The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 118: 118 not leaving

Chapter 118: 118 not leaving

Chapter 118 118. Not leaving

While speaking, I shed tears.

She once helped Yunhe change medicine. When she saw that even a smooth piece of flesh was gone from the body of the good child, she, as a mother, felt very painful.

It happens that now we know that this is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. How can we not hate the culprit?

"If there is a knife in front of me, I will stab her to death. At worst, one life is worth one life! I will never let the person who harmed my son live!" For the first time, I hated Linlang to the bone.

Feng Jinxu let out a long sigh, hugged her in his arms, and comforted her in a low voice, "How come I don't know how sad you are? I am Yunhe's father, and it doesn't feel good to see him suffer like that. But the Feng family is here, and you and I both She is a person in the game, so she was sent to Yingtian Mansion as a last resort. Dont worry, her crime will be exposed. She will be punished for the three crimes, and it will be impossible to survive by then. "

After hearing what he said, Wen's heart felt better. She didn't know whether the fetus was a son or a daughter. She didn't have any discomfort during pregnancy, and her taste was very strange. The only thing she loved was crying. She burst into tears when she didn't feel well at all. Can't stop.

Gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes with a handkerchief, Feng Jinxu held her somewhat cold hand in his, comforting her constantly.

When the two of them calmed down, they were a little surprised to see Hehuan standing in front of the hall.

"Why are you here? Why don't you take a good rest? I heard from the girl who takes care of you that you often have headaches." Wen Shi said as she opened her mouth, which meant "complaining" with Zhu Jin.

He Huan was grateful for Mrs. Wen's kindness to her, so she came over and said with a smile, "Thank you, grandma, for your concern. I'm much better. I heard from Sister Yue Gui that you are pregnant, so I came here to congratulate you."

Mrs. Wen saw that her face looked good. After hearing this, the unhappiness she had just felt disappeared. Yes, now that she has two children beside her and she has another one in her belly, why should she struggle with the past? It is better to look forward.

"Get up. You should also take more care of your health. It's cold in winter and don't go out for a walk. I heard your brother said that he has chosen a place for you to live. You can leave the house when spring starts. It will be easier to relax then."

After saying that, Zhu Jin went into the house and took out a small box and handed it to Hehuan. What was inside was her deed and slave status.

He Huan did not expect to be able to get this thing so easily, and was a little at a loss.

"Your brother is very careful in his work in the house and takes good care of me. In the final analysis, it was me who caused you trouble last time and made you lie down for so long before you got better. So you can take this deed back and wait until you get out of the house. Just live a good life."

There was also a one-hundred-tael banknote in the box, which was enough for an ordinary family to eat and drink for half a lifetime.

"Grandma..." Hehuan didn't know what to say at this moment. She had lost her mother since she was a child, and her second mother had always been tepid to her. If it weren't for her brother, she would have no relatives in this world.

After entering the house, the whole courtyard was full of kind people, and no one had ever bullied her. Only Aunt Linlang came to find trouble, but she also learned a lesson.

Grandma is gentle and generous to others. Sisters Zhu Jin, Yue Gui and He Hua all have a close relationship with her. Although she did not live here for a long time, she felt the long-lost love and care, so she did not want to go out.

Thinking of this, he immediately knelt down and said with determination, "Please don't drive me away, grandma. I only have brother as my only relative. But after I entered the house, both you and my sisters took good care of me. I don't want to leave." you."

Ordinary maids would jump for joy when they got a free bond, but she was different. Not only did she buy herself a slave, she was reluctant to leave. It was really a strange thing.

However, her behavior in the courtyard these days has been noticed by everyone, and everyone likes her. Aunt Linlang is no longer in the mansion, so if she really wants to stay, that's not a bad idea. "You should discuss this matter with your brother. I think he hopes you will leave the house as soon as possible."

I will go to my brothers house and tell him, please, please take back my life.

After saying that, he stuffed the box containing the body deed back into Zhu Hibiscus's hand, which made Wenshi somewhat dumbfounded.

He gave Zhu Jin a wink and motioned for her to help Hehuan stand up. Then he looked at Feng Jinxu who was silent and asked, "What do you think, uncle?"

Taking a sip of tea, Feng Jinxu was not interested at all in the question of whether Acacia should be kept or not. He was just worried about Mrs. Wen and now had to take care of two children. He felt relieved to have a proper person to take care of him. some.

So he said, "Let her take care of Yunhe. The yard is also close to your place. It would be convenient if Fu Yi wants to see his sister."

After all, Wen's house is the courtyard of the female family members. If Feng Jinxu hadn't come, Fu Yi wouldn't have been able to enter easily.

But Feng Yunhe's yard is much more convenient, and Hehuan is a careful person, so it is appropriate to take care of Yunhe.

"It's a good idea, but don't be too pushy. If you feel unwell, you should come back and rest, you know?" Wen explained. Although there were people taking care of Yunhe, having many Hehuans there made her feel more at ease. .

He Huan got an errand that didnt require him to leave the house, how could he not be happy!

Serving in the eldest brother's courtyard not only avoids the worries of the older brother, but also can work happily with everyone, and can also see the eldest brother. She is so happy about this good thing that she kowtows to thank her and then gets up to take care of her. However, Yue Gui is behind to let her take care of him. Run slower.

When Fu Yi saw Hehuan, he realized that getting her out of the house could not be done, so he sighed.

"Brother, don't be angry. You said that I will live alone after I leave the house. I'm not sure when I can see you. Now that I'm in the eldest brother's courtyard, you can come see me when you have time. How nice, grandma and You dont know my eldest brothers character well. With them here, who can bully me? Besides, my aunt is in jail too, so dont worry.

"Hey, you have been stubborn since you were a child, and you have to do things that are not allowed to you. Forget it, you can just wait in the eldest brother's yard. Let's talk about the rest later."

After saying that, he tapped several large acupoints on her body. When He Huan reacted, he looked at Fu Yi with a look of surprise.

Brother, are you ready to let me practice martial arts?

He stretched out his hand and scratched her hair. She was practicing martial arts secretly in the beginning. Although she was not very good at it, she could still protect herself. He actually regretted sealing her acupuncture points. Otherwise, when Aunt Linlang took action, she would He wouldn't be so seriously injured.

"You need to recover first and practice the moves you remember before. If you know how to save your life in the deep courtyard, I can rest assured outside."

He Huan nodded desperately. She had wanted to practice martial arts since she was a child, but unfortunately her eldest brother found out and completely stopped her. Now that her acupuncture points are clear, she is not afraid even if she practices hard every day.

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