The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 977 Make Your Choice

Skills can be taught, the experience can be built but the character is something you are born with, it is a part of you, although over time character can be improved still the basics of someone's character will remain the same, one cannot change someone with an indifferent personality suddenly become a busy-body person though you can teach him to be more sympathetic, and understanding but only to a certain degree, one cannot change other people character completely.

When it came to Tao Bing Wen, Lory was curious as to what his real character was like, was he just a selfish - spoilt brat as he shows, or was he more than that, it turned out that Lory's curiosity was right. Even though it's not much, the boy still has dignity, what do you know, the boy was not completely hopeless after all.

Suddenly Tao Bing Wen's body was flung into the air and then violently smashed into the wooden wall, His loud voice made People scream in panic and run out of the restaurant frantically, while Lory remained in her seat while calmly glancing outside seeing Tao Bing Wen's body roll like a ball, not long after that his body finally stopped and he lay on the ground with his face down.

"That looks hurt..." Lory muttered in a relaxed manner.

Mong Ki glanced at Tao Bing Wen who was lying helplessly then commented casually, "It's okay, he's only bruised on the outside"

"Wouldn't that be bad then…" Lory finished his tea and then casually walked out, accompanied by Mong Ki while Girsha perched on Lory's shoulder watching the commotion excitedly, while Tao Bing Wen was already surrounded by the laughing Iron Horse members.

Tao Bing wen could hear their cackled and scorn while pitifully his face was still kissing the ground, by now the pain in his body could not compare to the pain of being publicly humiliated.

"You should kneel down when we give you a chance," said one of the members of the Iron Horse sect.

"Everyone knows you are weak so why are you forcing yourself, now see what happens to you" another boy taunts.

"You know the brother you are fighting is the weaker among us, but you can't last five minutes against him. What a shame" he looked at Tao Bing Wen with deprecating looks.

Tao Bing Wen painstakingly pulled himself up from the ground then wiped the blood from his chapped lips, only now did he realize that his father had not hit him too hard all this time because compared to the blows he had just received from the members of the Iron Horse Sect was clearly far more painful.

"SHUT UP, I won't kneel in front of anyone!" Tao Bing Wen tightened her jaw for all she cared about, she was already humiliated, he wouldn't let his family and sect be dragged along with him maybe this was the first time he realized how useless he was.

The faces of the members of the Iron Horse sect turned red when they heard Tao Bing Wen's words, they did not expect that Tao Bing Wen would still persevere even though he had been beaten to death.


"Enough!" Lory's voice rang.

Lory's sudden interruption immediately stopped their movement, and everyone simultaneously turned their gaze to a humble-looking woman walking toward them, they wanted to yell at her but the dignified aura radiating from her was pressing down on them like a heavy mountain making them unable to move.

Like the red sea, the crowd in front of Lory split as Lory walked through the crowd, and for some reason, everyone become instantly quiet, Mong Ki see everyone's reaction and a flick of a smile swept his face for a second as he walks proudly behind her.

Some people try to look dignified, some learn to look like one but very few people are born with that kind of aura and Lory is among the few. Maybe the reason she developed a friendly and cheerful personality was a way to masquerade that aura

Lory was more or less aware of it but she knew her presence could make some people feel uncomfortable It was also one of the reasons even though she had so many admirers but so few people dared to ask her out and neither of those dates turned into anything close to a romantic relationship.

Tao Bing Wen was dumbfounded as he stare at Lory who walked toward him, it was hard to comprehend that this dignified woman was the same annoying girl before. Lory ignored Tao Bing Wen's shocked expression, she looked at him then asked calmly, "So what did you learn?"

Tao Bing Wen agape he didn't understand what Lory means.

Lory took a deep breath as she realize he didn't understand what she was saying, hence Lory then raised her index finger "first, you must avoid a fight you can't win except you are ready to fight to the death" Lory smiled meaningfully then she raised another finger "Secondly, you can't expect anyone else to fight for you, especially people you only know once, and lastly….this is the most important one so listen" Lory's expression deepens thus Tao Bing Wen subconsciously gulped nervously.

"You are weak, you have no foundation and you have no experience in actual combat, but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed, being weak is a choice and so is being strong so choose what you want?"

Tao Bing Wen wanted to speak but Lory's sharp gaze got his words stuck in his throat, he wanted to be strong but he didn't know if he could do it, more than anyone he knew his own ability, he had a weak will, he didn't like to get hurt, he lazy and tend to complain a lot when he through hardship, overall he was a quitter.

"Bah, how can a weak kid like him be strong?" The Iron Horse Sect Boy suddenly interrupted.

"Miss, I think you are wasting your time!" the others also chimed while everyone laughed mockingly.

Tao Bing Wen lowered his head while biting her lip in embarrassment sadly deep down he also agreed with them, wishing her to be strong was a waste of time.

Lory only glanced at the members of the Iron Horse Sect then with brief authority she called "Mong Ki"

Without prompting Mong Ki moves swiftly like a whirlwind he hits the iron horse sect members soon after one by one they fell to the ground like flies they don't even have time to make a sound cause everything happened so fast.

Tao Bing Wen's jaw dropped, how could Mong Ki be so strong!

Bit if Mong Ki was this strong why didn't they fight back when they were bullied by the Iron Horse members previously unless…they had their reasons.

Tao Bing Wen consecutively looked at Lory and Mong Ki curiously he wondered what their real identities were but it was not only Tao Bing Wen who was suspicious of Lory and Mong Ki the people who were also there also wondered who these people were who dared to interfere between the Iron Horse sect and the Sword Saint sect.

[Girl, you are attracting too much attention] Girsha warned.

Lory's mouth twitched in resignation [Yeah, I know....]

"We have to go," Lory said to Mong Ki and Girsha flew away as women and birds would be easy to spot on, Lory then turned to Tao Bing Wen and gave a playful grin, "See you later, kid!" Lory then walked away in a casual manner as usual.

Seeing her getting further and further away, Tao Bing Wen suddenly had a sudden urge in his chest and he shouted, "You… do you think I can be strong?" he looked at him expectantly.

Lory turned around then shrugged nonchalantly and smiled "I don't know, surprised me!" Lory waved her hand before she continued walking follow with Mong Ki.

Tao Bing Wen stood there silently as he watched Lory's figure slowly disappear among the crowd, after she was gone strangely his heart beat faster and faster as if something had erupted within him something he had never thought he has it… it was a sense of purpose, a goal to change to the better.

All of his life Tao Bing Wen had heard many words of encouragement from everyone including his own family but none could touch his heart as much as her words.

Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder, startled Tao Bing Wen turned around, turn out it was his father,  Tao Ji Fang.

"Father?" Tao Bing Wen was shocked.

Tao Jin Fang and his men had actually seen what was happening for quite a while at first he wanted to rush to help his son but he hesitated thinking maybe this is the right time for his son to learn a lesson so as not to cause trouble outside all the time.

Therefore Tao Ji Fang decided to wait and see the situation, he thought it would be nice if Tao Bing Wen learned to behave even though he didn't really expect it, but then Lory came and with his high cultivation he could hear Lory's words to Tao Bing Wen.

Not only was Tao Bing Wen even an old man like him was moved by Lory's words.

Honestly, Tao Ji Fang was always trying to find words that could incite Tao Bing Wen's desire to thrive but unfortunately, he never found the right words instead he end ups bickering with his son all the time but after listening to Lory's words and seeing Tao Bing Wen's reaction he knew something in his son's heart had changed and he was very grateful to Lory.

"That girl looks older than you" Tao Ji Fang suddenly made a strange comment.

Tao Bing Wen frowned, "I think she is…." he didn't know Lory's age.

"What's his name?" Tao Ji Fang continued to investigate.

Tao Bing Wen agape "I… I'm not sure?" he only realized now that he had never asked Lory's name.

Tao Ji Fang's brows furrowed he looked at his Son in utter disappointment "Why don't you ask her name?"

on the other hand, Tao Bing Wen didn't understand why his father looked upset with him "I forgot but I think her husband was Lu…something" Tao Bing Wen remembered that her Brother-in-law said they come to Yu Jin city to heal her sickly husband but now he wasn't sure if it was true.

"She is married?" Tao Jing Feng curls his lips downward, he appears quite disappointed.

"She is!" Tao Bing Wen looked at his father suspiciously, his father didn't think of taking her as a concubine right?!

Obviously, Tao Ji Fang didn't want to take Lory as his concubine instead he wanted to match the wise woman with his stupid son, alas, his son was out of luck, Tao Ji Fang sighed heavily then shook his head dejectedly "Why all the good ones are taken?"

"....." just to be safe Tao Bing Wen decides to send a letter to his mother later.

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