The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 83: "Hey Chang Empire, The Land That I Have Live The Longest Between My Two Lifetimes, I Am Back."

Chapter 83: "Hey Chang Empire, The Land That I Have Live The Longest Between My Two Lifetimes, I Am Back."

Disregarding the strange reaction of his older Brother and deciding to operate on another time about presenting a good impression on Ren Yuan's acceptable character, Shao Cheng was currently outside the tiny village, roaming around the place while quietly observing the way the common people live their daily life.

While Shao Cheng wasn't a bit curious about the current practice that his older brother has suddenly decided to promote on his group of soldiers to perform after his stunt of suddenly howling and running out from the room after trying to introduce Ren Yuan to him, which failed spectacularly.

Besides, Shao Cheng doesn't have any interest on watching about a group of sweaty and muscles man train the entire time, especially when unlike Ren Yuan with a grudgingly fascinating appearance, these group of men doesn't look pleasing to his eyes at all.

They didn't even reach his certain criteria about a person's beautiful appearance.

wait maybe his vision is skewed and abnormal from observing Ren Yuan all the time in the previous life and soon after returning back to the beginning of his new life?

Yeah it isn't a great idea for Shao Cheng to suddenly compare Ren Yuan rather attractive appearance against this group of men.

After all, it isn't fair one bit, even Shao Cheng hate to admit the fact that Ren Yuan is on an entirely another level on his appearance, someone that no one would ever reach for, it was one of the older man envious points in the previous life although Shao Cheng doesn't care about it since his appearance never matters to him.

Well, at least, Shao Cheng can accept it if he were to suddenly have gotten a normal appearance, although he doesn't mind having a beautiful partner in life though.

so with a nod of his head, Shao Cheng decided to not observed and compare anyone's appearance on his certain criteria anymore since to his dismay there will be no one else that is capable enough to surpass Ren Yuan's appearance.

So, does this mean that if Shao Cheng miraculously decided to find a lover, then his wife will never be number one in beauty?

Thinking those strange thoughts on his mind, Purple that has been silent as he lay lethargic on top of his head has suddenly let out a low roar while the entire time Shao Cheng has already become accustomed to his head becoming a nest of some purple dragon mutated spirit.

Especially said spirit, has mentioned about Shao Cheng's head has now become his current second favorite place to stay at in which the purple dragon in a prideful manner has also assumed to grudgingly let him know in order for Shao Cheng to feel extremely grateful on his gracing kindness causing Shao Cheng lip to twitch from this mutated spirit rather narcissist way.

It makes sense though, Ren Yuan is rather a narcissist on his appearance in the previous life so it's understandable that this purple dragon has also received that sketchy side of the man.

. No, no, no, why does similar existence like them exist once again? Isn't having one of them is enough a great annoyance to Shao Cheng? Urgh his head starting to get hurt again.

And seemingly trying to prove the fact that what Shao Cheng believed was all true, Purple has once again acted up which instantly cause Shao Cheng of wanting to throttle the purple dragon crazily despite already deciding to just ignore its existence during the time that Purple acted annoying on his own way.

Damn he will probably experience this all the time now...


"Of course, no one can ever beat my previous creator flawlessly attractive appearance. Human your the weird one that didn't fall for his beauty! Why are you not trying to get into his pants? You can do it now too! There are so many people who wished to do it before, you know!?"

And Shao Cheng doesn't want to reply about that abnormal sentence, especially with how shameless it's sound and how weird it felt when Purple was basically telling him to go and eat the oblivious man that doesn't even know that was being sold without any hesitation and mercy.

Oh the irony of it all, what with Purple a being that was created in some way from Ren Yuan.

Fortunately though before everything turned out more complicated and chaotic, a child has suddenly appeared and had instantly broken the weird atmosphere that he has with Purple that remains haughty despite it all while flickering its tail on his face so that he was able to see it.

Human you will regret not listening to me today. Don't blame me if your man suddenly runs away in the future.


No, ignore it, that is the best way to deal with Purple, which the same way that he dealt with Ren Yuan before in the previous life after all that man sometimes appears before him just so he can be a pain the ass and annoying him to death to no end, which now prompts Shao Cheng to comprehend that it might be Ren Yuan way of showing his affection toward him in the past.

"..." Well now, that might be really true its good to know though so Shao Cheng can use that as a reason and a piece of evidence to see if the man has suddenly fallen in love with him once more.

"... Brother"

Suddenly Shao Cheng that has been seriously thinking about that certain idea has once more turned his attention to the shy young boy that seemed to be between four to six years old age, one would never know since poor people rather grow slow and looking entirely younger than their current age.

'... for you."

Blinking his eyes, Shao Cheng that has met the sparkling clear eyes of the young child that shone with painful innocent and sincere emotion upon it has slowly gazed down at the child small hands before finally seeing the blooming flowers and broken petals carefully cradle within the small palm that raised up toward him.

When he was roaming around the tiny village, the single peach blossom trees that are currently in full bloom has caught Shao Cheng's attention quickly so he was capable to figure out where the young child has gotten the flowers from.

"... for me?"

Carefully squatting down in order to be in the same eye level as the young child, Shao Cheng watched as the boy nodded his head shyly but with eager eyes while gazing at him with eyes full of wonder while in the corner of Shao Cheng eyes, he saw another older child was watching silently in the sideline, probably between 9 - 12 years old.

And it might be the young boy older sister since even in the far distance he can feel the proud look on that girl's face when she looks at the boy before him, especially with that soft gaze.

Ah suddenly that hidden part of him being the Supervisor of the Chang Empire in the previous life has risen once again, the pride and responsibility of the status and power that he holds once more emerging within him.

This is the people that he wanted to protect in the past, the people that he wanted to watch over, the people that he wished to be able to live a bit easier even after he finally dies after being betrayed.

Raising his hands, Shao Cheng carefully took the flowers from the child's small hands, unbothered at the slight dirt it contains, after all, the child was so small so it was understandable that he has picked it up on the ground.

"...thank you"

Although Shao Cheng's eyes remain cold, the boy seemed to be not bothered by it as he practically smiles brightly, showing some of his missing teeth before bouncing up and running toward his older sister but not before forgetting to speak another word that causes Shao Cheng to blink while Purple to snort.

"Brother you're really prettyso that's for you."

Standing up, Shao Cheng just silently watched as the younger girl bow her head in respect for his identity as a member on an aristocrat family or a wealthy merchant, which was easy to guess just based from how he moves around while wearing a costly silk robe upon his body and along with the feeling of gratefulness for showing kindness to a lowly people like them, especially toward her younger brother actions that can be easily interpreted as rude.

If he were the person in the past when he first arrives, Shao Cheng would have definitely felt weird and strange toward the kind of respect he gets just because of being born in the aristocrat family, but he quickly learned to adapt to it and has accepted the fact that this is the kind of world he lives now.

And unlike in the stories which the people who transmigrated to a brand new world have tried to change the way the people think or forcing their modern world ideas and beliefs but Shao Cheng is completely different, he has acknowledged that he needed to follow the world own rule.

Nevertheless, after that short interaction with the young child, something seemed to have changed into the way he sees the world around him while feeling that he has suddenly woken up once more.

So, Shao Cheng couldn't help but truly beginning to regard the world around him in a slow manner for a bit, which unlike before, and then quickly moving ahead as he bypasses the tiny houses made of earth as he runs fast while his sapphire eyes roamed at the people working their usual lives, before finally arriving at the tallest hill among the numerous one that slightly surrounded the tiny village and leaping up without any hesitation upon it.

And as Shao Cheng stands up straight on top the tallest hill while his long black silky hair slightly swayed from the wind along his wide long sleeves and purple robes gracefully moving around, he couldn't help but seriously gaze down upon the complete scenery of the tiny village.

His eyes wandering around the place, stopping to his older brother figure that was currently training with his group of soldiers for a bit longer, then turning to the familiar sight of the brother and sister that he just met a moment ago and finally remaining quiet as he continues to observe everyone and everything that his eyes can see.

Before finally raising his head slowly to gazes deeply at the wide expanse of the blue sky with numerous clouded spread around it.

After arriving into the past, Shao Cheng has never bothered to seriously observe the world around him or rather, he was completely busy dealing with a lot of problems that it never crosses his mind to acknowledge this world once more.

Oh Chang Empire the land that I have lived longer than my first life, the land that has changed me in so many different ways the land that has thought me many things regarding the meaning of life and the land that has caused me happiness and misery...

I Shao Cheng is back once more.

And this time, he will desperately fight for the future that he wanted to change, at least to make it better, less misery, tragedy, regrets and mistakes, after all, Shao Cheng completely knew that there is nothing perfect so its impossible to have a perfect future filled with happiness.

Especially when happiness was something that he has failed to have every single time, always moving away and leaving his hand every time that he was able to grasp it.

And somewhere in a far distance, and entirely hidden was a person currently standing with grim and hard eyes while watching the young man the entire time, before finally turning around and leaving the place.

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