The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 459: Taking Out My Frustration on an Enemy That Would Normally Be Impossible to Defeat

Chapter 459: Taking Out My Frustration on an Enemy That Would Normally Be Impossible to Defeat

  1. Taking Out My Frustration on an Enemy That Would Normally Be Impossible to Defeat

* * *

Zun, zun, zun!!

To eliminate the intruder.

To fulfill the mission he was given, the humanoid magic robot, ‘Steel Sam’, runs, shaking the room.

His stocky body is huge.

His height is about twice that of an adult man.

And his body, covered in heavy armor, is thick and wide.

And it’s rushing towards her at a tremendous speed.

It’s a terrifying sight that would make an ordinary person faint!


Steel Sam, having closed the distance between himself and Emi in an instant, swung the greatsword in his left hand horizontally, releasing steam from the exhaust port on his waist!


That attack, unleashed at an incredible speed, flew towards Emi!


But Emi is used to fighting.

She calmly grasped the greatsword’s trajectory, and dodged the attack by crouching down.

And the moment the greatsword passed over her head, she jumped!

Spinning in the air, she aimed for Steel Sam’s head.

With her superhuman strength, she’s ready to crush it.



Steel Sam is a humanoid magic robot, not a human.

For a human, the large swing after an attack would be a fatal opening.

But not for him!


Steel Sam, detecting Emi, who had jumped and gone on the offensive, with the magic sensor on his head, immediately deployed the armor on both shoulders!

What emerged from them were magic machine guns!


And of course, a rain of magic ore bullets poured out from them.

Even Emi wouldn’t take that head-on, so she gave up on attacking Steel Sam, and deployed her 【Black Arms】 in front of her.

Using them as shields, she blocked the rain of bullets.

But Emi wasn’t just hiding.

After being knocked down by the force of the magic ore bullets and landing on the floor, Emi, while continuing to defend with her 【Black Arm】 shields, secretly extended her 【Magic Slash Threads】, whipping them at Steel Sam… but it’s not very effective.

The paint on his armor chipped, and small cuts appeared, but that’s all.

This Steel Sam… was naturally created during the era of the super ancient magical civilization, a masterpiece made with the best technology of the time.

Its defensive power is… incredibly high.

And this particular unit was designed with high resistance to magic attacks.

It’s a bad match for 【Magic Slash Threads】.

She’ll have to crush it directly.

It was just as Emi had made that decision!



Steel Sam, while continuing to fire from the magic machine guns on both shoulders, swung the greatsword in his right hand down at Emi!

The 【Black Arms】 are jet-black, and when used as shields, they block most of Emi’s vision.

Therefore, she couldn’t see him preparing to attack.

By the time she noticed, Steel Sam’s greatsword was about to smash into her head!


But just in the nick of time!

Emi swiftly moved both hands, catching the greatsword between them, as if clapping, and blocked the attack!


The metal floor of the labyrinth dented, centered on Emi’s body, as she caught the super heavy greatsword, swung down at an incredible speed.

But Emi is unharmed.

On the contrary, this is her chance to counterattack!


Emi, gripping the greatsword tightly with both hands, spun around and around.

Steel Sam’s arms are connected to the greatsword, and he can’t let go of it.

So, Steel Sam was swung around and around by Emi’s monstrous strength!



Steel Sam, desperately firing his magic machine guns, trying to break free from Emi’s grip!

But the randomly aimed magic machine guns aren’t much of a threat to Emi.

She’s so tough that even if she’s hit by a stray magic ore bullet or two, she’d probably just be able to shrug it off!

Spin, spin!

Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin!!

As Steel Sam struggled, Emi’s spinning speed increased.

Finally, Steel Sam’s heavy body floated in the air from the centrifugal force.

The reason why Emi isn’t being blown away, and is able to stay in place, is because she’s using the mana manipulation of 【Silverfish】 to stick her feet to the floor, but that’s not important right now.


Emi, having gained enough speed, finally let go of her hands, and threw Steel Sam!



Steel Sam, unable to resist, was flung, crashing into the wall with his body spread out.

“Bushu! Bushuu!!”

But this unit’s defense is incredible!

Steel Sam didn’t take any fatal damage from that impact.

Steel Sam, intermittently releasing steam, started struggling, trying to pull his body out of the wall.

But it was at that moment.

The magic sensor on Steel Sam’s head detected something approaching him at a terrifying speed.

It’s a jet-black, terrifying, intimidating, giant fist.

…The fist of Emi’s 【Black Arm】!


The 【Black Arm】, shot out like a cannonball, pierced through Steel Sam’s chest armor!

That armor, which should be able to withstand even five minutes of continuous bombardment by 【Magic Orbs】, was pierced through, with a large hole opening up.




And then, because of that damage, an explosion occurred inside the unit!

Steel Sam’s body, unable to withstand it, was blown to pieces by the large-scale explosion that followed…!

…It’s over!

* * *


Now then, among the pieces of Steel Sam’s armor scattering throughout the room, one piece flew towards Emi, who was watching the explosion.

A small piece, that would fit in the palm of her hand.

Emi, calmly catching it, casually threw it into her mouth and crunched it.


And then, Emi picked up Steel Sam’s head, which had rolled to her feet.

It’s the size of an ordinary human’s head, disproportionately small compared to his giant body. Emi held it in both hands and started to apply pressure.


Megyo, gaki, gogogi…

Steel Sam’s head was compressed into a flat plate by her overwhelming strength, scattering small parts.


After staring at it, now sufficiently small, with an indifferent look, Emi threw it at the wall with all her might.


It flew straight, piercing the wall of the labyrinth with a sharp sound.


Emi then looked around.

Parts of what used to be Steel Sam were scattered all over, emitting black smoke and sparks.

And the next thing that caught her eye was the right arm part.

The part from the shoulder down was lying on the floor, sparking and occasionally convulsing.

The greatsword attached to its palm is still there too.


Emi walked over to the arm, and casually… stomped on the greatsword, right in the middle.


The greatsword snapped in half, making a hard sound.

Bakin… bakin, bakin…!

Emi then repeatedly stomped on the greatsword, smashing it to pieces.

Her foot also went through the floor beneath the greatsword, so… the surrounding area is full of holes.


After crushing the greatsword, Emi then picked up Steel Sam’s giant right hand with both hands… and swung it, slamming it onto the floor.


The elbow part was destroyed by the impact, and the part from the elbow to the shoulder was blown away.


And then, Emi, staring at the part of the arm from the elbow to the palm, remaining in her hand, tore off the wrist part with brute force.

Then, throwing the palm away, she grabbed the armor of the arm, and tore it vertically.

Tearing it into small pieces…

Crushing it.

Throwing it away.

…And sometimes eating it.

Emi continued this meaningless destruction, not only on the arm… but on all the parts scattered around, for a while.

What she’s doing is… taking out her frustration.

Robots are good.

They’re sturdy, and she doesn’t have to worry about their dignity, since they’re inanimate objects.

She can use violence without restraint.

And since there’s no one around, she’s letting out her mana and killing intent, which she usually suppresses.

Now that she has gained considerable power, opportunities to recklessly unleash her power like this are very valuable to Emi.

Emi enjoyed destroying Steel Sam… slowly, for a while.

* * *


Emi, having satisfied herself after rampaging for a while, calming her evil heart, once again faced the door with the History of Neverfall depicted on it.

She had destroyed the mechanism for opening this door, in her haste.

In other words, in the end…

She’ll have to force it open.


Emi put both hands on the door and slowly… started to apply force.

Gu… gugu…

Gugu, gugu…


Then, a hard, breaking sound echoed.

The lock is probably broken.


Emi continued to apply force.

And then, the door…

This super heavy door, not intended to be opened manually…

Gi… gi… gi…

It made a noise like a groan of agony.

Slowly, slowly… it began to open.

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