The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 452: 452 in danger

Chapter 452: 452 in danger

Chapter 452 Chapter 452. In danger

"Our country, the Jin Dynasty, was founded on benevolence and filial piety. Now the eldest prince not only kills his father, but also attempts to usurp the throne. It is really embarrassing for the great lord. If your majesty is alive in heaven, I am afraid that he cannot bear to let the country fall into the hands of such a person, so I express my gratitude here. With this attitude, even if I fight to the last of my Wei family, I will never bow to such a new emperor."

The cruel attitude is equivalent to completely breaking up with the eldest prince.

Wherever his eyes went, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him. Even the people who had just supported the eldest prince were hesitant at this moment.

Patricide and usurping the throne are two serious crimes.

Even if the eldest prince wins the throne in the end, he will probably be shamed by the people in the world.

It is difficult for such a political situation to continue. If you are not careful, you will be overthrown.

If the reputation of the Qingjunzi is to be attacked, then wouldn't they be the first to be dealt with?

At first, the whole family was pressured to follow the eldest prince, but now they have to take care of the whole family. Can this support be achieved?

The eldest prince looked at the ministers who had been talking to him just now and shut up one by one.

I feel anxious and sad at the same time.

The interests of the royal family are so vulnerable. It is a pity that he does not have a strong mother or wife family, otherwise he would definitely have to deal with Duke Wei today.

Wei Dalang was very arrogant at the moment.

Seeing that the eldest prince was about to be beaten to the ground by them, how could he not be excited?

He turned around and glanced at the supreme throne. Although he would not be the one to sit on it, once the Ninth Prince ascended the throne, he would be the new emperor's direct uncle. With the merits of being a protector, he would be granted the title of First-Class Duke even if he could not be saved.

The glory of the Wei family is right in front of you. When you look at the eldest prince, you have never felt that he is so annoying.

The Ninth Prince knew how to seize the opportunity, and immediately walked out and said to the eldest prince with a sad and angry look on his face.

"What the emperor did is really worse than a dog. For the sake of the throne, he would not hesitate to kill his own father and mother. If someone like you can sit on the throne, then where is the majesty of the Xiao family? The spit of the people will bring the imperial city to the throne. Its flooded.

"Don't be so pretentious. I don't admit this! You colluded with Duke Wei and bribed General Meng. Not only did you arrange everything in advance, but you also framed the king. Isn't this the king who is waiting for me to step down? Hello Is it superior?"

The eldest prince did not spare anyone, he immediately stepped forward and struck him with fire. He spoke both internally and externally, but did not spare the ninth prince.

Even if he couldn't leave the palace in the end, he would definitely ruin the reputation of the Ninth Prince.

An emperor, or an emperor who was promoted by the Wei family, would not be able to go far if he lost his reputation.

Just Xiang Bai and Mr. Xu Ge will not let them go.

That's right, Mr. Bai Xiang and Mr. Xu Ge, they didn't come today. What's the reason?

As long as they were here and nothing else was said, his life would always be saved.

Then they started shouting.

Since you and I both hold our own opinions, lets just ask Prime Minister Bai and Mr. Xu Ge to find out the whole story. I want to see if the evil is not prevailing over the good, or if the law of heaven is unfair!

The Ninth Prince glanced at the eldest prince sinisterly, "Huh, come to Xiang Bai and Mr. Xu Ge. Isn't this a clear intention to clear his grievances?"

Stop dreaming, they have already bribed everyone in front and behind this gate today, the eldest prince cannot even think of leaving alive.

Hence, before Duke Wei could give the order, he angrily scolded him.

Come here, arrest this gangster who killed his father and usurped the throne. If he resists, he will be killed on the spot!


Many soldiers in armor rushed in from outside and immediately surrounded everyone in the hall. They all stared at the eldest prince with expressionless faces, as if he would immediately go forward and kill him if he dared to make any move.

At this time, even if the people in the eldest prince's party are dissatisfied, they can only compromise.

Hunting himself low, he came to the Ninth Prince and Duke Wei and said. I only obey the orders of the prince and the Duke of the country.

One person said this, and the dozen or so people following him also said the same thing. Their surrendered look made the eldest prince feel cold from the soles of his feet.

From the beginning, he suffered the disadvantage of not having military power.

And the Ninth Prince not only had experience in the army, but also had Duke Wei in the court to deal with him, so the victory and defeat came so quickly.

Its also his fault that he didnt notice it beforehand, otherwise he wouldnt have been caught in a dilemma.

Can't go up, can't go down!

The defeated mind was suddenly revealed, and the sharp eyes of Wei Guogong immediately stepped forward and said.

"Prince Ke caused rebellion and not only killed Your Majesty, but now he is trying to block the city gate and proclaim himself emperor. How can such an unfaithful, unjust, unfilial, and unkind person be worthy of such a high position? I have served the emperors of three dynasties, and today I will take care of it on behalf of the late emperor. Kill this rebellious minister and rebellious son to comfort your majestys spirit in heaven!

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, countless soldiers headed towards the eldest prince to capture him.

Although the eldest prince was not a capable person, he was inspired by the predicament at this moment to have infinite strength. With his sword in his hand, he grabbed a soldier's sword and hacked three people in succession.

Those who were once subordinates of the eldest prince ducked aside, fearing that they would be implicated.

On the other hand, the Ninth Prince wished he could go forward to meet him for a while, but he was held back by Duke Wei.

My lord, fratricide has a bad reputation.

The eldest prince can be a traitor, but as the ninth prince who is about to take office, such stains can be as little as possible.

Just let him handle everything.

There was a stalemate for a moment, and in the end it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

Soon the eldest prince fell into the hands of the soldiers, and his wounds were torn, and the blood stained the cloth.

I have to say that at this moment, he looks a bit like a dying hero. Unfortunately, no matter how lonely he is, he only has enthusiasm in the end.

With the sword on his neck, the Ninth Prince's eyes flashed.

The soldier quickly understood and was preparing for a scene of accidentally killing someone when he saw a lone arrow suddenly shot from outside the door and pierced his chest. By the time he reacted, he had already fallen down. .

Failed to hack the eldest prince to death, but he himself lost his life first.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Muqian walked into the hall at the lead and shouted loudly at the soldiers in the hall.

The rebels must surrender quickly!

Then another arrow shot straight through another soldier who was pressing down on the eldest prince.

It is also a one-shot kill.

The rescue came. After the eldest prince broke free, his first reaction was to run towards Xiao Muqian.

With him guarding us, we might be able to escape.

"catch him!"

Duke Wei also knew that the core of the matter was the eldest prince. Only if they could hold him in their hands would they have a way out!

Unfortunately, the soldiers' reaction was not as fast as Xiao Muqian's. As soon as the eldest prince got up, he quickly went to support him.

The guards who followed him into the hall started fighting with each other with those brought by Duke Wei.

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