The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 109: 109 Acne

Chapter 109: 109 Acne

Chapter 109 109. Acne

On the third day after Yunhe fell ill, the smallpox actually appeared.

At first it was just a little bit of red rash, appearing on his arms and legs, and then it became more and more numerous, covering his little body densely, making it uncomfortable to see.

Doctor Zhang prepared medicine and kept him asleep for a long time, but he didn't suffer much. His little face was also covered with rashes.

His brows are always frowning in the dream. I dont know if he is still in pain in the dream.

The red rashes were getting bigger and bigger, and even began to ooze yellow water, one on top of the other. Doctor Zhang ordered the two of them to **** open the rashes, and then apply medicine carefully, so that they could heal faster.

The medicinal powder was mixed with water and turned into a thick black paste, which was applied bit by bit to the broken herpes. Seeing the yellow pus being sucked in, the black paste quickly turned into a solidified state. Just touch it lightly with a small piece of wood and it falls down.

Looking at the place where the break occurred, there was only a faint flesh-red trace left.

It is indeed a miracle doctor, and he can have such an effect with just one action.

Feng Jinyao was so happy that she almost cheered, and Yin Canwen also fell to the ground in admiration.

The look on the doctor's face was still serious, and he coldly ordered the two of them to "continue"!

As expected, the herpes grew out faster than Feng Jinyao and Yin Canwen could have done it. A new one was added today in the area that had been treated the day before, even bigger and scarier than yesterday.

The mood of the two people who were originally happy suddenly fell to the bottom. Also, if smallpox is so easy to cure, how can it still make people so scared after hearing about it.

Be patient and continue to apply the medicines one by one, even more rigorously.

Afraid of being infected by the yellow water, Doctor Zhang handed over the sheep intestine gloves he usually used. They looked wrinkled and a little disgusting.

Feng Jinyao glanced down, a little embarrassed, but rather than being infected, it was better to carry it with her.

Took the gloves and put them on, and continued to apply medicine to Yunhe.

Seeing that Yunhe's body and face were healed and rotten, rotten and good again, the soft and glutinous dumplings that were originally delicate and pleasant were now no different from dried bacon. There were no good parts at all, and they were all covered with cracks.

Feng Jinyao was heartbroken. Fortunately, her eldest brother and sister-in-law were not present. Otherwise, seeing this, she would have been so painful that she would die.

I dont know how many times day and night changed. That morning, Feng Jinyao woke up from her sleep and shouted no.

It turned out to be another nightmare.

Looking out the window at the dawn, the pale golden sunlight gradually falling on the yard, the tension caused by the nightmare gradually dissipated.

Opening the window for some fresh air, there was still a faint smell of vinegar outside, and Feng Jinyao was getting used to it.

Looking down at the clothes she had not changed for several days, she felt a little smelly.

When Yunhe recovers from her illness, she will definitely take a bath for most of the day to get rid of the smell.

Outside, the courtyard door creaked open, and two tightly wrapped men were seen walking over. Although they were several meters apart, Feng Jinyao still recognized them.

Eldest brother, second brother.

Ayao, hows it going?

"It's still the same, but Yunhe didn't suffer much and was asleep the whole time."

The worry in Feng Jinxu's eyes increased day by day. Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew that there was a narrow escape from death.

He wanted to go forward again, but was held back by Feng Er. Brother, its been a long time since we got to this day. Arent you going to miss the mark if you go in now?

After Feng Jinxu was knocked unconscious by Feng Er and taken away that day, he woke up and became very angry. In the end, Feng Hai scolded him **** and told him to just go ahead if he didn't care about the children in his family. Xiaoyi How could he continue to toss after being added to the body?

So these days, I just take on the job of delivering food, listening to Ayao say a few words about the situation every day, and don't know anything else.

How could he not understand everyone's intention of doing this, but he owed a lot to Yun He. At this time, even his father could not be with him, and the feeling of debt became even stronger.

Brother, dont forget what Doctor Zhang said. If you persist for a few more days, maybe Yunhe will be fine.

Although she said this, Feng Jinyao was also beating a drum in her heart.

The herpes in her eyes were getting worse day by day, making her doubt whether the medicinal powder was effective, but she couldn't let outsiders know, otherwise Feng Jinxu would be the first one to break in.

Trying to calm down, he looked at the two brothers smiling faintly.

Perhaps it was her determination and persistence that gradually calmed down Feng Jinxu's depressed mind.

"Today is New Year's Eve. I'll have the big kitchen cook some of your favorite food later. It's the first time we haven't celebrated the holiday together." Feng Jinlin was worried that his elder brother would interfere with Yunhe's medical treatment, and he was also worried that Ah Yao's situation inside, she could only say some lively words to relax the atmosphere.

Feng Jinyao really couldn't tell the difference between day and night in the house. Why did it come to New Year's Eve so quickly? She looked back at Yun He, who was still sleeping peacefully on the bed, and became more determined.

"It's okay. Once everything is cleared up, our family will have another New Year's Eve dinner."

Okay, well wait.

Feng Er and Feng Jinyao looked at each other and smiled, and finally half dragged and half dragged Feng Jinxu away.

After waiting for the two of them to walk out for a while, Feng Jinyao opened the door and took out the food box. She turned around and saw the food boxes sent a few days ago piled up in the corner, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Fortunately, the Feng family has a lot of things, otherwise, even this food box that cannot be put in or out may not be enough.

Perhaps because the conversation was getting louder, Divine Doctor Zhang and Yin Canwen in the next room also woke up. After a brief wash, they came over. Looking at the food box, Divine Doctor Zhang felt homesick.

"It's New Year's Eve today, and I don't know what the old lady is going to eat. She is the most confused. If no one is watching, she won't even eat well."

The worry of Divine Doctor Zhang was palpable. How could he know that he would not be able to go back now? Now he still didnt know how long it would take to reunite, and he felt a little resentful in his heart.

However, all the elders in Yin Canwen's family have passed away, and their thoughts are all in his heart, so he has nothing to worry about at the moment.

I opened the food box and saw that it was quite rich today.

"Yesterday when the second brother came, he said that everything in the family was safe and no one was infected. My father said that if nothing happens in another half month, the servants and servants of the family can go out to do shopping. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will have to go to the back mountain. Digging up the roots.

These words made Divine Doctor Zhang laugh so funny that his slight sadness disappeared.

Yin Canwen obediently took out the breakfast and put it away. After the three of them had a simple meal, Doctor Zhang checked Yunhe's pulse and changed his dressing as usual.

After a moment of calm concentration, his serious expression finally relaxed.

There was finally a smile in his eyes when he looked at Feng Jinyao, "Okay, the most dangerous time is over. Next, rest carefully and eliminate the toxins, and the young master will be cured."

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