The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 151: Little Chen Yu Finally Meeting Pinky. Ren Yuan And Mo Xuan Antics With Each Other.

Chapter 151: Little Chen Yu Finally Meeting Pinky. Ren Yuan And Mo Xuan Antics With Each Other.

Shao Cheng who saw the way that Mo Xuan has stayed silent while giving him a wary look finally decided to remove his chilling gaze and calmly sitting down once more in front at the large table and starting to eat once more despite eating before since he wasn't really full.

It was just the usual way he usually acts when interacting with the people who work for him, especially when he was eating with people that he wasn't close, to begin with.

" Chen Yuyou look extremely healthy."


Shao Cheng is lying though, but when he deeply gazes at Chen Yu that has instantly jumped into his lap, being so flexible and fast despite having a rounded ball body, and then witnessing as the wolf cub acting like a sloth and going back to sleeping once more after letting out a rather proud sound.

After a few days, the purple aura has finally had cause a slight human intelligence from Chen Yu that could now understand the word that he has spoken.

Well, Shao Cheng wolf cub sure is adorable but still for the sake of the wolf cub future magnificent and majestic figure in the future, he needs to get thin and eat properly, in the first place it was a great mistake for Shao Cheng to leave the well being of Chen Yu in Ren Yuan hand.

"For now, go run around the room. If you don't lose weight, I'll throw you away."


Picking up the heavy Chen Yu who showed a confused expression despite the fat on his furry face, Shao Cheng has quickly thrown away the wolf cub that has been lying in his lap without any worries of causing him pain and injury since he knew fully well that Chen Yu is no longer just a simple wolf after perfectly taking the purple energy on his body.

Just like Shao Cheng assumed, he watched as a fat Chen Yu easily twisted his rounded body before safely landing at the wooden floor before once more letting out a whining voice after finally getting on of what he was being asked to do.



Delivering one last pitiful wolf sound that is full of complaint, Chen Yu has pitifully started running his rounded body while wishing for his pampering mother Yuan to save him from his strict father Cheng.

While Shao Cheng who is fortunate enough to not understand what Chen Yu's inner thought was has suddenly heard the loud sound of Ren Yuan from outside before being followed by a familiar sound.

"Hey! That's so cold of you Little Cheng! How could you treat your Big Brother this way! I'm just hugging you, what is wrong with it? Gah! Pinky! What the hell! Get off your stinky butt away from my face! Or else I'm going to roast you!"

"Your Majesty Purple! Just like you command, I avenge the Baby wolf! So, will my beautiful master now also forgive me for running away and leaving him all alone a moment ago?"

Pinky? Oh Shao Cheng forget to bring him along after Ren Yuan sudden actions, although the shameless pink rabbit is with Purple so there wasn't anything to be worried about of the pink rabbit getting lost, as for running away, well, it will be the first time that Shao Cheng will taste the meat of a pink rabbit so it would be a bit interesting to try if that happened.

"... you are different from what I heard about"

Suddenly, Mo Xuan that has been quiet the entire time couldn't help but whisper those words out before finally straightening his body up after it suddenly dawns upon him about why should he be afraid at a puny little young man cold gaze?

"I also didn't consider that you greatly fancy my second brother."

Shao Cheng has only given a casual glance at Mo Xuan that was suddenly acting the domineering appearance that he was well known off before gently placing a piece of meat at the bowl next to his side in which at the exact time that Mo Xuan has frozen in shocked, a laughing Ren Yuan has instantly leaped back inside the room by using the open window to once more enter the restaurant building.

"Pfffttt!!! Hahahaha! Xuan, you can't hide it from Little Cheng you know?"

"You! Stop laughing! I wasn't the one that wanted to tie a person up since he couldn't sleep during night time for the past three days and in the end, deciding to infiltrate the Shao Family!"


Shao Cheng who is hearing that information for the first time and didn't have any idea about it has slowly blinked his eyes while placing a vegetable dish to the rice bowl of Ren Yuan, after all, just base from what happened to Chen Yu, there is a high chance that this man doesn't care about eating healthy foods. 

And contrary to what Mo Xuan imagined to occur, Ren Yuan didn't show any flustered, panic and even ashamed expression of what his friend has just revealed before practically plastering his body intimately close to the young man while beginning to shamelessly whine about unable to sleep for the past few days because of a certain someone fault.

"So take responsibility and sleep with me today!"

"What the hell?"

Mo Xuan mouth slightly opens up while his eyes bulge over when Chonglin younger brother has basically nodded his head with a resigned expression after showing a struggling appearance, and this time, he wasn't fooled one bit since he finally figures out that it was just a fake act to fool those people about the two close relationships.

"Ah, My Little Cheng is so adorable~ How thoughtful of you!"

Suddenly, Ren Yuan was happy once more after finally getting what he wanted, easily disregarding the fact that he was kicked out of the room by the young man before starting to eat the food that was thoughtfully prepared for him.

"Oh here, Chen Yu, have fun playing with Pinky!"


Mama Yuan is so much nicer!

Shao Cheng that was able to understand the sudden word that Chen Yu has spoken in that wolf sound of his has almost choke upon the food that he was swallowing down while Ren Yuan who was oblivious of how he was being seen by the wolf cub that he has greatly taken care of just obviously nodded his head in a please manner, completely happy at the adorable sound that Chen Yu has let out.

Since after seeing that Little Chen Yu was suddenly running around the room, it wasn't that hard for Ren Yuan to figure out that it was Shao Cheng that has made the wolf cub do it, after all, Little Chen Yu doesn't listen to other people besides the two of them.

"Yeah, Pinky let Chen Yu play with you."

Shao Cheng who heard the complaint of Pinky that was roughly thrown away by Ren Yuan casually order causing Pinky to silently play with the wolf cub, after all, his beautiful master has such a petty mind, what will Pinky do if his futures wives that were on his reach were suddenly sent away by this wicked human?

"So you are Chen Yu? Then, listen here, you have to be nice to me since I am your Big Brother Pinky! Gah-!"

Pinky that was trying to show off his dominance among their group of creatures has suddenly tremble before trying to run away after being swat away by Chen Yu soft paw, although he didn't feel any single pain of what just happened but his eyes still widen in greater horror and with utter disbelief from being unable to even dodge that weak swat by the round wolf cub.

"This is impossible! How come you are faster than my awesome self?"

Soon an eye-catching pink rabbit and an eye-catching round wolf cub were running around the room, causing the unconscious Chonglin to finally wake up while Mo Xuan has been entirely focused on refusing to accept his friend fortunate situation.

After all, why could Ren Yuan able to easily interact with the person he was interested in while he can only secretly gaze in the distance to his future wife while receiving cold glare? 

So with full of resentment, Mo Xuan has started to reveal all the embarrassing black materials of Ren Yuan that have shown a wide eye expression at his suddenly unfaithful friend.

After a while of not being able to stop Mo Xuan from revealing his embarrassing side to the young man has also finally decided to reveal what he knows of.

While Shao Cheng has noticed his wide eyes second brother that as finally awake and has just slightly nodded his head before patting the seat closet to his side and once more picking another piece of vegetable to place upon Ren Yuan bowl.

Soon, the black material being let out has become heated that Ren Yuan basically stood up and pulling Shao Cheng into his arms once more in which can only let go of the chopstick on his hand while inwardly sighing at the childishness of these two men. 

"Hmph! You are just jealous and envious because I am so intimately close to Little Cheng! See? We are so comfortable with each other presence that we can hug all the time without worries!"

"Huh? Why would I be jealous of you of all people???"

Mo Xuan that was dying in envy has also stood up while slapping his hand hard in the table causing the entire dishes to make noisy sounds, while Chonglin that has finally stood up was darkly eyeing a certain person that dares to take advantage of his younger brother silent attitude.

"Hah! Don't deny it! You couldn't even become simple friends with Chonglin despite wanting to get closer to him for a long time now! And that is because you are so awkward and embarrassed, that all you know to do is act like some kind of a bully that makes him hate you!"


Shao Chonglin that suddenly heard a shocking statement couldn't help but leak out a tiny sound causing Mo Xuan and Ren Yuan to finally wake up to their heated argument and swiftly snapping their head to where the sound has come from before instantly widening their eyes in utter shocked although Mo Xuan has unconsciously shown an extreme panic and flustered expression that has cause Chonglin to blink in shocked.



Shao Cheng can only sigh at Ren Yuan talent of creating disturbance or chaos, of course, he also inwardly felt that it's better for his second brother to start being a friend with Mo Xuan during this time since Shao Cheng was absolutely sure that this person will thoroughly watch over at his older brother if they stayed together.

As for what will happen later on, then Shao Cheng will just watch on how the two will end up, after all, he doesn't have the right to suddenly act like some sort of a god and deciding who will become his sibling's partner in life.

In the end, it will all be in their decision while he watched and sometimes guide in secret when his help is needed.

Somehow, Ren Yuan in some way is easily helping Shao Cheng create a reason or situation of not delivering a heavy suspicion to those other people that are after them, especially when the Mo, Shao and Ren family has suddenly got closer to each other, after all, the scandalous situation that has occurred can be used as the catalyst and reason to throw those people in confusion for a bit while.

Should Shao Cheng feel grateful at Ren Yuan's unconscious actions? And maybe reward the man for helping him?

However before he can think more deeply about it, a familiar sound that almost felt like a howl or screech has suddenly resounded outside the building that they are dining with.



Mo Xuan and Ren Yuan have instantly frozen over before speaking and reacting similarity at the same time causing Shao Cheng to just blink his eyes while Shao Chonlin gives an irked look at the two men who dare give an unadorable title to his two sisters.

"Geh, it's the twin but not really twin banshee!"

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