The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 992 New Allies IV

"What makes you think that?" Tao Ji Fang frowned.

Zhao Li Xin sighed, "Because I knew her from when she was a weak woman isolated in her own family until she emerged as a talented alchemist and developed into the woman she is now..." Zhao Li Xin subconsciously tightened his jaw and his expression became tense with anger.

Zhao Li Xin would forever blame himself for giving Lao Min Na time to harden her wings and soar, he should have killed Lao Min Na from the day Lao Min Na dare to make an audacious deal with him or when he found out Lao Min Na had hurt Lory.

"Do you know this!" Zhao Li Xin threw an object on the table, it was a muddy black stone with a slight yellowish tint.

"What's this?" Tao Ji Fang stared at the thing that looked like a rock, but he had never seen rock of this shape or color in his life.

"This is the Beast core from one of Lao Min Na's strange Beast," Zhao Li Xin said while wiping his hands as if he touch something dirty, "I know no one really cares about a Beast core but you may have seen beast core before whether on purpose or not, my question is whether you have seen a Beast core like this before?"

Tao Ji Fang picked up the object on the table he then carefully examined the strange object "I rarely see beast cores but I believe beast cores surface be shinier like gemstones or crystals it's not supposed to look like this"

"Because it's not a Beast that was nurtured in a normal way. Lao Min Na actually underwent a hideous method of combining different kinds of beasts to create a new kind of beast, not only stronger but also more aggressive, more savage, more violent than any type of Beast that you might know, and with a one-track mind, it is to kill anything - everything in sight whether it's a human or an animal" Zhao Li Xin tapped his long index finger on his temple with a chilling smile that could freeze one's blood.

"Impossible! It is impossible for anyone to be able to combine two kinds of beasts, every beast big or small is very territorial, and they tend to dislike other races so it is impossible to breed two different Beasts! that's never happened before!" Tao Ji Fang refused to believe that such a ridiculous method existed in this world because it meant going against nature and what was going against nature would not be anything good.

Zhao Li Xin waved his hand in the air, "It doesn't matter do you believe it or not, the important question is why? Why did Lao Min Na go to the trouble of making such beasts and then selling them to people without caring what sides they were on?" Zhao Li Xin's gaze pierced through Tao Ji Fang like a blast of ice.

At first, Tao Ji Fang casually said that Lao Min Na wanted to see the world fall apart but actually, he didn't believe it, because why did anyone want to destroy the world they live in? but then Zhao Li Xin reaffirmed his guess and the more he heard Zhao Li Xin speak the more restless he become.

Zhao Li Xin lifted the wine flask and slowly poured the wine into the wine cup for both of them after that with a graceful motion Zhao Li Xin put the wine bottle back down and then pushed the wine cup towards Tao Ji Fang which Tao Ji Fang immediately took then he quickly gulped the whole cup without caring about maintaining his image again.

Zhao Li Xin sighed, he crossed his legs gracefully, and his demeanor seemed calm and indifferent as usual, as he patiently wait until Tao Ji Fang put down the wine cup on the table, before he continue.

"When you say Lao Min Na wants to see the world falling apart isn't wrong, you might wonder why would anyone do such a crazy thing? But I can assure you that she had no choice but to do that because the one she served ordered her to do so"

"Lao Min Na has a master?" There was a spark of interest in Tao Ji Fang's eyes from getting important news, "Do you know who is Lao Min Na Master?"

"Yes, I met him for a I don't know much about the master she served, but I can assure you that nothing pleases him more than seeing us kill each other like a wild animal" darkness gathered and filled his onyx eyes.

"Funny, no one was suspicious when they bought the strange beast from Lao Min Na they were given a tool to control the Beasts from that woman but never occurred to them that if Lao Min Na could give them the control she can also take that control of them? is it never cross their mind that one day Lao Min Na can take over the control of the beast and make the Beast turn on them after all Lao Min Na was the one who created the Beasts so who knows what she can do to all those Beasts? can you imagine one day just by snapping her fingers the beast will attack them without warning?" Zhao Li Xin snapped his fingers with a cynical smile spread on his face.

"Besides, the beasts that Lao Min Na gave them are not like contractual beasts they have no mind or loyalty to their master, though that might be good at first because that means the Beasts were easily controlled by anyone however without deep connection between the beast and the master the Beast could easily switch side when someone has better control of the Beast"

Zhao Li Xin's words make Tao Ji Fang's blood run cold, if Zhao Li Xin's words were true he couldn't imagine how many humans would die and the victims will not only be cultivators.

Tao Ji Fang imagined the fate of his beautiful wife and stupid son if he agree to buy the beast from Lao Min Na at that time. Not only his family but also his loyal servants that's been following his family for generations, there are also his subordinates, disciples, and their families who also live in the Sword Saint Sect, won't they also become victims?

Anger immediately rose within him like wildfire "Why Lao Min Na...I mean, why would her Master want to do this, what did they gain from killing innocent people like this? That woman is crazy!" Tao Ji Fang smashed the table, luckily Zhao Li Xin was already holding his winecup and casually sipping his wine as if nothing had happened.

"And now that crazy woman that Wei Zu Tian is cooperating with, what kind of person is everyone in Heaven's Gate sect, I guess I don't need to explain further" Zhao Li Xin sneered coldly and then wanted to put the wine cup on the table but then realized that the table had been smashed into pieces by Tao Ji Fang, feeling a little annoyed Zhao Li Xin put the hand that was holding the wine cup on his knee.

Meanwhile, Tao Ji Fang was wrestling with his thoughts. Even without being told Tao Ji Fang understood how serious the situation was right now and he couldn't avoid this matter even if he wanted to as this matter would sooner or later affect the safety of his sect and more important his family.

Zhao Li Xin watched Tao Ji Fang's change of expression with a straight face, actually, Zhao Li Xin was tired of talking too long with To Ji Fang and couldn't wait to finish the conversation and return to his wife.

"What do you want me to do?" Tao Ji Fang finally said.

'Thank God!' Zhao Li Xin rolled his eyes inwardly.

"Well, three days from now I will attack the Heaven Gate sect, don't worry about their protective array cause my people will handle it, so you can persuade those who don't like Wei Zu Tian and the Heaven Gate sect to join the attack, I believe is not hard to find people who don't like Wei Zu Tian and that disgusting sect, right?" Zhao Li Xin quipped then continue "Secondly I will send my people tomorrow to teach about Qi purification, I will teach you an easy way to kill Lao Min Na's creatures and I want you to spread this knowledge not only to your sect but also to other sects."

"You mean you have a way to kill those strange creatures easily?!" Tao Ji Fang suddenly stood up from his seat.

He had faced Lao Min Na's strange beast, although with his strength he had difficulties because the creature did not feel pain as a result many of his subordinates were killed at that time because they did not expect the creature to continue to attack aggressively even though their limbs have been cut off.

"Yes..." Zhao Li Xin answered shortly.

However, Tao Ji Fang hesitated he doesn't understand why Long Ming wanted to share this important knowledge with other people, he knew Long Ming wasn't a generous person, therefore, Tao Ji Fang asked suspiciously "Why are you sharing this important matter with me?"

"Because I don't have time, and none of my allies could reach Hwang Wu continent sect, because my allies are from Xin Fang continent and people from this continent are too stubborn, stupid and arrogant so they will not believe us so I leave the problem to you," Zhao Li Xin said while casually threw the wine cup after getting tired of holding it for too long then Zhao Li Xin rose from his chair.

"But why did you choose me we never knew each other?" Tao Ji Fang was confused.

Zhao Li Xin's gaze softened, and a gentle smile bloomed on his handsome face adding more charm to his already beautiful face "I don't know you but my wife knows you" Zhao Li Xin patted his robes then clasped his one hand behind his back as he strides out of the pavilion.

"Your wife?" Tao Ji Fang had no recollection of ever meeting Long Ming's wife.

Zhao Li Xin stopped his steps and turned around "Yes, you bought a lot of items from my wife yesterday right?" Zhao Li Xin's eyes glint mischievously

Tao Ji Fang immediately remembered the woman he met at the Little treasure shop, the woman he almost set up with his stupid son, was that woman Long ming's wife? Oh my god, he almost killed his own son!

"'s your wife?" Tao Ji Fang stammered.

Zhao Li Xin's face automatically softened whenever he thought about Lory, without needing an answer Tao Ji Fang understood that the woman he met was really Long Ming's wife.

Zhao Li Xin walked away showing his three fingers and then said, "Remember three more days!"

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