The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 113: Shao Cheng Hidden Worries, Ren Yuan Exasperated Expression. The Two People Frustrating Reason.

Chapter 113: Shao Cheng Hidden Worries, Ren Yuan Exasperated Expression. The Two People Frustrating Reason.

Simply feeling astounded, Ren Yuan observed as a different type of creature appear to kill any living being around the entire forest that has tried to run away, drowning them in numbers even if some of those animals should have been weak and gentle in nature without any single violent tendency to attack a human.

Although the enemies have been affected by the brilliant knowledge and skill in the art of medicine and poison by the young man, even Ren Yuan can perceive about how powerful, strong, ruthless those beast on what they should normally be.

Is this the special power that RenYuan has knowledge with but has never seen with his own eyes besides the existence of the High Priestess of the Chang Empire? And there are people out there with the same or different type of ability too?

Such a terrifying thought that is in which Ren Yuan couldn't help but reflect more about that idea for later on as he continues to bask in the special power that Shao Cheng has fully trusted to reveal. 

And as he watched those people dying without being able to defend properly as they succumb by the beast fangs, Ren Yuan couldn't help but marvel on the striking and thrilling sight before him while this experience is such a magnificent one to behold.

A terrifying ability indeed, however, rather than feeling overwhelming dread or horror to Shao Cheng who has that certain power, somehow, Ren Yuan felt his heart beating so fast at such spectacular performance of the young man.

Simply a marvelous and amazing display right before his very eyes this was the world that he doesn't know of, the world in which Shao Cheng seemed to exist within which Ren Yuan couldn't help but want to also enter in order to follow the young man.

Inside, there was a feeling that he was about to be left behind.

Really, such a weird idea that was, however, Ren Yuan still desires to be in the same situation as the young man because he somehow felt about having some invincible wall between the two of them as he continues watching the sight before him.

Soon, the last note that has been played with the use of a single leaf has finally stopped, however, the slaughter from the distance continues on, as the beast hunt and prey upon those pitiful enemies that continue to struggle.

Somehow, a silent moment descends between the two of them, one in awe as he watched the situation in the far distance while the other person crumbles and disintegrates the single leaf on his hands before slowly wrapping his arms around the person leaning upon him.

Which seemed to have finally awakened Ren Yuan from his marveling status because of Shao Cheng sudden movement, however, before he can even open his mouth to finally speak up, a sudden sound has been softly whispered by the young man behind him and it was so low that Ren Yuan with a sharp hearing was almost unable to hear it.

"...its scary right?"

I'm truly a monster now don't fear me

Hearing those words, Ren Yuan grey pupil has abruptly contracted by how degrading the emotion it contained upon those words, making his entire body jolt up from shock before pushing his body away in order to stand up only to remain tightly in the young man hold when the arms around him felt similar to steel that he couldn't get away from.

"Cheng! Let me go!"

Shao Cheng who instantly perceived the way that Ren Yuan has wanted to get out from his arms couldn't stop his unconscious action of trying to keep the man to stay within his embrace, it was his surprising desire to control and dominate Ren Yuan that cause him to act that way in which was something that he doesn't even know existed, until now that is.

Nonetheless, Shao Cheng has quickly got his subconscious back when he heard the frustrated shout of Ren Yuan that his arm lost all of its strength, easily allowing the man to get away and stand up before him.

In the first place, Shao Cheng doesn't have the right to restrain this person, much less control him because Ren Yuan is always free and unfettered to do whatever he wanted, unlike the unusual hold he got from him in the previous life.

In the first place, it was unnatural for him to be thinking about such a thing.


Seeing the unbelievable wide eye and incredible expression in Ren Yuan's face, Shao Cheng felt utterly confused about why is Ren Yuan looking at him that way, entirely clueless how dull and empty his sapphire eyes at the moment.

Feeling tired, Shao Cheng has slowly stood up, and although he has shared one of his deepest secrets to Ren Yuan to completely show his trust, there is also the awareness that Ren Yuan will either secretly fear him starting today or becoming dread of what kind of power he has.

But Shao Cheng knew that he will not be able to keep hiding this special power after deciding to follow Ren Yuan's side, so he should start slowly showing about what he can do now even if somehow he felt that weird fear at the mere thought of Ren Yuan becoming guarded against him.

Rather than wait for the man to learn about it from someone else, especially to an enemy, it is better to show it early on in order to remove any accident and disaster from happening, thus breaking the trust that will be build up between them.

It is extremely hard to get someone full trust and belief, while it's so easy to lose all of it and even harder to even try fixing it.

Shao Cheng felt exhausted keeping everything deep inside him, this life and the previous one, and right now the only person he can wholeheartedly trust is the present Ren Yuan standing before him.

Although, Shao Cheng couldn't stop that undesirable hope that emerges within him when he was unable to stop overlapping the person before him to what he can become in the future.

Somehow, Shao Cheng felt so selfish to even wish for the previous life Ren Yuan to be the one standing before him right now for that single moment because there is no denying on that man undying belief and trust, especially his foolish regard of treating Shao Cheng particularly immeasurable with care.

But who was he to refuse and deny the Ren Yuan before him? The one in his memory is also the same one as the one standing before him now.

It is just a much younger and inexperienced Ren Yuan without previous life memories. 

Sometimes, it is really hard to let go of that person in his memories especially particularly becoming far greedy when this world can become a better one than the life he lives his life before.

"Alright not only can you be a heartless person, but you are also strange and abnormal. I get it but can you stop suspecting me of leaving you or trying to run away? I am not going to leave just because of you being unusual, remember that alright?"


Shao Cheng who has been gazing down suddenly felt his chin being lifted up and meeting the exasperated expression of Ren Yuan that has let out a deep sigh of annoyance while rolling his eyes.

What are you being annoyed about?

Somehow, those heavy feelings disappeared instantly as soon as he saw that expression on Ren Yuan's face, and what remains is his own annoyance at the person before him which Ren Yuan seemed to perceive as another annoying smirk appears on that rather tempting lip of his.

Wait did he just think about how tempting Ren Yuan lip is? Urgh this person's appearance is unquestionably affecting him now that he wasn't being blind by hatred at this man mere existence.

"Besides, rather than being frightened. I felt how amazing and marvelous the power you have. Isn't it such a useful skill to have? Now, my worries have lessened slightly about you being so weak that you can't even defend yourself from the people that desire to harm you."

Feeling a bit embarrassed once more, which seemed to happen a lot when dealing with this person, Ren Yuan couldn't help but scratch his cheek that turns a hint of pink before letting out a soft smile.

"Cheng, thanks for showing it to me. Just like you said, it truly extraordinary to see."

I appreciate the trust you have for revealing your special power, now I have to at least show my trust later on right?

Ren Yuan wanted to deliver the same manner of what the young man has done today rather than just accepting it like he usually does to others without giving his own part.

However, before he can further think more about that certain thoughts, Ren Yuan was once again blinded with that bright and warm smile that Shao Cheng has let out while inwardly complaining about how foul this person's appearance is that can easily captivate other people with just a mere smile.

Wait, did that mean that he was captivated by this person then? No way, the reason why he was being affected is the fact that this person's beauty is completely on another level from the people he met so far.

"Um... Thank you."

Although, Shao Cheng felt happy and a bit touch at the concern of Ren Yuan, the smile on his lip quickly disappeared when he felt a pang of pain in his chest, effectively alerting the person before him.

"C-Cheng? W-Whats wrong! Why is your face so pale right now?"

Ren Yuan couldn't stop the completely genuine expression appearing on his face as he took a hold of the young man's shoulder with fearful eyes along with a anxious expression.


"... too much"

Shao Cheng who felt the pang of pain in his chest is unable to stop the sweats that started appearing on his forehead while his face paling in an eerie white color as the toll of using the new type of skill was a bit more serious than he assumed it to be.


Only one thought ran his mind as Shao Cheng basically cough up blood, which has dribbled down into his chin and dropping into the ground which he just calmly raise his hands to wipe the blood off while quietly gazing upon the flustered Ren Yuan that has slapped his hand away from his lip before using his own sleeves to start wiping the blood that continues to drip down.

damn how uncool and he was trying to appear exceptional too

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