt her insistence and even her silent protest. So in the end, she still agreed.

For the past year, Guizu Academy’s dormitory had been more of her home than the one she was supposed to have. She only went back during vacations and holidays. And everyone, probably with only the exception of her mother, was glad for it. If only her stepsister didn’t go to the same school, then everything would be perfect.

Yu Jiao parked her bike on the designated parking lot for bicycles, chained it up, then walked to the teaching building of third years. The room for the science key class was on the third floor. She could ride the elevator but she chose to climb the stairs. Arriving at the class room, she quietly walked towards one of the empty seats at the very back. No one paid her any attention. No one even looked in her direction. As if she was someone invisible. Which was something she definitely preferred than getting these people’s attention.

She looked outside the window. Then she heard the talk of some of the students around her.

"Have you heard? There’s a new student transferring today in our class," one said.

"Yes, I heard about that. He took the exam and aced all the science related subjects. That’s why he was immediately put in our class."

"But did you also hear that this transfer student is actually the second young master of the Luo family? Considering how he was in a coma for what, seven years? I bet his family paid the school off so they could put him in here," one said sarcastically.

"How could that be possible? You know how our chairman is. He wouldn’t stand for something like that. No matter how much money they planned to donate to this school, the chairman would definitely not be moved," another one scoffed, opposing what the other said.

Then the bell rang. Their homeroom teacher soon entered.

"Everyone, we have a new student transferring in today. I hope everyone would get along with him," the teacher said. He then glanced at the door. "Please, come in."

Yu Jiao was still looking outside the window. So she wondered why the surrounding suddenly became silent. Wasn’t the teacher introducing the new transfer student? She turned and looked at the front. Then she immediately understood the sudden silence of her classmates.

Standing there was a boy who looked like he was about 14, 15 years old. He was wearing the uniform of the high school department - white blazer with a red tie and royal blue pants. His black hair was arranged neatly but still looked fashionable. His big peach blossom eyes were bright and full of innocence. His cheeks were rosy. Even his lips had a natural pink tint to it. His white skin looked soft and delicate.

Even Yu Jiao, who didn’t really care about people’s appearance, couldn’t help but stare. How could someone, a boy even, look this pretty?

"Hello, my name is Luo Yan. I hope all of us could be friends," the boy said in a sweet voice that seemed to be dripped in honey.

Then he smiled. And Yu Jiao was sure that everyone’s heart just melted a little.

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