The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 55: Shao Cheng Decision. Ren Yuan Unease."What The Hell Happen While I am Away?"

Chapter 55: Shao Cheng Decision. Ren Yuan Unease."What The Hell Happen While I am Away?"

After staying for a while, Shao Cheng has just sigh inwardly before raising his wet hands to gently grab the exquisite face of the older man and turning it slightly raised up and began to seriously gaze upon it.

With trembling long eyelashes, Shao Cheng has moved his gaze around before turning Ren Yuan head left and right and then using his slender fingers to run it through those wet satin-like black hair as he carefully traces of any kind injury, like a bump or swelling on the man head.

"Eh? W-wait Whitey? What are you doing?"

Ignoring Ren Yuan's astonish words, Shao Cheng has let go of the older man's head before turning his hands toward the man's upper body, rooming his hands inside around the man-body, feeling the smooth skin without any single cut or scratch with his own palm and slender finger.

Shao Cheng is completely focused on seriously checking any injury on Ren Yuan that he has completely neglected to notice the sudden hint of bashfulness and shyness that Ren Yuan has let out once in a while.

Seeing as there are no serious injuries upon the man upper body which the wet inner robe has been slightly open and entirely looking messy like the poor man has been ravage, Shao Cheng has instantly lower down with one of his knees on the solid ground which has caused his body to be completely submerged on his chest level.

Before reaching over to feel through the man's clothes as Shao Cheng seriously began to examine the older man's flexible waist before slowly tracing down with his patting and tapping for any sign of damage upon it which has soon reached over the strong thigh, slender firm legs and ankle.

Fortunately, Shao Cheng was still on his right mind to not remove Ren Yuan pants off as he pats here and there which soon cause him to inwardly sigh in relief when he didn't find any serious harm or even a slight bruise or broken bone upon Ren Yuan body.

The entire time, Ren Yuan face has turned a shade of red, eyes and mouth open wide at the sudden touchy feeling of the young man while remaining frozen over, unable to decide about what to do as he just stares down with wide eyes at the brazen young man with no decency at all as he does those rather intimate procedures, if he says so himself, while completely naked before him.


Finally seemingly able to let out words even though it was only a single one has caused the serious Shao Cheng to finally notice Ren Yuan rather heated reaction causing him to blink his eyes in confusion before looking up.

Seeing the red face of the older man looking down at him, Shao Cheng hands faltered before slowly removing his hands away from the man's body and backing off while immediately putting the mask on his face as he shut off any kind of emotion that might appear on it.

"... Pardon me... I apologize for making you angry at my blatant actions that have caused you to be uncomfortable."

During the time that he was left all alone, Shao Cheng couldn't help but finally notice on certain acts of his that were a bit too intimate to his liking, even though he felt strangely comfortable and at ease to be doing such a thing toward the older man, nevertheless, Shao Cheng acknowledged that he should at least try to put a certain line of what he should and couldn't do to Ren Yuan.

Habit is a scary thing, once a person perfectly so uses to be doing such a thing, then it will be extremely hard to stop and completely pulled back from it.

And what Shao Cheng needs to do is to keep a certain distance with their interaction that is acceptable for the two of them.

"I'll ask permission next time if I plan to check any sign of injuries on your body."

Something is definitely wrong, Ren Yuan can feel that something has changed, it felt like there is this sudden wall that Whitey has suddenly put up against him and it is extremely making Ren Yuan uneasy and agitated.

"... Whitey are you angry to me for leaving you all alone?"

"I am not angry."

An instant reply answered back without any hesitation causing Ren Yuan to become stunned before it suddenly displays a dumbfounded expression when he saw those confuse sapphire eyes seemingly having no idea why he was suddenly asking such a question.

Suddenly, there is this feeling that Ren Yuan needs to explain about what he has just done, his instinct screaming so badly as it basically telling him to speak up the reason or something severe will happen, about what, Ren Yuan doesn't know but he definitely won't like the outcome.

But when Ren Yuan tried to speak about the reason, he was suddenly cut off by the young man who showed a completely serious expression that spoke of understanding and belief of whatever is currently running in that weird mind of his.

"You don't have to explain your reason. I can guess about it."

It felt like something important is going to an entirely different direction and Ren Yuan intuition was informing him that whatever it is, Ren Yuan needs to stop it once and for all, at least put it back to the right path.

So with a bit of agitation, as he attempted to see what is really going on right now, Ren Yuan has opened his mouth to ask what is all about from the currently strange and unfamiliar young man before him. 

Suddenly a smile that contains absolute acceptance of what he is saying appears on that beautiful features of his as Whitey opens his mouth up to speak of such statements that cause Ren Yuan eyes to widen in utter disbelief and incredulity about what he is currently hearing.

"There is no need for you to listen to my words. After all, I don't have any right to tell you about what to do. Really, Big Brother Yu Yu can do whatever you want, there is no need to explain it to me."

After all, I am no longer a special person to you, so who am I to stop you from doing what you want and for you to listen to my words so obediently?

You aren't my Ren Yuan of the previous life, we are a mere stranger that is just starting to learn and know each other, we aren't that extremely close in the first place, so I understand why you have left me alone and went to do your own thing.

Right now, we are a person that has just become acquaintance, nothing more and nothing less.

'We barely know each other.' That was the hidden meaning that Ren Yuan can perceive by what the young man has spoken, and as he deeply observes every emotion that might appear on that beautiful young face in order to glimpse even a tiny lie, deceit and even a joke from it, but to Ren Yuan dread, he couldn't found any.

The young man completely believes that every single word he has spoken to be all wholly true.

Oh, damn it what the hell happened to Whitey while he is away to suddenly speaking such a thing?

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