The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 453: The Three Knights of the Royal Guard’s Waiting Room

Chapter 453: The Three Knights of the Royal Guard’s Waiting Room

  1. The Three Knights of the Royal Guard’s Waiting Room

* * *

Now… ‘The Three Knights of the Royal Guard, will be stationed in the three ‘Trial Rooms’’.

This assumption that Ijokis mentioned earlier is correct.

These three, the strongest fighting force of the Sky Kingdom of Neverfall, are indeed stationed at the ‘Trial Rooms’ as gatekeepers, waiting for challengers to arrive.

But, however.

Think about this for a moment.

Are those appointed as gatekeeper-type bosses… really waiting for enemies… without leaving their post… for a long, long tiiiime?

They’ll need to eat, right?

They might even get sleepy.

Naturally, they’ll want to go to the bathroom too.

Do gatekeeper-type bosses stay bound to their post… enduring all that?

The answer, to be frank, is that it varies depending on the organization.

In an evil organization, bosses often disregard the human rights of even their combatants, so they often have little freedom.

They endure hunger and sleep deprivation, and relieve themselves in the corner of the room.

There are even cases where bosses issue such unreasonable work orders.

However, as a result, the boss’s condition deteriorates, and their performance declines, which is obvious.

In some extreme cases, there are even reports of bosses being unable to move due to hunger, because the protagonist took an unexpectedly long time to clear the dungeon and reach the boss room.

So, what about the Sky Kingdom of Neverfall…? When it comes to the treatment of the Three Knights of the Royal Guard… it’s white.

Those of low status are being tormented by the tyranny of the Prime Minister faction, like Commander Kokiatsu… but.

The Three Knights of the Royal Guard are directly under the command of the Sky King, and are the elite of the elite.

They’re in a position to be catered to.

Therefore, even when being stationed at the Trial Rooms, the country has established reasonable working conditions, so that they can fight challengers in perfect condition.

…I digressed a bit.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is this.

Near the entrance to the Trial Room, located near the deepest part of the Great Neverfall Sky Underground Labyrinth.

There’s a hidden room, cleverly disguised to blend in with the surrounding walls.

And the name of that room is the ‘Waiting Room’.

In other words, the Three Knights of the Royal Guard are relaxing… in this waiting area… until it’s their turn.

* * *

“Is this really… okay?”

In that waiting room, ‘Byun of the Wind Bow’, the genius archer who was appointed to the Three Knights of the Royal Guard at the youngest age, muttered in the corner of the room, sitting on a round stool, his arms crossed, with a troubled expression.

This young man is wearing a brilliant blue and white armor, exclusively for the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, depicting a majestic clear sky, his attire from head to toe impeccable.

He’s the very embodiment of a ‘serious knight’.

“Are you talking about the Princess Sacrifice Ritual?”

The one who responded to his muttering was ‘Shito-Shitorin of the Rain Staff’.

She’s the only female among the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, boasting glossy blue hair, a beautiful face, and an outstanding figure.

“I agree, it’s disgusting. Even if it’s for the country, to sacrifice a young princess…”


Shito-Shitorin leaned against the wall and sighed wearily.

“…Let’s just pretend we didn’t hear those words.”

And lastly, the one who spoke in a low, clear voice, was ‘Nikkor of the Sun Sword’.

He’s the captain of the Royal Knights… in other words, the leader of these three.

Although wrinkles have started appearing around his eyes… his handsome features haven’t faded with age, but rather become more distinguished.

“We are the Sky King’s swords. It’s our mission to carry out his orders, risking our lives. I understand how you feel, but… don’t let your personal feelings interfere.”

““Yes sir!!””

Byun and Shito-Shitorin straightened their postures and saluted at Nikkor’s words.

“…That’s not it!”

But immediately, Byun lowered his salute, and protested.


“I-I didn’t mean to be disrespectful to His Majesty! It’s, you see…”

Saying that, Byun glared at the other two…

“Even though this is our waiting time! Don’t you think you’re both too relaxed!?”

He shouted!

That’s right… the serious Byun couldn’t stand it!

The sight of his admired senior knight, wearing a gray, baggy sweatsuit, carelessly resting her cheek on her hand, devouring baked goods until her stomach was full!

The sight of the knight captain he admires, wearing a tank top over a jersey, eating lunch like a middle-aged man on a day off!

“My, my… Byun-kun, this is your first time being stationed at a Trial Room, isn’t it?”

Sweatsuit Onee-san chuckled, seeing her junior’s serious personality, outraged.

Munch, munch… I understand you’re nervous, but relax… Our mission continues until the ritual is complete. You’ll, you’ll wear yourself out otherwise… munch, munch.”

And Tank Top Ojisan, his mouth full of lunch, gave some truly useful advice, like a senior colleague at work.


But Byun still didn’t seem convinced.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, nervously adjusting his round glasses, which were sliding down.

Munch, gulp… Listen, Byun. We are the Sky King’s swords. Our top priority is His Majesty’s orders. But His Majesty doesn’t specify everything we have to do. He’s not our mother.”

So Nikkor, after quickly swallowing the fried meat in his mouth, faced Byun with a serious expression.

“That’s why we have an established law that governs our actions.”

“An established law…!”

“It’s the work regulations.”

“Work regulations…”

“And Article 23 of these regulations stipulates the procedures for waiting while we’re stationed at the Trial Rooms.”

“Article 23…”

“And this Article 23 allows us to wait in the waiting room, wearing comfortable attire.”

“It allows us…”

“And since it’s stipulated in the work regulations, it’s a right of ours, the Three Knights of the Royal Guard, recognized by both the Sky King and the people.”

“A right of the Three Knights of the Royal Guard…”

“Byun! You too are a servant of the palace! You should respect the rules more!”

“Huh…? Y-Yes sir!!”

He was trying to point out his seniors’ slovenliness, but somehow, he ended up being the one being scolded…?

Flustered by that fact, Byun cleared his throat, and opened his mouth, trying to change the flow of the conversation!

“B-But Commander, I’m worried. That intruders might come… while we’re relaxing like this…”

“Fufu, you don’t have to worry about that, Byun-kun.”

But Shito-Shitorin immediately denied Byun’s statement.

“This labyrinth… you know there are multiple entrances, but from the ‘midpoint’, it’s basically a straight path. And when an intruder passes through that midpoint, an alarm will sound in this waiting room… in other words, we have more than enough time to get ready for battle after the alarm sounds.”

“But what if… the intruder reaches here without going through the midpoint? For example, by breaking through the walls…”

“Fufu! Byun-kun, that’s not a realistic assumption! The walls of this labyrinth are made with super ancient magical civilization technology! Even the Commander can’t break through them!”

“That’s right… Come on, Byun, take off your armor! Get comfortable!”

“Haa… Alright, alright…”

In the end, Byun, being told this and that by his two seniors, decided to take off his armor.

This armor of the Three Knights of the Royal Guard is made with secret techniques passed down in Neverfall, lightweight but sturdy, and easy to put on and take off.

Byun took off his armor, unfastening the clasps.

Underneath his armor, he was wearing… some stylish, glossy sportswear-like innerwear.

““Huh? What the…? ””

Jealous of his stylishness, his two seniors glared at Byun!


Byun reflexively exclaimed at their unreasonable behavior… and then chuckled wryly.

He understands that they’re intentionally continuing this casual conversation, to ease his tension, as an inexperienced knight.

He’s grateful.

Byun truly thanked them from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment.

In this waiting room.

A calm… warm time was flowing.

But then, the next moment!!


A mysterious, strange sound, shattering the peaceful atmosphere, echoed through the waiting room!


The three of them immediately turned towards the source of the sound!

What happened?

What made that sound?

…The cause was very easy to identify.

They knew immediately, at first glance.

From the metal wall of the waiting room, made with technology from the super ancient magical civilization thought to be indestructible.

……A pure white arm was growing out of it!

In other words, that strange sound was definitely the sound of that arm breaking through the wall!

But what is this white arm!?

While the Three Knights of the Royal Guard were stunned by the sudden situation, this arm swiped through the air a few times, as if to explore…


With that sound… it dug its claws into the wall!

Mgyo… gyogigigigi…!!

And then, that white arm, as if tearing through paper, destroyed the wall, creating a hole!

And then, two more arms emerged from the darkness of the hole, grabbed the edges of the hole, and… started to widen it!



The metal wall screamed pathetically, but something was relentlessly expanding the hole up, down, left, and right…!

And a few seconds later.

From the hole that was created.

Bending down as if to slip through it, something entered the waiting room.

It was a black-haired, black-eyed girl.

A cursed child… wearing eerie, jet-black armor, emitting a terrifying presence… with an extraordinary beauty.


The cursed child stood up, stretching, after getting up from her bent position.

And at that moment, she finally…

Noticed the Three Knights of the Royal Guard waiting in this room.

And she suddenly froze… still stretching.

On the other hand, the Three Knights of the Royal Guard were also frozen in place.


For a while, silence continued between them.

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