The Return of Apocalypses Tyrant

Chapter 3

Episode 3

“Hey, you crazy guy. What are you gifting? Can’t you see what’s written there? right. like. do. uh? “Do you think there’s any friendship between you and me since we met for the first time today?”

Gyu-ryu, who was momentarily dazed by Namgung speaking so confidently, shook his head and shouted.

“Besides, look at this. Wouldn’t you put a knife in your arm and break your nose? Should I give that as a gift to that guy? “Say something that makes sense.”

Gyu-ryu snorted.

“I don’t have any presents for you. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but get the hell out of here!”

He tried to close the bag window.


However, at that moment, the knife that Namgoong was holding was once again driven into the back of his hand.

“Ahh!! This is crazy!! “Three punishment!!”

“You got it. gift.”

“okay. You bastard. I only received the knife you gave me. Don’t you take this off? uh?!”

Gyu-ryu clenched his fists and shouted.

He felt like he wanted to throw it at Namgoong’s face right away, but he seemed to be holding back and kept saying ‘Ah!!’ I just sighed.

“money. “You received it from me regardless of its current value.”

“What do you get? “You gave it to me unilaterally!”

“Even though it might save your life two years from now?”


In an instant, Gyu-ryu’s expression changed.

“I don’t like your clan. “I only came because out of the eight clans that served as representatives, you seemed like the one I could communicate with.”

Namgung looked at him with the knife still stuck.

“Now you know that I am a regressor. You may not know what is valuable and what is not valuable as time passes, but I do. “Money still has value even when the gates of hell are open.”


Gyu Ryu stared at the bundle of money piled up on the floor at Namgung’s words.

‘Is it true? Money in the human world is just a piece of paper in our world…’

His mind became complicated.

This is because I have no idea what the pitch black night that will come two years after the gates of hell open.

“What if what you say is false?”

“There is no way to prove it. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. “Whether you hit the ground running and regret it in two years or not.”

“You evil bastard… you are worse than the Naga bastards.”

“I’ve often heard things like that.”

Gyu-ryu was even more at a loss for words at Namgung’s uncivilized answer.

“…i get it.”

In the end, Gyu-ryu took out a piece of parchment from the bag.

I handed the parchment to Namgung with a quick toss, and he unfolded it as if he had been waiting


“What are you going to do with it?”

“I’m going to write the Book of Revelation. “Admission ticket to the Revelator’s Trials.”


Gyu-ryu wondered if he had misheard Namgung’s words and asked back.

“Writing the Book of Revelation? Nonsense. “Only God knows its contents!”

However, contrary to his cries, Namgung lightly cut his finger with a knife and began to write down something with the blood.

It was closer to a shape and formula rather than a letter.

What was clear was that it was a language that did not exist in modern times.

It was also clear that the more he wrote down the parchment, the more shocked Gyu-ryu’s face became.

“Mi… crazy. Humans know runes? “What on earth were you doing in your past life?”

“That’s not important. What matters is what you do from now on. Because the Vicar Clan can open the door to the Revelator’s test.”

Gyu-ryu looked at the parchment handed to him by Namgung with trembling hands. Surprisingly, even though it was fake, when he grabbed the parchment, the letters inside began to glow.


And a door appeared behind Gyu-ryu.

The space distorted like a black hole was clearly the door to the quest.

“…let me ask you just one question.”


“Everything is good, this is it. Let’s say you know the existence of the Revelator’s Test through your memories of regression and even know the runes. So it’s okay to try to steal the Revelator’s privileges now.”


“Then what will the Revelator do? He is the one who was supposed to come here originally. “You probably know who it is.”

Gyu-ryu grumbled and handed over the parchment.

“Now this means you are taking away his benefits. Because of that, his bright future may turn into a gutter. “Aren’t you sorry?”


But for some reason, Namgung laughed at Gyu-ryu’s question.

“You’re not sorry at all?”

“Such cold-bloodedness…”

Gyu-ryu shook his head as if he didn’t want to say any more, with a bewildered expression on his face.


Namgung stood in front of the door opened by Gyu-ryu, holding the parchment.

As Gyu-ryu said, Namgung knew well who would come here.

He was called Gwi-gok (鬼哭).

It is by far the most unique entity among the eight stars.

He commanded numerous spirits and had near-immortal power. He was strong enough to rival Alec, who was praised as the strongest in the Eight Stars.

“well. He was the one who told me about the existence of the Revelator’s Test before he died. Attack them faster than you and steal the power you need to gain.”

“Hey lie. How can you so easily give someone else the opportunity to gain the power to become stronger? I would know because I lived a past life. What a terrible world this will become. “I guess he was an incredibly nice guy, right?”

Gyu-ryu tilted his head as if he didn’t understand.

‘Choi Hwi-soo’s homecoming.’

Namgung thought of his name for a moment.

Choi Hwi-su was his teacher.

“no. “It’s the opposite.”

Namgung inherited the necromancy he had learned.

“To the people of the world, he is just one piece of trash that needs to be killed.”

A rare psychopath.

In order to use Death Spirit, you need the necessary prerequisites.

Of course, they were dead.

Even though the gates of hell were opened and corpses were scattered everywhere, Choi Hwi-su did not hesitate to do anything to find better quality corpses.

Not just the dead, but even the methodology of how to die.

All sorts of indescribable tortures were committed as a result. Namgoong was just one of Choi Hwi-soo’s many test subjects.

The wound was gone, but the areas where he had hit me still felt like they were throbbing.

There was no particular reason why Namgung became Choi Hwi-soo’s disciple.

Torture under the guise of countless experiments.

Because I survived there.

“And to me too.”

So there is no need to feel any guilt.

* * *


As he crossed Gyu-ryu’s portal, light appeared behind the deep darkness in Namgung’s vision, as if he was exiting a long tunnel.

“Why are you following me?”

“…Never mind. “I’m just going to see how you fare.”

Namgung glanced at Gyu-ryu, who had crossed the door with him, and smiled.

“It doesn’t matter… but you’d better be careful. “No matter how much you act, this is not the place for you to come.”

“Director Nam. No matter how great you were in your past life, now you are just an ordinary human being. You better be careful. “If only you knew who the owner of this place you would open was.”

Gyu Ryu stuck out his tongue at Namgung and said.

“I know. “No, I know very well.”

Otherwise, there was no reason to come here during the eight Revelator Tests.

“Because he’s the one who harassed me for 18 years.”

Namgung lived 25 years after the gates of hell opened.

On October 11, four years after the gates of hell opened, he met Choi Hwi-soo.

He was subjected to terrible torture for three years, and on the seventh year, Namgung killed Choi Hwi-su.

“Just when I thought I had finally escaped that damned guy, I met someone even worse.”

Choi Hwi-soo was better.

At least we were the same person.

This guy was a being that I couldn’t reach in my past life.

▶ We have entered the realm of those who handle the seven snakes.

Namgung walked forward while looking at the red notification that appeared in front of him.

* * *

[He is not permitted.]

That was then.

A voice echoed in his head, and Gyu-Ryu’s body trembled as if his spine had gone numb at the voice.

[Gyu. Why did you bring a human here?]


[This is a place where only Revelators are allowed. However, I did not choose you.]

“You did not choose me. That was your defeat. “You should have chosen me from the beginning.”

In an instant, the darkness split and a large eye popped out through it.

“Lord of these seven serpents!! The author is that regressor!! “A murderer who killed 666,666 high-ranking demons… no, a murderer!!”

Long pupils like snake eyes appeared and glared at him.

[…Are you the one who turned the tables on us?]

Unlike Gyu-ryu, who was trembling like an aspen tree, Namgung looked at those big eyes without any hesitation and spoke.

[You are not qualified.]

“He’s better than Choi Hwi-soo, who you chose. “Let’s check whether you are qualified or not.”

At that moment, the floor shook.

It billowed like a swell and the surroundings flowed as if melting.

Nothing was visible, but that made them feel even more fear.

There was silence.

No, his ears cannot hear.

It got dark.

No, his eyes are not visible.

I didn’t feel anything.

No, his sense of touch had disappeared.

The stale air has changed.

No, his sense of smell was blocked.

I felt like I was a doll.

Namgung felt as if his limbs belonged to someone else, independent of his will.


Gyu-ryu tried to run away immediately due to the terrible pressure. But the door was closed and there was no way to escape.

“Save me, save me…”

Due to the pressure from his superiors, Gyu-ryu sat down like a frightened child, buried his face between his knees, and grabbed the back of his head with both arms.


thud-!! Kwaaaang–!!!

Gyu-ryu’s trembling appearance disappeared.

Instead, I saw an illusion.

A scream that would tear your eardrums and a booming sound that echoed everywhere.

Collapsed rubble.

And I saw dead bodies underneath.


Namgung’s eyes were focused on one place.

The piled up rubble was his home.

Only one small hand was visible beneath it.

The guy knew it well.

The person who can shake his heart the most is his daughter.

My heart was pounding –

my heart was beating fast.

But he took a deep breath.

My heart, which had been racing for some time, went cold.

“That’s childish.”


Namgoong took out a knife and cut the back of his hand.


I couldn’t feel the warmth of the blood flowing on the back of my hand, and I couldn’t smell it, but I could only feel the fishy taste as it ran down my throat.

It is the only remaining sense among the five senses.

His sense of taste reminded him that blood was still flowing through his body and that he was human.


When Namgung bit the back of his hand, which had been sucking blood, the flesh was torn, causing pain at that moment.

The illusion before my eyes disappeared.

Darkness fell again.

“Don’t try to test me with something like this. “I am the one who survived the day-and-night endless hell that you created.”

He stared into the darkness.

[…Do you know me?]

“It’s not just that. “I am the one who holds your power.”


A purple aura bloomed on Namgoong’s arm.

The eyes twirled around him as if curious.

[Kkkkkkkk… Was the returner who twisted the time axis the one who followed me? If the rest of the Aspects find out about this, they will feel sick to their stomachs and die.]


It was then.

Namgoong plunged the knife he was holding into the eyes that were circling around him.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”


The eye that had been stabbed by the fist blinked in pain and started rolling on the floor.

Namgung didn’t miss it, stepped on the snow and twisted the knife that was stuck in it.


Then, the soft and sticky mucus burst and spilled on the floor, and the pupils instantly became flat like a deflated balloon.

‘I’m crazy…!!!’

Gyu-ryu felt as if he would faint at any moment at the shocking sight.

“I am not the one who followed you.”

Looking at the glassy eyes, Namgung somehow felt a little relieved.

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