The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 170: Shao Cheng Close His Eyes While Ren Yuan Stand Still In Silent.

Chapter 170: Shao Cheng Close His Eyes While Ren Yuan Stand Still In Silent.

"Whitey, stop running away! I dare you to bravely face me!"

Shao Cheng has been pushing himself and working so hard for three straight days now, so one can already imagine how haggard and pale looking his face underneath his mask is, added to the fact of having no peaceful rest and sleep after arriving in the Chang Capital is truly pushing the limit of his present physical body.

And oddly enough when he has swiftly and skilfully able to run away and hide repeatedly now yet only for Ren Yuan to suddenly able to locate his position once more despite finally making him lost the direction after a few minutes.

In which Shao Cheng has already figured out after the second time that it happened, although Ren Yuan is the one who is far talented in martial arts between the two of them, Shao Cheng considers himself to be far better in hiding, running away and stealthy moving around without being detected and chase down.

"Purple! Stop leading Ren Yuan in my direction!"

"Eh? But my Pitiful Creator can help with the mission that was given to you though?"

Damn, such a troublesome purple dragon! Although Shao Cheng can understand Purple reason since Ren Yuan has skilled people around after building his power for many years now and would definitely be able to quickly solve Shao Cheng problem regarding the person in his arms.

However, Shao Cheng completely believes that there is no reason to let Ren Yuan caught up to his problem and situation, especially when he can deal with it his own way.

Honestly, he is simply against the idea of Ren Yuan getting mix up with the exchange of the deal he made to the Chang Spirit, this was his own responsibility to carry, especially when he also knows that Ren Yuan has his own problem to deal with despite how carefree he may appear all the time.

Besides, if Shao Cheng let Ren Yuan help him deal with the problem right now, then what happened after that?

Should Shao Cheng repeatedly asked and let Ren Yuan solve all his problems every time he encounters trouble?

Especially when dealing with the sudden people he needed to help with after being informed without warning? Moreover, when he was able to deal with the dilemma himself?

In the future, Shao Cheng will be facing and dealing with all sorts of problems that were more dangerous, harder, and serious than the one he was dealing with now.

So what kind of a person will Shao Cheng turn out to be if he couldn't even solve such a simple task?

Yes, Shao Cheng will need the help of other people, he can understand that important fact, however, the situation he is facing right now is something that he could easily fulfill, so he doesn't need to trouble Ren Yuan over it.

Unconsciously, Shao Cheng's attitude of managing and dealing with everything by himself just like in the previous life has once more emerged while he refuses Purple suggestion.

"Purple, I'll seriously tell you this now, don't continue leading Ren Yuan toward me. Really, just lead him away right now, or the moment he was able to catch up, I'll honestly kiss the person in my arms right in front of him."

Shao Cheng has finally revealed how to genuinely threaten the purple dragon, which happened to be extremely effected when Purple has finally stopped his fun to a halt, especially when he can easily perceive the seriousness upon it.

"You wouldn't...!"

"Oh, you know I will. Purple, don't push me."

Although Shao Cheng is against the actions and would definitely hate kissing someone he doesn't even feel comfortable with, however, when the situation asked for it, he will be able to fulfill it no matter what.

Shortly, Shao Cheng's eyes dangerously narrowed down after sensing Purple silent acceptance before quickly using his purple aura in order to increase his speed once more and finally able to end the stupid chase that has been going on for a long time.

"Whitey, w-wait! Stop running away from me, you can trust me"

Ren Yuan that has instinctively understood that he will be unable to locate the young man once his figured completely disappeared couldn't help but stare with wide frantic eyes that have contained an unknown emotion within it.

Especially when he gazes at the back of the slender figure that was suddenly going farther away in just a second and will soon completely leave his eyesight that he couldn't help but helplessly stop his joking attitude and speak those last sentence with unexplained emotion.


And Shao Cheng's body has suddenly shudder while his footstep slower down, however, in a split second he has decisively increased his speed once more and has quickly vanished without looking back once.

I trust you I just don't trust myself sorry, Yuan

For some unknown reason, Shao Cheng can easily give his life if Ren Yuan desired it be, trust him enough to reveal some of his special power, believe in the man capability, however, when it comes to this certain matter, he was completely against it.

Maybe he was mortified or terrified at the mere idea or was it the pride or self-confidence that he wasn't helpless enough to be unable to solve the whole situation.

Or, more likely Shao Cheng was simply afraid or frighten at the fact of getting used to wholeheartedly depending upon a single person.

In every single life so far that has passed by, Shao Cheng has always been performing everything his own way, carrying the responsibility without even thinking of a person that he could wholeheartedly depend on.

Sometimes, there are occasions that he also doesn't understand himself and today's situation seemed to be one of them.

Soon, after a few minutes, Shao Cheng has finally stopped on top of one of the buildings while gazing at the brightest part of the Capital with people still mingling around each other despite almost being at midnight and after a while, Purple that has been silent the whole time has finally spoken in an angry and aggrieved voice.

"... wicked man you are so bad my creator has been silent and standing still in the same place after you disappeared for a long time now."


Shao Cheng's usual indifferent gaze has finally shown a tiny ripply upon it after hearing Purple words before slowly lowering his head down in order to gaze at the completely unconscious young man in his arms.

Its really uncomfortable feeling to hold a person he wasn't close to begin with, especially when he can finally see the glaring difference whenever he was holding Ren Yuan instead that has caused his lip to turned downward after remembering what he has done a moment ago.

"In the first place. I was alright by myself why did you have to lead him to my location?"

If not, the situation wouldn't have to turn out so complicated like this.


How do I know you got some deep personal real issues? Purple wanted to bicker out but then has decided to just keep quiet and remain by his creator's side that has finally let out a deep sigh that contains extremely complicated emotion before calmly turning around to leave the place without another word.

While Shao Cheng has taken one last glance at the brightest and darkest part of the Chang Capital that contains all sorts of hidden conspiracy and intrigue within before turning around to finally take care of the problem in his hands.

"Treat this person's injuries and quickly solve his problem after he woke up as much as you can. I'll be back tomorrow."

Pengfei that has inactively caught the unconscious figured that was thrown by the sudden arrival of Shao Cheng has just smartly shut his mouth tight before obediently nodded his head after quickly sensing the heavy and oppressive aura that is barely being restrained around the young man, especially when catching a glimpse of freezingly cold eyes that easily cause a chill to run down his spine.

What the hell happen? Why did suddenly he bring a completely unknown man back? And why does his mood become absolutely terrifying than it usually is?

However, Pengfei can only remain extremely curious inside despite how much he wanted to ask questions about what is truly going on before watching as his Icy friend has once more left and leaving him with another trouble and problem in his hands to take care of.

While in another place, a young Dale is suddenly standing in front of a shocked pale face Jia that has knocked his door in the middle of the night in order to inform him about a piece of absolutely disbelieving news.

"What do you mean my Older Brother is dead?"

"... a grave mistake in the information that was given to us about the mission there wasn't supposed to be a powerful martial expert by the target sideand Dai who is still gravely injured c-couldn't run away and has..." 

"No! Your lying! How could my Older Brother die!? Ahh!!!"

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