The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 401: 【Musings on Ardyst】 The Forest of Urimarekinoru

Chapter 401: 【Musings on Ardyst】 The Forest of Urimarekinoru

  1. Musings on Ardyst The Forest of Urimarekinoru

Arc 18 begins.

This is a short arc before the start of Part 2.

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『The Forest of Urimarekinoru』

The Forest of Urimarekinoru.

It’s a vast forest, naturally called as such because it spreads across Urimarekinoru, a peninsula stretching from the westernmost tip of the Golden Continent, Hamejika.

There are several notable points about this forest, one of which is the “fog”.

The Forest of Urimarekinoru is perpetually enveloped in blue fog, heavily infused with mana.

Blue fog, faintly glowing in the sunlight.

The ground is densely covered with very short berries and moss, with bluish-green leaves.

Looking ahead, you can see the silhouettes of giant trees that have taken root there since ancient times.

It’s truly a fantastical sight.

Furthermore, adding color to this landscape is the presence of a variety of “flying fish”.

Are you familiar with flying fish?

Flying fish are, simply put, fish that fly in the sky.

If you live on the Fantasy Continent, you might recall the Kazekatsuo, a specialty of Chikorimoa, the northernmost town on the continent.

If you still don’t understand, perhaps you’d recognize the term “Kaze powder”?

This Kaze powder, often used to flavor soups and other dishes, is actually a seasoning made by drying and grinding Kazekatsuo, and this Kazekatsuo is a prime example of flying fish.

The fishermen of Chikorimoa, using flying magic, skillfully catch the schools of Kazekatsuo that attack the town twice a year.

It’s said that their skills are so impressive that even first-class mages are amazed… but I’ll refrain from going into further detail, as it would be too much of a digression.

Anyway, for example, many species of flying fish live on the Fantasy Continent, and many of you are probably familiar with them.

However, if you live on the Golden Continent, you might tilt your head in confusion when you hear the term “flying fish”.

This is because, with one exception, flying fish don’t exist on the Golden Continent.

And that “one exception” is the Forest of Urimarekinoru.

It’s constantly shrouded in fog, and has high humidity.

Furthermore, a high concentration of mana is present in the air.

According to researchers, it seems that this environment of Urimarekinoru is suitable for the growth of flying fish.

Therefore, it seems that even on the Golden Continent, which is generally said to have a lower concentration of mana in the air compared to the Fantasy Continent, a variety of flying fish can live in the Forest of Urimarekinoru.

However, the flying fish of Urimarekinoru are still shrouded in mystery.

One of those mysteries is the fish species.

It has been confirmed that the species of flying fish found in the Forest of Urimarekinoru are the same as those found in the southeastern part of the Fantasy Continent, but what does this mean?

They migrated from the southeastern part of the Fantasy Continent to the westernmost tip of the Golden Continent, riding the wind.

The two continents were once one, and when they separated, their habitats were divided.

Someone artificially brought the flying fish of the southeastern part of the Fantasy Continent to Urimarekinoru, and so on…

Various theories have been proposed, but as of now, there’s no evidence for any of them, and the truth remains unclear.

Even if you try to conduct detailed investigations, the fog of Urimarekinoru stands in your way.

As mentioned earlier, this fog contains a high concentration of mana, making it impossible for humans to operate in it for long periods of time.

Most people suffer from mana poisoning after half a day in the fog and die.

Therefore, even adventurers can’t penetrate deep into the forest.

So, the investigation doesn’t progress.

The mystery remains unsolved, all shrouded in fog.

Mana-infused fog is truly a nuisance for researchers.

But, however.

For someone like me, whose profession isn’t research… fog that hides the truth and keeps people away is also… romantic.

Not just the Forest of Urimarekinoru, but the southern part of the Sabarange Desert, the Nadnengi Sea, and the famous Eserem Sea of Fog… there are countless areas around the world where people can’t enter because of fog.

What exactly is hidden in that fog?

It’s fun just to imagine it, isn’t it?

I sincerely hope that the fogs around the world will continue to be a wall that prevents human intrusion.

And I hope that researchers around the world will continue to pursue the truth and challenge the fog.

Whenever I think about fog, conflicting, irresponsible emotions always clash within me, and I can’t help it.

Now then, about the Forest of Urimarekinoru.

The influence of the fog is less pronounced in the outer perimeter, and there’s even a well-maintained walking path.

They say there are guided tours where you can see the beautiful scenery of the forest and the flying fish with an experienced adventurer guide, so if you’re interested, you should inquire at the local Adventurers’ Guild branch office or the tourism association.

Oh, how I envy those who are free to travel.

(Excerpt from “Musings on Ardyst” by Riten Reebs)

TL Note: The Eserem Sea of Fog was mentioned briefly in Chapter 263. Also the area around Jarnayaharma’s shrine was described as having blue fog in Chapter 43.

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