The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin

Chapter 3


Chapter 3: The Duke’s Incompetent Son (2)

A showdown between the heir of the noble family, Cranz, and the incompetent Cyan.

Without a doubt, spectators predicted Cranz’s victory as they observed the one-sided match.

While some wondered if Cyan had completely given up on the duel, standing there defenseless…

What’s this?

Swiftly evading Cranz’s sword strikes, Cyan swiftly brought him to his knees.

Not only that, Cyan kicked him in the face, rendering him unconscious, then pointed his sword to end the duel.


Those inexperienced in martial arts were bewildered, not understanding what had just happened.

But the gazes of skilled knights and trained warriors told a different story.

As Cranz lunged forward with his sword, Cyan’s foot landed precisely, seemingly anticipating his opponent’s moves to the very end.

With his target lost, Cranz lost his balance and fell, giving Cyan the perfect opportunity to swiftly overpower him.

It couldn’t have been a mere chance.

It demanded an exceptionally delicate sense and concentration,

Just like Duke Vert.

Cyan Vert, the fifth and youngest son who inherited his own blood.

Known for lacking any talent or enthusiasm for martial arts, he was never the center of attention from birth.

Yet, even for such a child, there is always parental affection.

Even if he was deemed a complete incompetent, there was still a glimmer of hope that today’s duel might show some small potential, secretly harboring expectations.

But what’s this?

With just one encounter, he subdued the fourth.

The duke smiled.

Even the youngest had talent.

In fact, he might have been hiding his talent all along.

If he completes his education at the academy, he could undoubtedly grow into a respectable member of the family.

It felt like finding a gem under an unattended lantern.

However, upon witnessing the subsequent action, that joy turned into doubt.


A ruthless assault that was unnecessary.

Even if it was justified as necessary for complete dominance, there was no need to deliver such a merciless blow to his own brother in a situation where the outcome was already decided.

This was an act born out of a desire to completely subjugate the opponent.

Was there even a need to display such behavior in a mere duel, not even on the battlefield?

Especially against a ten-year-old child who had yet to even grow a single hair on his body?

The duke’s expression immediately turned into one of distress.


At the duke’s call, a guardian knight rushed over.

“You summoned me, my lord?”

“I will delay the return. Inform the knights on the front lines…”

Though the knight seemed somewhat surprised by the mention of delaying the return, he nodded without questioning and withdrew.

He didn’t question, merely bowed his head and left.

The duke continued to gaze intently at Cyan.

Whether Cyan was aware of that gaze or not, he simply returned the sword to the maid with an indifferent expression.

* * *

It was an afternoon with the sun reaching its zenith.

Although they sat down at the table for lunch, there was a feeling that something had changed significantly.

Plates of food spread out as if to break one’s legs.

It’s not like they’re asking us to eat until we burst, but seriously, does this look like a single serving?

Well, okay, maybe the food is one thing, but…

“What’s all this, Emily?”

“Um, I’m not sure either. I didn’t hear anything about a special meal being prepared…”

Servants from the mansion who usually didn’t even warrant a glance were all crowded in front of me in a line.

Among them were a few who used to serve Cranz.

The maids who prepared the dishes were staring at me as if urging me to try their food.

I might as well eat through my nose…

Just because I won a single duel doesn’t mean my status would suddenly skyrocket.

I only had Emily as my personal maid from the beginning.

So, they all gathered here voluntarily.

It’s human nature not to forget the kindness shown to you.

For one person to succeed, there are usually many supporters who help and assist them.

Noble offspring, when they rise to prominence, tend to remember and take care of the nannies or maids who raised them, as it’s customary and considered proper to do so.

But even bats don’t stoop this low.

Those who didn’t even bother to greet me before are now swarming around like flies, trying to get a piece of the action…

I get it, though.

It’s the rather despicable law of the world.

How human is it to be so busy surviving?

“Could everyone please leave?”

I just want to eat in peace.

“I’m sorry if it’s too much. I appreciate the effort, but I’d prefer to eat my meal comfortably. If you need anything, feel free to ask, but I’d appreciate it if everyone left.”

The servants, who were eyeing each other, soon started leaving one by one.

Emily, who had been sneaking glances, also began to leave, so I called her back.

“Why are you leaving, Emily?”


“I thought you were supposed to bring dessert.”

At the mention of dessert, she returned with a grin.

Just for the record, Emily really can’t cook.

She’s considered one of the worst cooks among the mansion’s maids.

She doesn’t excel in anything, not just cooking.

Well, it’s not that strange for an incompetent maid to be assigned to an incompetent offspring.

I didn’t ask her to stay for a cup of tea.

It was just a show of appreciation as the master.

Some might question why I would keep a maid who doesn’t hesitate to speak rudely to the duke’s son.

But let me tell you, there’s probably no one else in this mansion who cares for me as much as she does.

When I was about nine years old, there was a time when I fell ill, my consciousness wavering…

At that time, Cranz insisted on going hunting for the first time and took all the mansion’s servants with him, leaving me with no one to look after me.

It was Emily who carried my burning body to the estate infirmary.

Then, for two days and nights straight, she took care of me without even sleeping.

Her personality may be a bit peculiar, but if it weren’t for her, I might have died suddenly in the mansion one day.

In other words, she’s the only person I can’t afford to lose and must keep by my side.

After the meal, she brought out tea as if she had been waiting.

“But, young master! How on earth did you defeat Young Master Cranz?”

“How did I win? You saw it yourself.”

“No! Young master, you’ve never shown any interest in swords before! You didn’t even train while I wasn’t looking…”

“I practiced when you weren’t around.”


It’s not a lie.

My sword training started at the academy.

Clearly, I had been practicing where she wasn’t present.

Emily’s face looked completely stunned.

– Tip tap, tip tap –

Amidst sipping tea, I heard footsteps.

Not the light steps of servants, but the heavy steps of a knight.

Since the mansion’s dining area had no doors, soon a knight in gleaming white armor appeared around the corner.

“Guardian Knight Eulken. I greet Young Master Cyan.”

It was Eulken Darius, a senior knight from the Order of the Light.

Startled by the arrival of the senior knight, Emily quickly stepped back and bowed her head.

“I apologize for interrupting your meal.”

“It’s fine. But what brings you here all of a sudden?”

“His Grace is seeking Young Master Cyan. Shall I guide you to the study? Will you accompany me?”

Father’s summons.

I heard about the postponement of the return to the front lines, but I didn’t expect him to call me so soon.

“Alright. Should we go now?”

There was no need to delay after finishing the meal.

Rising from my seat, I followed Eulken’s guidance towards Father’s study.

Being escorted by a senior knight was no trivial matter.

The dissemination of news and guidance can be handled by even junior soldiers.

But the one guiding me now is a senior knight who has reached the highest level as a warrior.

Just the fact that he’s guiding me shows how much my value as an individual has risen.

Servants who immediately bow their heads upon meeting me.

Though it’s just a walk to the study, I am currently receiving formidable protection that doesn’t even allow anyones approach.

“Young Master! Excuse me!”

Emily, who had been following cautiously, pointed beyond the corridor.

There, a group of people were approaching with dignified strides.

Margaret Erzeth.

She’s the duchess and also Cranz’s mother, the one I just knocked down earlier.

Judging by her direction, it seems she’s coming from the office.

She’s probably here to check on Cranz’s condition.


She furrowed her brow as if it were only natural upon spotting me.

I approached her without hesitation and spoke.

“Is Cranz okay?”

She seemed very displeased.

“You sure have a lot to say for yourself. Beating your siblings so ruthlessly and shamelessly walking around with your head held high?”


Does she know about all the cruel things Cranz has done to me and is saying such things?

I understand if she resents me even after all I’ve endured.

After all, her son is a wreck because of me, so it wouldn’t be unjust to get slapped in the face.

I didn’t entirely rule out this kind of reaction.

She never really looked upon me favorably from the start.

As long as she doesn’t cross a certain line, I can quietly endure it.

“Well, I guess that’s inevitable for a worthless bloodline. Born under a filthy mother’s wing, can a child turn out any better?”


She crossed the line.

My last bit of human decency snapped abruptly.

If it were my past self, maybe, but hearing those words in front of me now is akin to a death wish.

“You were supposed to be begging for scraps on the streets. His Grace took you in, and yet you have the audacity to speak out? People like you never learn no matter how many times you’re told!”

The duchess’s words no longer registered in my mind.

Oh, what should I do?

Should I just kill her?

What would happen if I killed the duchess here?

Should I just do it first and think later?

Maybe just snap her neck before Eulken can react…

After a brief moment of contemplation, I shook my head.

It’s not worth it to kill her so easily.

“Why are you standing there dumbfoundedly? Move out of the way!”

I glanced at her face with casual disregard.

“W-What’s with that look in your eyes! How dare you give me such a defiant gaze…”

“What are you going to do?”

My blunt remark sent a chill through the air.

“When a dignified duchess speaks in such a threatening manner, it doesn’t sit well with me.”

The duchess chuckled as if amused.

“Hah! Why would I care about your feelings?”

“You should care, shouldn’t you?”


“Do you know what I could do to Cranz?”

Her eyes trembled for a moment.

“Shouldn’t you ensure he at least makes it to the academy in one piece?”

Even her face quivered at my smirking expression.

My words were not arrogance, but sincerity.

Even if he broke an arm or a leg, it’s not like he’s going to die or anything, right

Father wouldn’t impose severe punishment for such actions.

“Y-You shameless and base creature dare!”

“Do you even know the situation this ‘shameless creature’ is in right now? Please step aside, I need to see His Grace. Duch-ess!”

Not just her, even her attendants looked uneasy.

It was audacious to tell the mistress of the mansion to move aside.

The enraged duchess raised her hand.


But her hand halted, not touching my face but someone else’s.


“That’s enough, madam.”

I’ll say it again, I’m under protection right now.

Under the protection of a senior knight directly ordered by the duke.

The fact that this guardian knight, who doesn’t even accompany the duchess to the duke’s office, is by my side means something.

What could it mean?

It means my position right now is nearly equivalent to that of the duke.

Even if the one trying to harm me were the emperor himself, this guardian knight would move to cut his throat.

Moreover, the mere Duchess couldn’t block my path.

“Can’t you let go of this?”

When I gently released her, she took a step back.

“I won’t tolerate any further delay. Please move aside, Duchess.”

Trembling with embarrassment, she eventually stepped aside.

As she retreated, the attendants behind her also pressed against the wall to make way.

“Please send my regards to Cranz!”

With a smile as if nothing had happened, I passed by her.

The Duchess, without saying a word, simply glared at me with intense hostility.

I paid no mind and calmly walked down the corridor.


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