The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 182: Purple Watching The Wicked Papa Bug And Oblivious Mama Bug

Chapter 182: Purple Watching The Wicked Papa Bug And Oblivious Mama Bug

"... I can explain?"

Ren Yuan lament on the young man extremely useful special power that has easily found out his thoughtful plan before speaking in a soft pleading voice, which has instantly cause the young man that was pressing tightly against his back to suddenly let out a deep sigh.

And in the ears of Ren Yuan, he can distinctly perceive the chaotic and complicated emotion it carried over before instantly tensing up since what he detected the most was the overwhelming tiredness that carried among the chaotic emotions that the deep sigh holds.

" need."

Ren Yuan felt the slightly cold lean chest and slender body that has been pressing on his back to suddenly lean away while the slender hands and legs that were used to keep him firmly locked against the wall have finally let go and giving him the release he wanted.

However, Ren Yuan felt a sudden ominous feeling rather than happiness when he notices the fact that there aren't any single words spoken anymore toward him despite having his back remain facing the young man that was clearly standing a few distances away from him.

"...Whitey are you mad?"

That is the only reason that Ren Yuan can think of from the sudden heavy stillness between the two of them.


And recognizing that there isn't any reply back, Ren Yuan has swiftly turned around with his heart beating fast in a fluster manner into his chest and spontaneously meeting the tired darkened sapphire eyes of the young man that remain standing still before him.


Ren Yuan doesn't know what to say, for the first time in his life, he felt extreme guilt and remorse for his usual actions when he met those tired sapphire eyes that wanted to complain but deciding to remain silent, having the appearance of just surrendering since his word will never be heard off no matter how much he tried.

And all of the young man reaction wasn't what Ren Yuan wanted and trying to accomplish, he truly just wanted to be of some help since for the first time in his life, there is someone else that has quickly become important enough that he becomes extremely worried and concern regarding their well-being.

Was I wrong in the end?

That is the thought has instantly emerged in Ren Yuan mind after staring at the unresponsive young man that stood there in the dark alley with only the star in the sky barely lighting up his entire figure that seemed to be shrouded with an unknown atmosphere that completely causes an unknown panic to emerge in his heart.

"...I'm sorryI'll stop for real this time"

Ren Yuan's mouth has moved in their own accord before the words he was speaking have begun to register in his mind, in which he didn't bother to discern his unusual reaction since the concept that the young man abruptly considering of breaking ties with him because of wholeheartedly losing his patience has made him extremely flustered to no end.

And Shao Cheng that has quickly gotten his attention away from Purple a second ago since he was chaotically crawling in his face like an offensive bug while roaring so loudly that Shao Cheng is barely able to hear what Ren Yuan has been saying much less see what he was doing couldn't help but become utterly dumbfounded after hearing such an almost vulnerable sentence from him.

Shao Cheng has been busy trying to pacify a furious Purple while praising him to heaven in their mind link the whole time.

So, what the hell happened while he was busy dealing with the rampaging Purple? How come Ren Yuan is giving him such a pitiful expression that somehow made him want to bully him more rather than appeasing whatever misunderstanding was going on while he was out of it?

"Papa Bug! Be nice to Mama Bug!"

Shao Cheng lip twitch when Purple has spoken the word bug that has also given them a title with a bug on it, alright, so it is his fault for opening the wounded pride of Purple that has been unconsciously called out as a bug by Ren Yuan before.

At least he is the Papa bug and not the Mama bug, right?

For now, though, there is a person Shao Cheng needed to coax which he doesn't even know the reason why he is doing all this trouble when he was able to quickly understood that Ren Yuan mind has opened a brain hole and assumed that Shao Cheng was mad from the constant insistence of wanting to deal together with his problem.

Although Shao Cheng was a bit mad but he doesn't want any negative misunderstanding occurring later on just because of today's occurrence, so without any hesitation, he has swiftly caused another thin needle to appear on his hand before speedily throwing it without any warning causing Ren Yuan body to abruptly tense up.

And in a split second, a body has suddenly fallen down in the ground which was a bit farther away from where the two of them are standing.

"Hmm? Brother Yu Yu how come your speaking weird? What happened? Besides those people in the ground, this one seemed to be stronger, so is he one of your important people that I couldn't kill this time, right? 

Shao Cheng without any hesitation has acted a bit clueless after turning his attention at Ren Yuan that has his mouth open wide while staring at the groaning person in the ground.

And in a split second, Ren Yuan has swiftly turned his eyes once more on the young man figure that doesn't reveal the same heavy stillness that causes his heart to become flustered from before.

"You weren't angry?"

Ren Yuan has asked with unease since he was quite sure that what he perceives from before was all genuine emotion that he couldn't stop himself from voicing out his actual thought and for the first time, being genuinely open up with the young man.

Unknowingly slightly treating the young man the same way he usually interacts with his father.

"Well, I am mad but it seemed you believe it was a completely serious matter though?"

I just wanted to teach you a lesson and beat you up since I kind of miss the way I acted freely to you in the previous life where I don't need to worry about being considered to be weird if I accidentally leak out an excited and delighted emotion after causing you to feel a slightly deserving pain. 

What can I do? Our deadly sparring and trying to kill each other is also a great way to relieve my stress in the previous life and since you have been a pain in the ass again, I wanted to try it one more time, which I manage to finally feel a bit better by that short confrontation.

So I am no longer mad at your stubborn and troublesome self.

"Then how come I feel such uncanny tiredness from your deep sigh before? Aren't you disappointed because I seemed to accidentally get in your way and wasn't trusting your ability to handle the problem?"

Shao Cheng wanted to let out a cold snort when he heard Ren Yuan use the word accident without an ounce of shame before finally explaining the reason for his tiredness from before in a different manner since he couldn't reveal the fact that a purple dragon was being a headache-inducing existence just because he felt extremely offended being called a bug. 

And now that Shao Cheng speculates about it, Purple having such personality was also the fault of the oblivious person standing before him that he was now trying to gently coax because of some sort of misunderstanding, which wasn't his fault in the first place.

"Brother Yu Yu, I never have gotten a single proper sleep for the past few days, adding the time when we got back in the Capital, so of course I am absolutely tired right now, especially after fighting so much a moment ago."

Rather than feeling enraged, Shao Cheng couldn't help but intensely gaze with a certain glint in his eyes on Ren Yuan that was finally starting to understanding that he was just thinking too much about a certain matter.

Since a comfortable pillow has sent himself to Shao Cheng then shouldn't he make full use of it when returning to Pengfei's new place? After all, with the young woman in Shao Cheng hand, there wasn't any more hurrying matter to deal with for today.

"Although I am a bit sad that you don't trust my word but I could understand it. However, I am extremely exhausted in solving the sudden accident that happened, which was Brother Yu Yu fault"

There we go, Shao Cheng saw the depressing atmosphere disappear around Ren Yuan figure, and although he can still perceive some guilty emotion around the man, but it was only the type of emotion one feels for doing something wrong that could easily be forgiven.

"...Brother Yu Yu has to compensate me for all the extra trouble I have to deal with"

Now then, its time to completely lure the comfortable pillow, preferably better if he becomes obedient and compliant for a long time since it will give Shao Cheng less problem to deal with.

"Papa Bug being sly and deceitful again ahh, poor Mama Bug that remains oblivious of a certain someone hidden motives.

Shao Cheng completely ignored Purple rude remarks while gazing with almost a predatory light flashing in his eyes toward the oblivious Ren Yuan that was completely focused on the sudden words he has spoken, seemingly wanting to grasp the chance to remove the guilt in his heart.

"Whitey, don't worry! Tell me what you want! Do you want me to beat up someone up? How about wanting a delicious wine? I got a lot stored so you don't need to hold back! Or do you want me to introduce you to a beautiful wo-! Peh! Ignored that last one! They are bothersome and troublesome creatures so don't associate with them, definitely men too! They are not good!"

Shao Cheng wanted to roll his eyes at Ren Yuan's word, especially the similar act when a parent lies to their son that girl has cooties so they needed to get away from them.

"Brother Yu Yu, I just want you to sleep with me tonight."

"Oh is that it? Of course, I'll do it! Heck, I'll sleep with you every night if you want me to!"

Shao Cheng that has gotten what he wanted has nodded his head with a please smile hidden underneath his silver mask although he couldn't help but raise his eyebrow when a choking sound has come out from the person that remains lying in the ground since Shao Cheng has

Completely paralyzed the person's body rather than taking his life away.

"Mutt, I'll go with Whitey now. Handle everything and just call me when you needed my help or opinion since I am going to sleep with him tonight."

Ren Yuan that suddenly felt so happy that he has finally gotten what he wanted the whole time, particularly being able to sleep with his comfortable pillow tonight, and later on, having the chance to do it many days has brightened up that he directly offer his hands for the young man to take.

After all, Ren Yuan doesn't know the place that the young man has been staying for the past few days, so he will just obediently follow along.

And with that Shao Cheng has easily managed to get a great benefit from an oblivious Ren Yuan before leaving in a matter of seconds, as for the person called Mutt that couldn't properly move didn't cause any worry to Shao Cheng since a few seconds later the man will get his control back.

While Purple has leisurely followed behind the two grown-up bugs while giving a last pitiful gaze at the person that was left behind, after all, there are two dense blockheads that don't understand that their interaction could be interpreted in a different ambiguous meaning before, especially with the sleeping part.

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