The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 78: Ren Yuan Should Have Known That An Obedient, Kind And Docile Whitey Isn't A Good Thing.

Chapter 78: Ren Yuan Should Have Known That An Obedient, Kind And Docile Whitey Isn't A Good Thing.

"So hey, tell me what do you think about the dishes I specifically asked the chef to cook for, does it look great and delicious?"

Hearing the eager voice of their friend, Xing Ning and Tian Ying gaze at the wonderful and amazing variety of food that is currently place on top of the long table, totally looking like a work of art.

What's the celebration for? Are the thoughts that flash on Xing Ning and Tian Ying mind, but didn't dare to speak it out outwardly, after all, they already know the complete reason of why their friend has prepared such an amazing dishes to eat for tonight dinner.

And when they shifted their gaze upon the brilliant sparkling eyes of their friends, the two of them instantly move their gaze away, while their heart skips fast in great alarm.

Because, every single time that Ren Yuan become like this, their friend charms and temptation characteristic goes to a terrifying degree, it's like reaching the limit and passing on it, as their friend attractiveness overflow without Ren Yuan being conscious about it, which is the scary part.

And base from their long years of past experiences, especially when Xing Ning and Tian Ying was among the earliest and longest friends of Ren Yuan, they have already comprehended the fact that they needed to turn their gazes away from the current Ren Yuan standing before them or else they will definitely get tempted against their will.

It was a skill that they have already long practiced to do, which unfortunately couldn't save their traitorous friend from being tempted on Ren Yuan's overwhelming charm.

Oh, Ren Yuan is flawlessly attractive, charming and gorgeous, fortunately for them though, Ning, Ying and the rest of their friends knew deep down about what kind of a person Ren Yuan truly is, it was one of the reasons why they knew for a fact that they will not fall on this man but being tempted they could be, only the danger was what has been stopping them from doing so.

Basically, they will not be able to control, tame and handle this person, Ren Yuan is a monster in his own way, their friend can be respected, admired and even worship, but love? Romantic Love? Nope, they are all just looking for a miserable dead-end if they even tried thinking about it.

Look at what happened to Peng Pao... that was already evidenced enough of their fate and destiny if they even attempt such a terrifying risk.

Falling in love with Ren Yuan? Oh, the horror, Xing Ning and Tian Ying couldn't help but shudder in extreme terror at just the mere thought of it all.

So if they want to stop themselves from being unconsciously seduced and tempted at the present Ren Yuan right now, they need to be smart and turned their eyes away from the overwhelming tempting man.

"I'm sure Whitey will like it."

"Yup, don't worry Ren, he will love the food you asked the chef to prepare for today's dinner."

However, Xing Ning and Tian Ying couldn't help but glance at each other, their eyes a bit worried and surprised at their current situations because just learning the young man's first name has already cause Ren Yuan to become extremely happy, and a surprisingly a genuine one at that.

The suspicion, doubts remains, for Whitey to have that ability, even such ruthlessness was frankly terrifying, just the mention from the report of what happened to Peng Pao and his people was alarming enough of what Whitey is capable to do.

And what was the scary part about all of it? They felt the same type of danger that Ren Yuan is capable of doing in which was absolutely unbelievable because it scary enough to have an existence such as their friend, and now there is another one? 

Which the most worrying concern of them about it is how much the young man can affect Ren Yuan.

Because frankly, even they can see about how Ren Yuan seemed to have become stupid and silly when it comes to Whitey, on how weirdly tolerant, kind and gentle their friend was to the young man in which was downright remarkably abnormal for a person he just met.

Damn is their friend truly falling in love with Whitey? Really, for real?

"Awesome~ Alright, I'll call Little Cheng now then~ I didn't bother to wake him up during lunchtime, but its already going to be night time soon, he needs to eat food! I'll be back guys~"

With that Xing Ning and Tian Ying watched a bouncing Ren Yuan that have a happy smile on his face disappeared in the dining hall as he went to personally wake up the sleeping young man.

"His falling hard huh?" Good or not, time will just tell, which Tian Ying just hopes that all will turn out alright in the end.

"Um I think so." Xing Ning nodded his head, before catching on about what he just thought once again, before sighing deeply in resignation since he is also a completely lost cause and should just stop fighting over it.

Xing Ning should accept the fact that no one is going to be normal among them now, simple as that, and if Xing Ning couldn't be a normal person then there is no way that he will leave his friends alone in the Capital.

Xing Ning will definitely pull them in too, after all, aren't they all friends? And friends almost share everything that happened to them, and being abnormal and strange are on the list.

Well, at least they will get to eat this delicious food which was quite rare to find during this winter season, all healthy and nutritious too from the look of it and they knew for sure that Ren Yuan has planned it all in order to take better care on the young man's health.

Really this is how a considerate Ren Yuan truly looks like huh, it almost makes the two of them die in envy and wish that they are Whitey right now, then they remember the not so good thing about Ren Yuan and couldn't help but sigh in relief.

It was a dangerous thought just now... glad the two of them woke up in time.

However, before the two of them can anticipate tasting the delicious delicacy before them, an abruptly frustrated screaming Ren Yuan reaches their ears causing them to glance on each other since their friend continues to make a loud noise, Xing Ning and Tian Ying can only stand up and dashing to where their friends currently are.

Soon, the two of them quickly arrive outside the resting room of Whitey before swiftly entering through the open door that Ren Yuan has definitely forgotten to close off, in which they saw their friend with an irritated and annoyed scowl on his face while currently holding a piece of paper on his hands.

While a wide awake Little Chen Yu was currently playing on top of a large bed which currently missing a certain person and when Xing Ning and Tian Ying glance around the room, their faces couldn't help but grimace as it dawn upon them that yes, the young man has done his disappearing act once more.

Ignoring the presence of his two friends that has arrive, Ren Yuan has once more read the piece of paper on his hand with a dangerously narrowed eyes before a loud groan of frustration and exasperation escape his lip.

Dear Big Brother Yu Yu,

Since we are friends and friends don't make each other worry without any reason, so I thought about writing a letter to inform you.

Something extremely important has come up and I urgently need to deal with the matter at hand and I apologize that I couldn't waste even a second to inform you in person. So I left this letter so you will not panic and come looking out for me just like last time.

It might take a bit long time. So, If I don't come back tomorrow which was also the last day of the festival then I don't think that I can travel back with you to the Capital just like I thought I could.

Don't worry though, I will definitely send you a message to inform you that I am alright since you are truly such a worrywart, after all, I can take care of myself alright? I have done this a lot of time now, and I'm still alive, the drowning doesn't count.

So Big Brother Yu Yu, take care of our Little Chen Yu alright? You cannot treat him badly, I'll definitely check his health so you can't hide it from me.

If I can't come back then I'll definitely come to see you in the Capital, your so famous, are you really that bad though, so it's not going to be that hard to find our of where you are. So, Take Care! I won't forget to get you a gift too since your my first friend and all.

Your friend, Little Cheng~ (Added a beautiful drawing of a smiling face)

Groaning once more as he stares at the offending paper on his hands, Ren Yuan wanted to disintegrate it to dust, however, when he remembers that this is Whitey first letter to him, good or not, he couldn't help but carefully folded it over and placing it inside the inner chest area of his robe.

Before picking up at the clueless Little Chen Yu, Ren Yuan has then turned around to his friend and fiercely ordering them with a hard glint on peach blossom grey eyes while gritting his teeth in annoyance because truthfully, he is mad right now.

Damn shouldn't he have learned already that a docile, kind and obedient Whitey would not last long and something will definitely happen once again? That there is another trouble occurring?

What the hell did Whitey mean about writing a letter to inform him that he has once again run away without telling him in person about it? If he just asked, then Ren Yuan will definitely offer his help, is that so hard for Whitey to do?

Or that thought didn't even go to Whitey head, that he can ask a person to help him? Damn, Ren Yuan will definitely teach him that as a friend, rather than informing him with a letter that he is running away, it's better to just ask some help.

"Go find where Whitey went to. I don't care how long it takes, better find him do you hear me?"

Xing Ning and Tian Ying just showed a resign look before nodding their heads before following Ren Yuan order, after all, no matter what, they are extremely loyal to Ren Yuan.

And after they left, Ren Yuan that has taken Little Chen Yu on his arms, prepared to finally leave this place, later on, there is just that instinct that was telling him that no, Whitey will not come back, no need to wait for him, which was extremely making him frustrated.

Especially, with just base from little to none on his assumption from what Whitey has written in the letter that at least Ren Yuan can tell that unlike last time, Whtey definitely has gone a bit further and isn't in the town anymore.

However, before he can even travel toward his bedroom, a familiar teasing and dramatic voice has reached his ears, causing Ren Yuan to snap his head up to where the sound has come from and with an alarmed look, he finally saw a sighing and sad woman, which was the person who dares to even ask him to be her younger brother.

"Oh~ Young Master being bad again! Hahaha, did he run away once more? Ah~ how cruel and cold, but that is part of his charm~"

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