The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 981 Madam's Orders

After a long hour, Wu San Bo was finally able to make Guan Men Niang calm down, after that Wu San Bo let out a long exhales while reminding himself to be more careful in speaking but who told her to stupid enough to place her head inside the mouth of Lion, Wu San Bo let out a resigned sigh as he stared tiredly at Guan Men Niang who was currently sitting quietly eating cake and sipping tea but her eyes were still a bit swollen from earlier crying.

Wu San Bo then leans his head on his fist while casually asking "Is the cake good?"

Guan Men Niang nodded slowly, she avoided Wu San Bo's gaze feeling embarrassed that she was crying like a child in front of him.

suddenly the door of Guan men Niang's room was knocked on four times indicating that the person outside was part of the Hei Shen sect, four knocks meant four Hei Shen Palaces.

Soon the door was opened and a maidservant that Guan men Niang had seen before in the garden entered her room.

The maidservant cupped her fists and then bowed respectfully to Wu San Bo "Greeting to Palace King, Master Wu"

Wu San Bo raised his hand "Did you bring news from our Lord?"

"Answer master Wu, there's a direct order came from young madam as the beholder of Xin Shen token" the maid's expression shows the seriousness of the matter.

"Oh?" Wu San Bo was surprised Lory used his authority as the second commander in the Hei Shen sect, he could feel the gravity of the matter Wu San Bo then corrected his posture as he received Lory's orders, "What did young madam command to this loyal subordinate?" he respectfully ask.

Guan men Niang also got nervous when she see the aura around Wu San Bo become solemn, she quickly put down her chopsticks and wipe her mouth to appear more serious.

"Young madam said to speed up the plan to destroy the Heaven's Gate sect protective array, as the situation has become more chaotic we cannot wait any longer or war might break out between the sects and more lives would be lost when that happened the only winner will be Lao Min Na," she explained.

"Well, that's true," Wu San Bo agreed, "Lao Min Na won't care if we all die, I guess she doesn't care even if the Heaven's Gate sect is destroyed, just like the Misty Lake clan and Jin Kai situation, they will be discarded after they outlived their usefulness before she moves on to someone else to fulfill her needs."

"I heard Wei Zu Tian and Lao Min Na's relationship is getting closer, people even speculated she might marry Wei Zu Tian, even though ​​I don't know if it's true or not but until now Duan Shu Shu didn't deny or confirm it" Guan Men Niang adds on the information she knew.

"I doubt it true, marriage means long term entanglement with Wei Zu Tian and I don't think Lao Min Na will like that" Wu San Bo knew quite well about Lao Min Na's character after watching her for years but since Lao Min Na approached Wei Zu Tian it must be because she got a big plan and judging by Duan Shu Shu's attitude that allowed her to get close to her Son it seemed that they got mutual benefit and Wei Zu Tian was just their bridge.

Wu San Bo rubbed his jaw and let out a harsh snort, he thought it was really pathetic that the great 'Sun's King' is only a pawn that is used by women, he wonder if Wei Zu Tian realize it.

"Brother Mong Yi told me that young madam wants to obtain the Crimson Lightning sword as soon as possible the problem is that when we fight with the Heaven's Gate sect head's on when they lose, they will just run away to their sect to recuperate and after recovering their strength they will resume their fight again, when that happening it will be to our disadvantage who is fighting outside our territory, therefore, we must destroy the protective array first and then we can directly take the fight to their home by then we hope the Yu Jin city will be less affected," the maid explains again.

Wu San Bo crossed his arms on his chest and let out a long sigh, "By doing so fewer innocent victims will fall, however, in order to do that we must destroy the protective array first  because without it even with the help of Jiu Yun sect it will be difficult for us to fight with Heaven's Gate not to mention they might rope some stupid sects that eager to enter Yi Shan mountain to their side"

"Do they dare to challenge the Hei Shen sect? It's not like before after the news of Long Ming defeating Wei Zu Tian, the name of the Hei Shen sect rose tremendously in the Hwang Wu continent and many people started to be wary of the Hei Shen sect" said Guan Men Niang.

Wu San Bo sneered coldly, "There are a lot of stupid people so who knows how many people persuade by Wei Zu Tian's offer, and with the guarantee of protection from the protective array around Heaven gate, they might think there is no way they could lose to us even if they did, they could hide within the Heaven Gate sect and nothing we can do about it" a distant coldness flashed in his eyes as he calculated inwardly how many stupid sects would join the Heaven's Gate sect.

"We must immediately destroy the protective array!" Guan Men Niang suddenly exclaimed.

Wu San Bo, suddenly had a bad premonition thus he narrowed his eyes dangerously at Guan Men Niang "You have an idea, I presume?"

Under Wu San Bo's threatening gaze Guan Men Niang's voice got smaller and smaller "We...We can use...Gao Mo" she then averted his eyes from the angry Wu San Bo.

"No!" Wu San Bo quickly rebutted.

"But...but madam said it is urgent are you going to refuse madam's order?" Guan Men Niang deliberately brought Lory's name.

Wu San Bo felt conflicted, he couldn't deny Lory's orders but he also didn't want to put Guan Men Niang at great risk, therefore Wu San Bo was momentarily silent.

"There must be another way..." he finally said.

"But we don't have much time," Guan Men Niang pursed her lips "The more time we waste, the more out of control the situation will become. You yourself know that the situation inside and outside the Heaven's Gate Sect is getting tenser, who knows when war will suddenly break out. When that happens, not only will many innocent victims fall, but the Hei Shen sect will be put in danger as well" Guan Men Niang used Wu San Bo's loyalty to persuade him, turn out she learned a few things about how to manipulate people since she stayed in Heaven's gate sect, she didn't know should she be happy or worry.

But of course, Wu San Bo noticed Guan Men Niang's little tricks but he also had to admit that Guan Men Niang's words were right no matter what he couldn't put his sect in a dangerous situation.

"If...if I let you get close to Gao Mo..."

"Yes!" Guans men Niang reply excitedly.

"Wait, calm down…" Wu San Bo raised his index finger to warn her and Guan Men Niang quickly straightened her posture as she prepared to listen to Wu San Bo's orders just like a student would listen to his teacher's orders.

"If I allow you to approach Gao Mo, you must listen to all my orders to a tee, you can't improvise, or be spontaneous...everything should follow according to my direction" Wu San Bo gave him a warning look.

"Yes, I will!" Guan Men Niang replied obediently, in her mind she was excited she would take an important role to destroy the Heaven Gate sect, finally, he had a chance to take revenge.

"I will keep an eye on you," Wu San Bo raised his brows.

"Eh, you'll be watching me?" Guan men Niang was astonished she will not be left alone doing her task.

Wu San Bo looked at her and frowned "Of course, how else would I know you were following my orders, I also need to keep you safe!"

Guan Men Niang was touched she was secretly relieved that she would not be left alone with Gao Mo therefore she was determined to fulfill her duty without fail.

Meanwhile, Wu San Bo was tapping his fingers on the table even though his expression looked calm but the fast tapping of his fingers showed how fast his brain was working right now, that was because Wu San Bo knew he only had one chance to determine whether his plan would work or not.

Wu San Bo then turned his gaze back to Guan Men Niang, he sizes her up and down then nodded "First we need to come up with a plan, it should be simple and clear so no one makes mistakes but before that, I need to prepare you" a wide grin appears on Wu San Bo handsome face that somehow make Guan Men Niang a bit nervous.

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